Definition of Slug, Shotgun Slug, Rifle Slug, Etc
The term "slug" has a number of definitions in the firearms world.
1) [noun]: A projectile (bullet) designed for use in a shotgun. May be loaded into a shotgun shell (most often) or separately loaded into a muzzleloading shotgun.
2) [noun, slang]: Informally, "slug" can be used as a synonym for "bullet." It does not refer to a single piece of shot; only to singly-fired projectiles.
3) [verb]: To determine the smallest interior diameter of a gun barrel by means of driving a soft lead "slug" through it; the slug is swaged in the process, and is measured when it emerges.
4) [noun]: The cylindrical lead slug used in measuring a gun's bore (see definition 3 above).
- Russ Chastain
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