Yoga Inversion Swing - Third Week Workout - Journal # 3
Hi, my name is Nancy Fleck and I a new owner of the Omni Yoga Inversion Swing System, including the tripod linked in stand, padded swing and trapeze.
I have written two journals so far on my journey to getting relief from obesity and all the ailments that comes with it, back pain and in my case (curvature of the lower spine), arthritis pain and stress.
Last week I documented my starting body measurements.
Below, I have written my new measurements for the week ending May 30, 2010.
This is my personal journal of starting my exercise routine with my new Yoga Inversion Swing System and what exercises I have added this week that I have learned to do on my new Yoga Inversion Swing.
There are many exercise machines that are good machines, but all of them are limited to what they can and will do for you.
Since you can also invert on the Yoga Inversion Swing, I feel that you can get all your needs met with one machine.
If you are using the inversion stand versus suspension from the ceiling, you are using space.
But, if you are getting everything you need from one machine, you don't need all those other machines that are placed around the house taking up floor space.
You won't mind the space your stand takes because it will be the last machine you will need to purchase and you won't need the other machines taking up space in your home.
Also, the possibilities are endless as to what exercises you can perform on the swing.
You won't get a chance to get bored on the Yoga Inversion Swing.
Also, the bounce you get from the trapeze device, will keep you coming back for more comfortable, enjoyable and relaxing sessions.
You are suspended in air, gravity free, so there is no limit to how you can move.
You will be able to move your body in a multitude of ways.
I have found that the Yoga Inversion Swing System is a superior machine because it also does full back inversion.
What other machine does that? I have been doing three short sessions daily of power walking.
I have now needed to add arm weights as the short distances three times a day started to get too easy.
By doing this, I can still do the shorter distances, but since I have added 2 1/2 pound weights to my arms, it isn't easy anymore, so I can remain on the same distance, which is great if you are short on time.
Since starting the power walking I have lost a little over 11 pounds.
I feel that I have finally gotten my metabolism working again.
This, along with using the Yoga Inversion Swing for toning and shaping, I am on my way to becoming healthy and fit.
Also, one other thing I want to tell you about is that when I am on the Yoga Inversion Swing, I sweat a lot.
I think it is because I am using a lot of muscles to keep myself steady to do the moves that I am doing on the swing.
I believe this swing will help you to lose weight because your body is having to expend energy and move more muscles you wouldn't ordinarily have to use if you were on the floor performing the exercises.
Below I will list my current weight and measurements: My weight as of May 23, 2010, and next to it, my weight as of May 30, 2010: 202.
2 Lbs.
3 Lbs.
Neck - 15" 14 3/4" Chest -48" 47 3/4" Arms - 14" 14" Wrist - 7" 6 1/2" Waist - 42 1/2" 42" Hips - 43 1/2" 43 1/2" Thighs -20" 19 1/2" Calves -16" 16" I have a significant amount of weight to lose, at least 59 more pounds.
I wrote a journal last week, Journal # 2, and told of the exercises I was doing starting out.
I have added three more exercise to the list this week - 1) Standing in the circle of the Yoga Inversion Stand, I reach up and grab hold of the trapeze and hang from the bar.
I feel a really good stretch in my arms and back.
I also spread my legs apart and rest my weight on my legs and feel a very good stretch in the inner thigh.
2) I sit on the swing seat and bring the back of the swing under my arms.
I then bend my back, like doing a back bend on the swing and grab hold of my ankles.
This is similar to a Bow pose on the floor.
This is very similar to that pose only you have the swing supporting your back.
3) I lay down on the floor on my stomach, reach up with both hands and grab hold of the lowest handle grips, arching my back and I bring my head up and back.
This pose is something like the Cobra pose done on the floor, only when done on the floor, your arms are on the floor supporting your weight.
With the Yoga Inversion Swing, you are hanging from your arms with your back arched and are also getting the stretch through your arms as well as your neck and back.
I know I have a long way to go, but I can see more positive results this week! That is why I am journaling my results, so you can benefit by seeing those results on a weekly basis.
You can tell people you are losing weight, you can tell people that you are changing your shape, but I understand that I need to see and other people need to see this happening.
My husband has promised to take my picture on my Yoga Inversion Swing tomorrow night.
As soon as it is done, I will post it and you will be able to see me enjoying my swing! You will also be able to see me getting smaller and more shapely as the time passes! I am 61 years old and up to now, have had a very sedentary lifestyle.
Remember, if I can do it, you can too!!! What I have learned from getting out of shape and becoming obese is this, "exercise and good nutrition is necessary to living a long and healthy life.
" One without the other equals failure which equals being fat, sick and tired.
But, we are not going to look back anymore, just forward to success! I do hope this article has helped you in your journey to getting healthy and fit.
Come back next week to read Journal # 4, Yoga Inversion Swing.
I have written two journals so far on my journey to getting relief from obesity and all the ailments that comes with it, back pain and in my case (curvature of the lower spine), arthritis pain and stress.
Last week I documented my starting body measurements.
Below, I have written my new measurements for the week ending May 30, 2010.
This is my personal journal of starting my exercise routine with my new Yoga Inversion Swing System and what exercises I have added this week that I have learned to do on my new Yoga Inversion Swing.
There are many exercise machines that are good machines, but all of them are limited to what they can and will do for you.
Since you can also invert on the Yoga Inversion Swing, I feel that you can get all your needs met with one machine.
If you are using the inversion stand versus suspension from the ceiling, you are using space.
But, if you are getting everything you need from one machine, you don't need all those other machines that are placed around the house taking up floor space.
You won't mind the space your stand takes because it will be the last machine you will need to purchase and you won't need the other machines taking up space in your home.
Also, the possibilities are endless as to what exercises you can perform on the swing.
You won't get a chance to get bored on the Yoga Inversion Swing.
Also, the bounce you get from the trapeze device, will keep you coming back for more comfortable, enjoyable and relaxing sessions.
You are suspended in air, gravity free, so there is no limit to how you can move.
You will be able to move your body in a multitude of ways.
I have found that the Yoga Inversion Swing System is a superior machine because it also does full back inversion.
What other machine does that? I have been doing three short sessions daily of power walking.
I have now needed to add arm weights as the short distances three times a day started to get too easy.
By doing this, I can still do the shorter distances, but since I have added 2 1/2 pound weights to my arms, it isn't easy anymore, so I can remain on the same distance, which is great if you are short on time.
Since starting the power walking I have lost a little over 11 pounds.
I feel that I have finally gotten my metabolism working again.
This, along with using the Yoga Inversion Swing for toning and shaping, I am on my way to becoming healthy and fit.
Also, one other thing I want to tell you about is that when I am on the Yoga Inversion Swing, I sweat a lot.
I think it is because I am using a lot of muscles to keep myself steady to do the moves that I am doing on the swing.
I believe this swing will help you to lose weight because your body is having to expend energy and move more muscles you wouldn't ordinarily have to use if you were on the floor performing the exercises.
Below I will list my current weight and measurements: My weight as of May 23, 2010, and next to it, my weight as of May 30, 2010: 202.
2 Lbs.
3 Lbs.
Neck - 15" 14 3/4" Chest -48" 47 3/4" Arms - 14" 14" Wrist - 7" 6 1/2" Waist - 42 1/2" 42" Hips - 43 1/2" 43 1/2" Thighs -20" 19 1/2" Calves -16" 16" I have a significant amount of weight to lose, at least 59 more pounds.
I wrote a journal last week, Journal # 2, and told of the exercises I was doing starting out.
I have added three more exercise to the list this week - 1) Standing in the circle of the Yoga Inversion Stand, I reach up and grab hold of the trapeze and hang from the bar.
I feel a really good stretch in my arms and back.
I also spread my legs apart and rest my weight on my legs and feel a very good stretch in the inner thigh.
2) I sit on the swing seat and bring the back of the swing under my arms.
I then bend my back, like doing a back bend on the swing and grab hold of my ankles.
This is similar to a Bow pose on the floor.
This is very similar to that pose only you have the swing supporting your back.
3) I lay down on the floor on my stomach, reach up with both hands and grab hold of the lowest handle grips, arching my back and I bring my head up and back.
This pose is something like the Cobra pose done on the floor, only when done on the floor, your arms are on the floor supporting your weight.
With the Yoga Inversion Swing, you are hanging from your arms with your back arched and are also getting the stretch through your arms as well as your neck and back.
I know I have a long way to go, but I can see more positive results this week! That is why I am journaling my results, so you can benefit by seeing those results on a weekly basis.
You can tell people you are losing weight, you can tell people that you are changing your shape, but I understand that I need to see and other people need to see this happening.
My husband has promised to take my picture on my Yoga Inversion Swing tomorrow night.
As soon as it is done, I will post it and you will be able to see me enjoying my swing! You will also be able to see me getting smaller and more shapely as the time passes! I am 61 years old and up to now, have had a very sedentary lifestyle.
Remember, if I can do it, you can too!!! What I have learned from getting out of shape and becoming obese is this, "exercise and good nutrition is necessary to living a long and healthy life.
" One without the other equals failure which equals being fat, sick and tired.
But, we are not going to look back anymore, just forward to success! I do hope this article has helped you in your journey to getting healthy and fit.
Come back next week to read Journal # 4, Yoga Inversion Swing.