Costa Rican Wood Crafts
- Understand the stories. These masks are ceremonial and help tell the story of the Spanish conquest. Male members of the tribe wear masks representing demons which give them the power to drive out the Spanish. In the dance, the Boruca win over their invaders. It's re-enactment is seen as an assertion that they have survived as a people with their identity still intact.
- Costa Rica hosts a lovely photograph gallery online where you can see approximately twenty examples of these masks made of balsa wood and cedar. Depictions include pumas, cheetahs, toucans, frogs and other highly styled native animal species.
- Watch the great video. YouTube has a remarkable four and a half minute video showing an artist hand painting some of these masks as well as offering a great bit of background information (under more information).
- Visit a Costa Rica gift shop. Especially if you are on or near the reservation, you can purchase these handcrafted masks at select gift shops. This helps support the Boruca Indians as well as providing a meaningful cultural exchange for yourself and your family.
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