How Does a Scrapbook Work?
- A scrapbook is an album that individuals put together to hold their pictures, newspaper clippings and other various memorabilia. Scrapbooks are more elaborate than regular photo albums and the pages often follow a theme. These pages also help tell a story. Phrases and words are also used throughout the pages in many different designs. A scrapbook consists of a hard outer cover, page inserts, page covers and three prongs to hold all the pages together.
- The first item you need to create a scrapbook is the book itself. You choose the book based on what you are planning on putting in the scrapbook. For example, you may have wedding photos that you want to organize it to a scrapbook so you would buy a white and silver book with wedding bells on it. Next you need to buy some scrapbook pages to go in the book. These are plain hard pages with clear pockets to slide your pages in for protection. Now you need to buy some decorated scrapbooking paper for your album. There are all different kinds and you can buy some that match your theme. Scrapbookers also use scissors with patterned edges, paper cutters, paper crimpers, stencils, templates, card stock, glue sticks, double sided tape, sticker letters, foam letters and shapes and much more.
- A person can upload their digital photos to their computer and insert them in to pre-designed scrapbook templates. You can buy a software program that has these templates or you can find a web based program to use. Digital scrapbooks can be emailed and shared with family members with ease and for free. Once you complete the digital scrapbook you may decide that you want a physical copy of it. Some sites will let you order the scrapbook to be printed and mailed to you and others will let you print it out at home. Digital scrapbook is a great way to create memories and keep them safe.
What is a Scrapbook?
Scrapbooking Materials
Digital Scrapbooking