Good English Grammar - Use "Lose" and "Loose" Correctly
The Problem Many speakers and writers of English, native speakers as well as non-native speakers, use the words "lose" and "loose" incorrectly in writing.
These words do not mean the same thing and can certainly make others perceive that your command of grammar in English is poor.
This error does not usually manifest itself in spoken English because speakers pronounce the words correctly.
The word "lose" rhymes with "ooze," while the word "loose" rhymes with "goose.
" When we write, however, some of us tend to confuse the spelling of these two words.
It is not unusual, for example, to see sentences such as the following: Lose used incorrectly: Mike wore a belt that was lose around his waist.
Loose used incorrectly: Lachman thinks that Bristol will loose its match against Manchester.
These expressions affect your credibility as a writer.
If you are a student, your professors or teachers may believe that you have not put in the effort required to write effectively in English.
This perception may affect your grades or marks because teachers perceive this error as egregious, when in fact it might be a simple oversight.
If you are an employee, your boss or supervisor may perceive that you are careless or that you do not command the English language effectively enough to be trusted with the responsibility of writing material for the company.
Customers expect that communications from a firm be grammatical and clear.
Do not let this error, either out of carelessness or ignorance, prevent you from achieving your goals.
The Solution The solution to this error is first to recognize it as an error.
Understand what these words mean.
Definition of "lose": One definition of "lose" is to misplace.
Another definition is to be defeated by an opponent.
These are, by far, the most common uses.
Definition of "loose": The meaning of "loose" is "not tight," free of obstacles, not tight, detached.
A Simple Mnemonic Device A "mnemonic" is simply a tool to help you remember something.
The key to remembering which version is correct is to remember a simple rhyme.
Mnemonic for "loose": Just say, "Loose as a goose.
" We all know that the word "goose" has two o's and that "goose" rhymes with "loose.
" You could also remember "The moose is loose.
" Again, the word "moose" has two o's.
So remember: If it rhymes with "moose" or "goose," use "loose.
" If it does not rhyme, choose "lose.
" Loose used correctly: Mike wore a belt that was loose around his waist.
Lose used correctly: Lachman thinks that Bristol will lose its match against Manchester.
These words do not mean the same thing and can certainly make others perceive that your command of grammar in English is poor.
This error does not usually manifest itself in spoken English because speakers pronounce the words correctly.
The word "lose" rhymes with "ooze," while the word "loose" rhymes with "goose.
" When we write, however, some of us tend to confuse the spelling of these two words.
It is not unusual, for example, to see sentences such as the following: Lose used incorrectly: Mike wore a belt that was lose around his waist.
Loose used incorrectly: Lachman thinks that Bristol will loose its match against Manchester.
These expressions affect your credibility as a writer.
If you are a student, your professors or teachers may believe that you have not put in the effort required to write effectively in English.
This perception may affect your grades or marks because teachers perceive this error as egregious, when in fact it might be a simple oversight.
If you are an employee, your boss or supervisor may perceive that you are careless or that you do not command the English language effectively enough to be trusted with the responsibility of writing material for the company.
Customers expect that communications from a firm be grammatical and clear.
Do not let this error, either out of carelessness or ignorance, prevent you from achieving your goals.
The Solution The solution to this error is first to recognize it as an error.
Understand what these words mean.
Definition of "lose": One definition of "lose" is to misplace.
Another definition is to be defeated by an opponent.
These are, by far, the most common uses.
Definition of "loose": The meaning of "loose" is "not tight," free of obstacles, not tight, detached.
A Simple Mnemonic Device A "mnemonic" is simply a tool to help you remember something.
The key to remembering which version is correct is to remember a simple rhyme.
Mnemonic for "loose": Just say, "Loose as a goose.
" We all know that the word "goose" has two o's and that "goose" rhymes with "loose.
" You could also remember "The moose is loose.
" Again, the word "moose" has two o's.
So remember: If it rhymes with "moose" or "goose," use "loose.
" If it does not rhyme, choose "lose.
" Loose used correctly: Mike wore a belt that was loose around his waist.
Lose used correctly: Lachman thinks that Bristol will lose its match against Manchester.