Saskatchewan Hunting Rules
- Saskatchewan is a popular place to hunt in Canadacanada map image by Vladislav Gajic from
Saskatchewan is very popular amongst hunters. According to the Government of Saskatchewan's website, each year approximately $107.5 million, or eight percent of the total tourist spending, comes from hunters. Those hunting in the area must follow all rules and regulations set forth by the government. These rules protect the hunter as well as others in the area. - The Saskatchewan government requires hunters to carry both a hunting license and a 2010 Wildlife Habitat Certificate at all times while hunting. In 2010, the Wildlife Habitat Certifice was $10.79 and available from vendors as well as by mail, internet, or phone. To order by phone, call 306-787-2847. Licenses can be ordered online at Hunting license prices vary depending on the game. Some licenses require a hunter to apply for a Big Game Draw, a lottery which awards specific animal licenses not offered to the public. A hunter may not hold a regular license for the same species, hold two licenses at the same time, hold or apply for a license while suspended or carry another person's licence, seal or certificate while hunting.
- Hunters may not discharge a firearm at night from roads, road allowances and ditches, or shoot across or along a highway or grid road. The use of artificial light or night vision for the purpose of hunting is not permitted. Additionally, hunters are not permitted to hunt or trap within 500 metres of a building, stockade or corral occupied by people or livestock without permission, hunt big game with a rifle, hunt without wearing a scarlet, bright yellow, blaze orange or white outer suit from the waist up, including headgear, or hunt wildlife one-half hour after sunset to one-half hour before sunrise.
- Hunters cannot carry a loaded firearm in a vehicle or on horseback, use a vehicle or power boat to chase wildlife, use an aircraft for any purpose connected to searching for, hunting, or killing wildlife; or carry or transport a firearm through a game preserve, wildlife refuge, wildlife management unit, regional park, provincial park, protected area or recreation site that is closed to hunting unless the firearm is encased and in a vehicle.
- The edible flesh of a game bird or big game animal must not be abandoned, wasted, destroyed or allowed to spoil, the only exception being bears. Hunters are not permitted to retrieve a wounded animal after legal hunting hours without consent from a conservation officer. Additional information, such as bag limits for each type of huntable animal, can be accessed on the Saskatchewan Hunting website.
General Rules
Vehicle Rules
Kill Rules