Best Hair Loss Treatment - Drugs Or Natural Cures?
What is the best hair loss treatment that you can either buy or make yourself at home? There are only two out there - pharmaceutical drugs and natural cures.
Drugs There are currently two FDA approved drugs for treating hair loss.
Minoxidil was originally a drug used for treating high blood pressure.
But a pleasant side effect of stopping hair loss was discovered.
It comes in the form of a liquid or foam to be applied to the head.
Unfortunately there are side effects.
For instance, Wikipedia lists chest pain, decreased sexual desire, irregular heart beat and many more.
Finasteride was originally a drug for men with prostate enlargement.
But many men also found that it stopped their hair loss.
Unfortunately there are side effects such as breast gland enlargement and erectile dysfunction.
Natural Cures Natural cures often get a bad press because there are many con artists out there selling useless remedies.
For example, there are a number of natural hair supplements out there that claim to stop your hair loss.
Whilst nutrition is important and I do advise getting specific nutrients in your diet, they alone will not stop your hair loss and are only part of the solution.
So please be skeptical of any claims by supplement manufacturers that a single pill will be the magic bullet cure for your hair loss The best natural hair loss treatment is a herbal derived hair tonic.
Much like Minoxidil, these hair tonics are applied to the scalp and work directly on the follicles to nutrify them.
The big difference with a natural hair tonic is that you can make it yourself at home and you won't get any of the side effects that you get with all pharmaceutical drugs.
Oh, and it's much cheaper to make it yourself too!
Drugs There are currently two FDA approved drugs for treating hair loss.
Minoxidil was originally a drug used for treating high blood pressure.
But a pleasant side effect of stopping hair loss was discovered.
It comes in the form of a liquid or foam to be applied to the head.
Unfortunately there are side effects.
For instance, Wikipedia lists chest pain, decreased sexual desire, irregular heart beat and many more.
Finasteride was originally a drug for men with prostate enlargement.
But many men also found that it stopped their hair loss.
Unfortunately there are side effects such as breast gland enlargement and erectile dysfunction.
Natural Cures Natural cures often get a bad press because there are many con artists out there selling useless remedies.
For example, there are a number of natural hair supplements out there that claim to stop your hair loss.
Whilst nutrition is important and I do advise getting specific nutrients in your diet, they alone will not stop your hair loss and are only part of the solution.
So please be skeptical of any claims by supplement manufacturers that a single pill will be the magic bullet cure for your hair loss The best natural hair loss treatment is a herbal derived hair tonic.
Much like Minoxidil, these hair tonics are applied to the scalp and work directly on the follicles to nutrify them.
The big difference with a natural hair tonic is that you can make it yourself at home and you won't get any of the side effects that you get with all pharmaceutical drugs.
Oh, and it's much cheaper to make it yourself too!