One Mistake You Won" t Want To Make If You Want Her Back
Did you and your girlfriend just break up? If so, let me first say that I'm sorry.
However, you must try not to feel too bad right now. I know that's much easier said than done.
Here's something that will make you feel better:
More than 50% of couples that break up actually get back together within one week.
Yes, you read that right! There is hope and you mustn't give up just yet, especially if it's only been a few days since the break-up.
It wasn't that long ago that I was in your shoes. My girlfriend and I got into a knockdown, drag-out brawl at the local pub and she ended up storming out on me.
At first I didn't want to believe it, but it was all my fault. I had hadtoo much to drink and started flirting with the bartender right in front of her.
I know it was a bad move, and I definitely deserved what I got. However, I was truly upset and all I could think about was how much I wanted her back.
Are you feeling the same way? Well, if you are it's perfectly normal.
However, if you really want her back, you have to go about it the right way. One simple mistake could jeopardize the entire future of your relationship!
If there is one misktake that you definitely can't make, it's:
Trying To Get Her Back Too Soon - This is a fatal error that lots of guys make when they are trying to get their ex back. As long as she's still angry chances are that she won't even consider talking to you, nevermind taking you back.
Allow plenty of time for the dust to settle, and you stand a much better chance of being reunited. Don't be one of those guys that screws up their chances by being impatient.
How Long Should You Wait?
Well, some experts believe the answer to this question could be months. If she really loves you and it's meant to be, then she won't go out with anyone else in that time and she'll be thinking about you just as much as you are her. However, it varies from situation to situation.
However, you must try not to feel too bad right now. I know that's much easier said than done.
Here's something that will make you feel better:
More than 50% of couples that break up actually get back together within one week.
Yes, you read that right! There is hope and you mustn't give up just yet, especially if it's only been a few days since the break-up.
It wasn't that long ago that I was in your shoes. My girlfriend and I got into a knockdown, drag-out brawl at the local pub and she ended up storming out on me.
At first I didn't want to believe it, but it was all my fault. I had hadtoo much to drink and started flirting with the bartender right in front of her.
I know it was a bad move, and I definitely deserved what I got. However, I was truly upset and all I could think about was how much I wanted her back.
Are you feeling the same way? Well, if you are it's perfectly normal.
However, if you really want her back, you have to go about it the right way. One simple mistake could jeopardize the entire future of your relationship!
If there is one misktake that you definitely can't make, it's:
Trying To Get Her Back Too Soon - This is a fatal error that lots of guys make when they are trying to get their ex back. As long as she's still angry chances are that she won't even consider talking to you, nevermind taking you back.
Allow plenty of time for the dust to settle, and you stand a much better chance of being reunited. Don't be one of those guys that screws up their chances by being impatient.
How Long Should You Wait?
Well, some experts believe the answer to this question could be months. If she really loves you and it's meant to be, then she won't go out with anyone else in that time and she'll be thinking about you just as much as you are her. However, it varies from situation to situation.