How to Stack a Wedding Cake with Seperator Plates and Pillars
- 1). Place all of your cakes on separator plates. This makes it easier to stack them.
- 2). Take the middle layer of cake on its separator plate and carefully press it onto the bottom tier where you want it to go. You should only press hard enough to get an imprint of where the pillars attach. Repeat this with the top tier onto the middle tier. There should be four imprints on the bottom and middle tiers of cake.
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Thinner dowels work better.dowel pin image by Jim Mills from
Place one of your wooden dowels in an indentation. Stick it all the way in so that it goes right through to the bottom and touches the separator plate. Pull the dowel all the way out and cut it with scissors at the point where the cake crumbs stop. Use the piece that you cut as a guide line. You need seven more this exact same size. - 4
Stack pillars largest to smallest with the largest on the cake image by Cindy Haggerty from
Attach your pillars to the bottom of the separator plates. Set the pillars and the layer above firmly over the dowels. You must make sure that you get the pillars over the dowels or your cake will topple. Repeat this step with the smallest tier on top of the middle tier.