What Knots Do You Tie to Attach a Fly Line to a Leader?
- The nail knot is among the more popular leader-to-line connections because it is strong and provides a solid bite on the line. The nail knot is tied using a toothpick, nail or a nail knot tool. The nail knot tool is the easiest and fastest method for tying the knot, and is small and portable. The leader may be tied directly to the fly line with a nail knot, but changing leaders requires regular cutting of the line. Tie a monofilament butt section to the fly line with a nail knot and use an additional nail knot to connect the leader to the butt section. This preserves the fly line by mediating with the permanent butt section.
- Loop connections are bulky and tend to hang in the guides, but they are effective for quick and frequent leader changes. Many fly lines are sold with a welded loop and numerous loop connector products are available. Loop connections are also constructed by attaching a permanent butt section with a nail knot and tying a perfection or surgeons loop to the end of the butt section. The loop on the end of the leader is also tied with a perfection or surgeons loop knot, and the two loops are hooked onto each other for a temporary knot.
- The albright knot is more common for backing-to-line attachments, but is effective for attaching leaders to the line. Nail knots and other connections often break when a thin diameter leader is attached to a slick shooting head-style line. The knot holds, but the bite actually breaks the line. The albright knot is on the bulky side for a leader connection, but is strong and does not break the slick line.
- Knotless connections are also a possibility for leader-to-line connections. Knotless kits are available with a braided butt section that slides over the end of the fly line. The braided butt typically contains a loop on one end, but it also works as a straight butt section. A piece of heat shrink tubing is placed around the connection and the heat from a lighter shrinks the tubing over the butt section and line. The result is a smooth connection without any knots.
Nail Knot
Loop Connections
Albright Knot
Knotless Connections