What is Corrective Exercise?
Do you suffer from any kind of back pain, knee, hip, ankle, shoulder or neck pain? Do you suffer from low energy or persistent headaches? Do you want to look, feel and perform better in you life? If you are one of these people, a corrective exercise programme is around the corner waiting to change your life!
Corrective exercise is the precise training method that will keep your body in balance by addressing exactly what the body needs. Through resistance training, stretching, breathing and movement coaching you will discover what it really is like to feel physically good!
Unfortunately we live in a society that encourages various habits and lifestyles that create muscle imbalances. These imbalances pull our posture and joints out of position and leave our bodies open to aches and pains. Our faulty body positions and subsequent movements lead to a number of problems including:
- Altered breathing patterns
- Impeded blood flow
- Compression of nerves and muscles
- Inflammation and pain
Corrective exercise training addresses these imbalances. It counteracts your daily movements and bad habits that are causing your body harm by stretching out the overworked muscles and strengthening the weak under-used ones to bring physical balance back to your life.
Benefits of corrective exercise include:
- Ideal posture
- Stronger muscles
- Increased energy & fitness
- Improved blood flow
- Greater sense of well-being
There are no generalisations when it comes to corrective exercise training. Each body is unique and tells a different story. We therefore each require a different training routine to bring the balance back.
Corrective exercise can benefit everybody, simply because very few people in the world are in perfect physical balance. The majority of us that perform jobs where sitting for long periods is required are some of the most in need for corrective exercise, but others can benefit too. Examples include:
- Athletes often develop muscle imbalances through training patterns & movements that emphasise particular muscle groups.
- Manual workers that perform repetitive movements every day will often complain of aches and pains.
Pain is not a necessary presence in our lives. It is something that can and should be eradicated through Corrective Exercise Training. Go ahead and change your life today!
By discovering how your body really should work you will become more balanced, have improved posture, improved health as a result and become pain free. Your body wants to be healthy, happy and able to respond to any challenge you put in front of it. Give it the chance to do that!
Corrective exercise is the precise training method that will keep your body in balance by addressing exactly what the body needs. Through resistance training, stretching, breathing and movement coaching you will discover what it really is like to feel physically good!
Unfortunately we live in a society that encourages various habits and lifestyles that create muscle imbalances. These imbalances pull our posture and joints out of position and leave our bodies open to aches and pains. Our faulty body positions and subsequent movements lead to a number of problems including:
- Altered breathing patterns
- Impeded blood flow
- Compression of nerves and muscles
- Inflammation and pain
Corrective exercise training addresses these imbalances. It counteracts your daily movements and bad habits that are causing your body harm by stretching out the overworked muscles and strengthening the weak under-used ones to bring physical balance back to your life.
Benefits of corrective exercise include:
- Ideal posture
- Stronger muscles
- Increased energy & fitness
- Improved blood flow
- Greater sense of well-being
There are no generalisations when it comes to corrective exercise training. Each body is unique and tells a different story. We therefore each require a different training routine to bring the balance back.
Corrective exercise can benefit everybody, simply because very few people in the world are in perfect physical balance. The majority of us that perform jobs where sitting for long periods is required are some of the most in need for corrective exercise, but others can benefit too. Examples include:
- Athletes often develop muscle imbalances through training patterns & movements that emphasise particular muscle groups.
- Manual workers that perform repetitive movements every day will often complain of aches and pains.
Pain is not a necessary presence in our lives. It is something that can and should be eradicated through Corrective Exercise Training. Go ahead and change your life today!
By discovering how your body really should work you will become more balanced, have improved posture, improved health as a result and become pain free. Your body wants to be healthy, happy and able to respond to any challenge you put in front of it. Give it the chance to do that!