Penile Enlargement Pills - How to Get the Penis Size You"re Really After
Penile enlargement pills are the hottest selling supplements on the market.
They have been shown to get many men bigger manhoods.
But how do they compare to the other options out there? Are they really effective? First, let's compare penis pills to your other options.
There's always penile surgery.
This can be dangerous, and usually only gives you a ½ inch increase in length.
There are also extenders and exercises.
These can give you some results, usually in the one to two inch range.
Penile pills, on the other hand, have given men results of up to 4 inches.
This may sound incredible, but when you know the science behind it, it's really quite logical.
Penis pills work cure herbs increase the blood flow to your genital area.
Some of the herbs that they use are ginkgo biloba and horny goat weed.
By increasing the blood flow, you expand the corpus cavernosa.
This causes slight damage to the tissue.
The body repairs the damage, making the tissue larger than before.
So from the increase blood flow, you will see an immediate boost in size of about an inch.
After several weeks of using the pills, you will gradually add additional inches.
At about six months, some men have gained as much as 4 inches.
At that point, you usually cannot gain any more length.
You can stop taking the pills, but you will see a decrease in size of about an inch.
This is from the lessening of the blood flow.
However, you do keep most of the sides gained over the course of taking the penile enlargement pills.
They have been shown to get many men bigger manhoods.
But how do they compare to the other options out there? Are they really effective? First, let's compare penis pills to your other options.
There's always penile surgery.
This can be dangerous, and usually only gives you a ½ inch increase in length.
There are also extenders and exercises.
These can give you some results, usually in the one to two inch range.
Penile pills, on the other hand, have given men results of up to 4 inches.
This may sound incredible, but when you know the science behind it, it's really quite logical.
Penis pills work cure herbs increase the blood flow to your genital area.
Some of the herbs that they use are ginkgo biloba and horny goat weed.
By increasing the blood flow, you expand the corpus cavernosa.
This causes slight damage to the tissue.
The body repairs the damage, making the tissue larger than before.
So from the increase blood flow, you will see an immediate boost in size of about an inch.
After several weeks of using the pills, you will gradually add additional inches.
At about six months, some men have gained as much as 4 inches.
At that point, you usually cannot gain any more length.
You can stop taking the pills, but you will see a decrease in size of about an inch.
This is from the lessening of the blood flow.
However, you do keep most of the sides gained over the course of taking the penile enlargement pills.