Organic Foods Are Much Better for Your Natural Testosterone Levels Than Processed Foods
For all of the marketing-spin of the food corporations where they bestow this and that claim about low cholesterol, high fiber, low-fat, low sugar and all the many nonsense claims they do make, have you ever seen an advertised food that boasts "testosterone boosting" values? Of course not, because they have no real regard for what is safe and healthy, unless it improves their bottom line profits.
The essential things they want are sales at reduced costs of production, and the reality is that organically produced foods do cost more to produce and they cannot be mass-produced under one roof at a central location - they must be grown local to their market-place customers.
But why do organic foods cost more than mass-produced food stuffs made by the multi-national? Simply because they must be sold and eaten in season, fresh and immediately - that is they cannot be stored long-term with preservatives and other chemicals added or they would no longer be organic.
Organic foods are by definition certified as chemical and pesticides free, and only by adding chemicals for preserving shelf-life can the large food corporations centrally mass-produce the stuff they call foods and then take their time for long distance travel to their markets.
Organically grown foods cost more because there is much greater and natural efforts put into pest-protection, where good bugs are grown with the organic foods to keep the bad bugs out of the food produce, and where much greater care and attention is paid to get you the foods immediately after harvest because they cannot be stored.
Only in rare instances can you guy healthy foods out of the normal growing season for them - and they would be hydroponically produced fruits and vegetables because it is possible to hydroponically grow healthy and pesticides free foods.
They may cost a little bit more, but their natural goodness will do much to improve your natural production of testosterone.
The essential things they want are sales at reduced costs of production, and the reality is that organically produced foods do cost more to produce and they cannot be mass-produced under one roof at a central location - they must be grown local to their market-place customers.
But why do organic foods cost more than mass-produced food stuffs made by the multi-national? Simply because they must be sold and eaten in season, fresh and immediately - that is they cannot be stored long-term with preservatives and other chemicals added or they would no longer be organic.
Organic foods are by definition certified as chemical and pesticides free, and only by adding chemicals for preserving shelf-life can the large food corporations centrally mass-produce the stuff they call foods and then take their time for long distance travel to their markets.
Organically grown foods cost more because there is much greater and natural efforts put into pest-protection, where good bugs are grown with the organic foods to keep the bad bugs out of the food produce, and where much greater care and attention is paid to get you the foods immediately after harvest because they cannot be stored.
Only in rare instances can you guy healthy foods out of the normal growing season for them - and they would be hydroponically produced fruits and vegetables because it is possible to hydroponically grow healthy and pesticides free foods.
They may cost a little bit more, but their natural goodness will do much to improve your natural production of testosterone.