Absolutely Psychic - Astro Chart Part 40
The "soft" (or harmonious) aspects: trine (120 degrees)
and sextile (60 degrees) The soft aspects bring ease,
clarity, and vision to our lives; we can see, grasp, and
understand what is happening. Too few of the soft aspects
can bring a lack of ease to our lives, while too many soft
aspects make for a life that is potentially lacking in
substance. In the child's chart, the soft aspects reveal
potential talent waiting to be developed. A child can "sit"
on her trines and sextiles, she and her parents taking her
strong points for granted. When ignored, these aspects can
lead to over-indulgence and eventual weakness. Develop
these points like diamonds.
"Exact" aspects and aspects' orbs: Aspects between planets
gradually form, become exact, and separate. When an aspect
is exact, it has its greatest impact. Yet the effect of
most aspects can be felt for some time before and after the
moment of exactness. The range within which an aspect is in
operation is called its "orb of influence," or simply its
orb. An orb of one or two degrees of arc on either side of
the exact aspect is considered a close or tight orb, while
an orb of 10 degrees is said to be wide.
Aspects to the Sun and Moon (the lights) are most
important, followed by the planetary aspects of Mercury,
Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto.
If your child's natal chart has an accurate birth time,
then aspects to the chart angles (Ascendant and Midheaven)
are also important. The particular combination can make a
difference too. Aspects between planets such as Saturn and
Mars (traditional malefics) are obviously more potentially
explosive than the same aspect between Venus and Jupiter
(traditional benefics).
The Planets
In astrology, the larger life of our solar system as a
whole tells us something about our own personal Earth life.
The interplay and relationship of the planets with one
another as they circle the Sun is carefully studied. Of
particular interest to astrologers are the Sun, the Moon,
and the planets Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn,
Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto. These are the celestial bodies
used most often by modern astrologers for natal
interpretation. Each of these planets represents or refers
to a part of our life and self. Here are some of the
concepts and key words associated with each planet:
Sun. The heart and center of it all: spirit and
identity. The Sun represents father, guru, teacher or
figure of authority -- our connection to great solar
hierarchies! In the child's chart, the Sun shows her
perception of her own identity. The Sun sign often reveals
the child's greatest strengths as well as her potential
weaknesses. The Sun reveals the child's perception of her
Moon. The Moon represents our mother, our surroundings,
the environment out of which we come, our past and
childhood, our formative years and self. In short, the Moon
paints a picture of the early background, that out of which
we emerged. The Moon is very prominent in the child's
chart, especially during the first seven years. Here we see
the child's perception of her relationship to her mother.
Here we gauge the child's emotional barometer, her
interaction with the family, her habit patterns. The Moon
should be a clear reflection of the Sun, but, because of
the subconscious nature of the Moon and the state of
affairs on this planet, most of us have some weeds to pluck
from our lunar garden.
Mercury. Mercury is communication at light speed,
linkage, thought, ideas, the light of the mind -- Logos!
Mercury in the child's chart tells us much about her early
schooling, her learning experience, her mentality. Mercury
also relates to brothers and sisters.
Venus. Venus reveals how we respond, appreciate,
cherish, or value something. Venus shows the way we love,
our capacity to care for others. Venus in the child's chart
will tell us what she values, what's important to her and
how she shows love and appreciation, and how she cares for
her belongings. Venus describes the child's sense of
self-worth. Venus reveals the child's attitudes toward, and
potential future experiences with, the opposite
and sextile (60 degrees) The soft aspects bring ease,
clarity, and vision to our lives; we can see, grasp, and
understand what is happening. Too few of the soft aspects
can bring a lack of ease to our lives, while too many soft
aspects make for a life that is potentially lacking in
substance. In the child's chart, the soft aspects reveal
potential talent waiting to be developed. A child can "sit"
on her trines and sextiles, she and her parents taking her
strong points for granted. When ignored, these aspects can
lead to over-indulgence and eventual weakness. Develop
these points like diamonds.
"Exact" aspects and aspects' orbs: Aspects between planets
gradually form, become exact, and separate. When an aspect
is exact, it has its greatest impact. Yet the effect of
most aspects can be felt for some time before and after the
moment of exactness. The range within which an aspect is in
operation is called its "orb of influence," or simply its
orb. An orb of one or two degrees of arc on either side of
the exact aspect is considered a close or tight orb, while
an orb of 10 degrees is said to be wide.
Aspects to the Sun and Moon (the lights) are most
important, followed by the planetary aspects of Mercury,
Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto.
If your child's natal chart has an accurate birth time,
then aspects to the chart angles (Ascendant and Midheaven)
are also important. The particular combination can make a
difference too. Aspects between planets such as Saturn and
Mars (traditional malefics) are obviously more potentially
explosive than the same aspect between Venus and Jupiter
(traditional benefics).
The Planets
In astrology, the larger life of our solar system as a
whole tells us something about our own personal Earth life.
The interplay and relationship of the planets with one
another as they circle the Sun is carefully studied. Of
particular interest to astrologers are the Sun, the Moon,
and the planets Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn,
Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto. These are the celestial bodies
used most often by modern astrologers for natal
interpretation. Each of these planets represents or refers
to a part of our life and self. Here are some of the
concepts and key words associated with each planet:
Sun. The heart and center of it all: spirit and
identity. The Sun represents father, guru, teacher or
figure of authority -- our connection to great solar
hierarchies! In the child's chart, the Sun shows her
perception of her own identity. The Sun sign often reveals
the child's greatest strengths as well as her potential
weaknesses. The Sun reveals the child's perception of her
Moon. The Moon represents our mother, our surroundings,
the environment out of which we come, our past and
childhood, our formative years and self. In short, the Moon
paints a picture of the early background, that out of which
we emerged. The Moon is very prominent in the child's
chart, especially during the first seven years. Here we see
the child's perception of her relationship to her mother.
Here we gauge the child's emotional barometer, her
interaction with the family, her habit patterns. The Moon
should be a clear reflection of the Sun, but, because of
the subconscious nature of the Moon and the state of
affairs on this planet, most of us have some weeds to pluck
from our lunar garden.
Mercury. Mercury is communication at light speed,
linkage, thought, ideas, the light of the mind -- Logos!
Mercury in the child's chart tells us much about her early
schooling, her learning experience, her mentality. Mercury
also relates to brothers and sisters.
Venus. Venus reveals how we respond, appreciate,
cherish, or value something. Venus shows the way we love,
our capacity to care for others. Venus in the child's chart
will tell us what she values, what's important to her and
how she shows love and appreciation, and how she cares for
her belongings. Venus describes the child's sense of
self-worth. Venus reveals the child's attitudes toward, and
potential future experiences with, the opposite