Marathon Training Program - From The Couch To The Finish Line
NOTE: Before starting any exercise program or sporting activity always consult your Physician, GP or Medical Practitioner.
Marathon The marathon is a long-distance endurance foot race with an official distance of 42.
195 kilometres (26 miles and 385 yards) that is usually run as a road race.
The marathon was one of the original modern Olympic events in 1896, though the distance did not become standardized until the 20th century.
More than 500 marathons are held throughout the world each year, with the vast majority of competitors being recreational athletes.
Half Marathon The half marathon as the name suggests is a long distance endurance foot race that is half the distance of a marathon at 21.
0975 kilometres (13.
1094 mi).
In recent years the half-marathon has been reported as the fastest growing type of race.
Marathon Training The marathon season is soon upon us again and runners everywhere will be developing marathon-training programs aimed at making themselves ready for the race.
The whole point of training is to prepare your body, to make sure it is used to the kind of demand that will be placed on it during the race, while ensuring it remains injury free.
The answer to running a successful marathon is ensuring you are prepared, this means not just following a training plan but also making sure the efficiency of your movement is the best possible.
This will ensure, you don't develop injuries, or at least, will help in preventing injuries while ensuring you achieve optimal race performance.
Marathon Training Plan The ideal time frame to train for a marathon is 16 weeks before the Marathon The best way to plan your running over that timeframe is to: • Decide on your goal-pace and make sure by the 10th week you are running at it.
• Run 3 times per week • Do a strength and flexibility training exercise e.
yoga twice a week and/or core and strength training.
• Get on the bike - increasing time to keep up cardio but low impact once a week • Have one complete rest day • Gradually increase the number of miles you run, you should aim to be running 17 - 20 miles six weeks before the marathon • Keep to two short runs during the week.
Do long run on a Sunday morning.
• The long run should be tapered down to shorter runs during the four weeks before the marathon.
At 2 weeks, it should only be short runs.
An Overall week should look something like this: Monday - Stretches, Massage/TPT (Trigger Point Therapy) Tuesday - Short Run Wednesday - Strength & Flexibility Training Thursday - Short Run Friday - Strength & Flexibility Saturday - Bike for 1 hour - low impact cardio training Sunday - Long Run.
Dynamic Lower Limb Stretches - Warming Up for your Run To ensure you prevent injury make sure you do dynamic lower limb stretches before running sessions, these will cover the hamstrings, calves and quads and ensure tension is released; the stretch should continue until movement feels free and there is no tension in the muscles.
• Pelvic Tilts - to loosen the hips • Dynamic Hamstring Stretches • Figure of Eight Stretch • Walking Lunges • High Step Lunges Stretch Exercises - Warming Down after your Run Doing stretch exercise to warm down after your exercise sessions helps alleviate tensions or soreness, and prevent injuries.
• Hamstring stretch • Calf Stretch • Backstretch • Quad stretch • Side stretch What are Altered Biomechanics? Altered biomechanics for the lower limb is when the pelvis, knee and ankle joints are not in proper alignment during movement.
This is due to poor posture which leads to muscle tension, stiffness of the joints and power muscles.
Poor posture, which often originates from long hours sitting at a desk, also leads to the core and bottom muscles becoming weak and de-conditioned.
These muscles are the key muscles used in running.
When they are not properly activated, other muscles like the back, hamstrings and calf muscles then over-compensate, due to this the key muscles are not working properly or efficiently and an injury is likely to occur.
What is a Biomechanical Assessment? A biomechanical assessment is an evaluation of the alignment of the pelvis, lower limb and body position during movement.
This evaluation includes checking muscle balance and the angular range of motion between the pelvis, the joints and the different segments of the foot and leg.
Having a Biomechanical Assessment with a Physiotherapist at the beginning of your training will ensure that issues are identified and dealt with so you can enjoy a successful marathon.
Nutrition Everything you eat is fuel to the body so eating healthy through training is very important.
Meals need to be well balanced with the right amount of protein and carbohydrates.
Also, eating plenty of fruit and vegetables will ensure your body is topped up with the right vitamins and minerals, especially needed to keep up the immune system.
The night before long runs, make it a habit to eat a higher proportion of carbohydrates.
This also applies on the night before shorter runs.
Always make sure to re-hydrate after a run to get fluid and nutrients immediately back in the body.
Have a meal one hour later.
Eating well throughout prepares the body before a run and then assists in the body's repairs, prevents injury and enhances overall performance.
Sleep / Rest By now you should know your body and how many hours sleep you require.
For some people it is 6 hours, and some people need minimum 8 hours.
If you don't know I will say a minimum of 8 hours applies.
Plenty of rest is important for the body to repair itself and to prevent injury.
So make sure you get it throughout your training.
Marathon The marathon is a long-distance endurance foot race with an official distance of 42.
195 kilometres (26 miles and 385 yards) that is usually run as a road race.
The marathon was one of the original modern Olympic events in 1896, though the distance did not become standardized until the 20th century.
More than 500 marathons are held throughout the world each year, with the vast majority of competitors being recreational athletes.
Half Marathon The half marathon as the name suggests is a long distance endurance foot race that is half the distance of a marathon at 21.
0975 kilometres (13.
1094 mi).
In recent years the half-marathon has been reported as the fastest growing type of race.
Marathon Training The marathon season is soon upon us again and runners everywhere will be developing marathon-training programs aimed at making themselves ready for the race.
The whole point of training is to prepare your body, to make sure it is used to the kind of demand that will be placed on it during the race, while ensuring it remains injury free.
The answer to running a successful marathon is ensuring you are prepared, this means not just following a training plan but also making sure the efficiency of your movement is the best possible.
This will ensure, you don't develop injuries, or at least, will help in preventing injuries while ensuring you achieve optimal race performance.
Marathon Training Plan The ideal time frame to train for a marathon is 16 weeks before the Marathon The best way to plan your running over that timeframe is to: • Decide on your goal-pace and make sure by the 10th week you are running at it.
• Run 3 times per week • Do a strength and flexibility training exercise e.
yoga twice a week and/or core and strength training.
• Get on the bike - increasing time to keep up cardio but low impact once a week • Have one complete rest day • Gradually increase the number of miles you run, you should aim to be running 17 - 20 miles six weeks before the marathon • Keep to two short runs during the week.
Do long run on a Sunday morning.
• The long run should be tapered down to shorter runs during the four weeks before the marathon.
At 2 weeks, it should only be short runs.
An Overall week should look something like this: Monday - Stretches, Massage/TPT (Trigger Point Therapy) Tuesday - Short Run Wednesday - Strength & Flexibility Training Thursday - Short Run Friday - Strength & Flexibility Saturday - Bike for 1 hour - low impact cardio training Sunday - Long Run.
Dynamic Lower Limb Stretches - Warming Up for your Run To ensure you prevent injury make sure you do dynamic lower limb stretches before running sessions, these will cover the hamstrings, calves and quads and ensure tension is released; the stretch should continue until movement feels free and there is no tension in the muscles.
• Pelvic Tilts - to loosen the hips • Dynamic Hamstring Stretches • Figure of Eight Stretch • Walking Lunges • High Step Lunges Stretch Exercises - Warming Down after your Run Doing stretch exercise to warm down after your exercise sessions helps alleviate tensions or soreness, and prevent injuries.
• Hamstring stretch • Calf Stretch • Backstretch • Quad stretch • Side stretch What are Altered Biomechanics? Altered biomechanics for the lower limb is when the pelvis, knee and ankle joints are not in proper alignment during movement.
This is due to poor posture which leads to muscle tension, stiffness of the joints and power muscles.
Poor posture, which often originates from long hours sitting at a desk, also leads to the core and bottom muscles becoming weak and de-conditioned.
These muscles are the key muscles used in running.
When they are not properly activated, other muscles like the back, hamstrings and calf muscles then over-compensate, due to this the key muscles are not working properly or efficiently and an injury is likely to occur.
What is a Biomechanical Assessment? A biomechanical assessment is an evaluation of the alignment of the pelvis, lower limb and body position during movement.
This evaluation includes checking muscle balance and the angular range of motion between the pelvis, the joints and the different segments of the foot and leg.
Having a Biomechanical Assessment with a Physiotherapist at the beginning of your training will ensure that issues are identified and dealt with so you can enjoy a successful marathon.
Nutrition Everything you eat is fuel to the body so eating healthy through training is very important.
Meals need to be well balanced with the right amount of protein and carbohydrates.
Also, eating plenty of fruit and vegetables will ensure your body is topped up with the right vitamins and minerals, especially needed to keep up the immune system.
The night before long runs, make it a habit to eat a higher proportion of carbohydrates.
This also applies on the night before shorter runs.
Always make sure to re-hydrate after a run to get fluid and nutrients immediately back in the body.
Have a meal one hour later.
Eating well throughout prepares the body before a run and then assists in the body's repairs, prevents injury and enhances overall performance.
Sleep / Rest By now you should know your body and how many hours sleep you require.
For some people it is 6 hours, and some people need minimum 8 hours.
If you don't know I will say a minimum of 8 hours applies.
Plenty of rest is important for the body to repair itself and to prevent injury.
So make sure you get it throughout your training.