Heart Attack Symptoms
Why is it crucial to recognize early heart attack warning signs? Time in acquiring treatment is the most important component in surviving a heart attack.
These signs are often ignored by many victims and this places them in quick danger of their condition progressing to a more grave attack and even sudden cardiac arrest or death.
If early signs are recognized and medical checkup assistance is sought immediately, the chances of a cardiac arrest are considerably reduced.
When someone is displaying heart attack signs, 911 should be called immediately.
The difference between knowing the early signs and calling for help early could mean life or death.
Early heart attack symptoms are:
They brush aside the signs that are telling them a full-blown attack is happening.
Would you believe that one in fifty heart attacks goes completely undiagnosed - even by health care professionals? It is the obligation of every individual to know what to look for and to be an advocate for his or her own health.
Even though many times an attack is prompted by physical exertion, there are many times when a person will get a attack with no warning.
While chest pains that may travel into the left arm is the most common symptom of an attack, many victims, especially women, may suffer an attack with none of the known symptoms.
One of the first early symptoms is a shortness of breath.
If you find yourself having a hard time breathing, be aware that you could be experiencing an early symptom.
If you feel like someone is sitting on your chest or you feel like someone is squeezing inside your chest, you need to get yourself checked out right away as this is one of the most common of the early symptoms.
Other symptoms include a hurting or pain that spreads to the shoulder, neck, jaws and/or arms.
Anxiety, cold perspiring skin, irregular heart rate, and paleness are also early signs.
No Early Symptoms Silent heart attacks can happen especially to those with prior heart attacks and who have diabetes and are over the age of 65 and those prone to strokes.
The symptoms of a silent attack can be vague and mild but one must remember that they can be just as serious and life threatening as heart attacks with a severe chest pain.
Women are more likely than men to have silent attacks called myocardial infarctions (MI).
This condition is known as "silent ischemia", which some experts attribute to the brain abnormally processing of heart pain.
Also one must be aware that an attack silent or not - the heart muscle is still damaged.
This damage can be diagnosed during a Doctor's examination.
To sum up, silent heart attacks are defined as attacks that have no signs or symptoms, and often go undetected.
This means that a silent event gives you no early warning signs of an imminent heart attack.
If you have shortness of breath or fatigue, it is possible that you have already had an attack, and the damage to your heart may be continuing to cause you further problems, such as restricting your circulation.
The only way to tell for sure whether you have had a heart attack is to see a cardiologist and have a series of tests.
Better yet - call 911.
Conclusion Heart disease information and identifying early symptoms has not been excessively successful at preventing heart problems.
Most important, you will know where to go and what to do if you, or someone you care about, ever experiences early heart attack symptoms.
Not enough people know about the early heart problem signs.
Many people experiencing early symptoms don't want to go to the hospital.
According to a study of women's early signs, women have more unrecognized attacks than men and are more probable to be mistakenly diagnosed and discharged from emergency rooms without the proper treatment.
Above all else, please remember that the most crucial risk factor is the presence of any early heart attack symptoms and your quick and proper response to that symptom.
These signs are often ignored by many victims and this places them in quick danger of their condition progressing to a more grave attack and even sudden cardiac arrest or death.
If early signs are recognized and medical checkup assistance is sought immediately, the chances of a cardiac arrest are considerably reduced.
When someone is displaying heart attack signs, 911 should be called immediately.
The difference between knowing the early signs and calling for help early could mean life or death.
Early heart attack symptoms are:
- Uncomfortable pressure, fullness, squeezing, or painful sensation in the chest lasting more than a few minutes.
Please note that the painfulness may go away temporary but will go back evenly as dreadful if not more painful. - The pain often spreads to the shoulders, neck, jaw or arms.
- People suffering from a heart attack will feel both chest discomfort and light headedness which often lead to fainting.
- Sweating, nausea and vomiting are common.
- Shortness of breath.
- Apprehension, anxiousness and despondence.
They brush aside the signs that are telling them a full-blown attack is happening.
Would you believe that one in fifty heart attacks goes completely undiagnosed - even by health care professionals? It is the obligation of every individual to know what to look for and to be an advocate for his or her own health.
Even though many times an attack is prompted by physical exertion, there are many times when a person will get a attack with no warning.
While chest pains that may travel into the left arm is the most common symptom of an attack, many victims, especially women, may suffer an attack with none of the known symptoms.
One of the first early symptoms is a shortness of breath.
If you find yourself having a hard time breathing, be aware that you could be experiencing an early symptom.
If you feel like someone is sitting on your chest or you feel like someone is squeezing inside your chest, you need to get yourself checked out right away as this is one of the most common of the early symptoms.
Other symptoms include a hurting or pain that spreads to the shoulder, neck, jaws and/or arms.
Anxiety, cold perspiring skin, irregular heart rate, and paleness are also early signs.
No Early Symptoms Silent heart attacks can happen especially to those with prior heart attacks and who have diabetes and are over the age of 65 and those prone to strokes.
The symptoms of a silent attack can be vague and mild but one must remember that they can be just as serious and life threatening as heart attacks with a severe chest pain.
Women are more likely than men to have silent attacks called myocardial infarctions (MI).
This condition is known as "silent ischemia", which some experts attribute to the brain abnormally processing of heart pain.
Also one must be aware that an attack silent or not - the heart muscle is still damaged.
This damage can be diagnosed during a Doctor's examination.
To sum up, silent heart attacks are defined as attacks that have no signs or symptoms, and often go undetected.
This means that a silent event gives you no early warning signs of an imminent heart attack.
If you have shortness of breath or fatigue, it is possible that you have already had an attack, and the damage to your heart may be continuing to cause you further problems, such as restricting your circulation.
The only way to tell for sure whether you have had a heart attack is to see a cardiologist and have a series of tests.
Better yet - call 911.
Conclusion Heart disease information and identifying early symptoms has not been excessively successful at preventing heart problems.
Most important, you will know where to go and what to do if you, or someone you care about, ever experiences early heart attack symptoms.
Not enough people know about the early heart problem signs.
Many people experiencing early symptoms don't want to go to the hospital.
According to a study of women's early signs, women have more unrecognized attacks than men and are more probable to be mistakenly diagnosed and discharged from emergency rooms without the proper treatment.
Above all else, please remember that the most crucial risk factor is the presence of any early heart attack symptoms and your quick and proper response to that symptom.