How Does the Insecticide Rotenone Work?
- Rotenone is obtained from the roots of a variety of subtropical and tropical plants belonging to the genus Derris. It is widely used to kill pest insects, mites and fish. Rotenone is found in low concentrations in a variety of products.
- Rotenone acts by inhibiting cellular respiration. Cellular respiration is the process by which an animal's cells transform the chemical energy of food adenosine triphosphate, or ATP. ATP provides the energy to power an animal's biological processes, and is necessary for life.
- Rotenone kills insects through contact and by being ingested. While an insect that has come into contact with rotenone will stop feeding immediately, it will not die for several days. Rotenone causes congestion, vomiting and increased respiration when accidentally inhaled or ingested by humans.
What is Rotenone?
Rotenone and Cellular Respiration
The Toxicity of Rotenone