The Many Benefits of Aloe Vera
Aloe Vera, the "lily of the desert", has been used for generations as a natural cure-all for ailments outside and inside the body.
It was initially assigned its name Aloe Vera by noted Swedish scientist Carl Von Linne (Linneus) in 1720.
It is a member of the lily family and most specialists believe it originated from Africa before being distributed globally.
It is a succulent semi tropical plant with thick fleshy lance shape leaves which have serrate edges.
It thrives best in arid desert type conditions but it grows nicely in any climate provided the ambient temperature stays above freezing.
As it is a hardy plant with appealing flowers and healing qualities, Aloe Vera is a highly fashionable ornamental plant, earning a spot in a great many people's kitchen windows and backyards.
It is also cultivated on a large scale in order to supply the burgeoning beauty and natural health sectors which use the plant's natural and organic therapeutic characteristics in an array of creams, gels, health drinks, balms, lotions and sprays.
Nobody knows precisely when the different healing attributes of the Aloe Vera plant were discovered.
Historic Sumerian texts report Aloe Vera as a form of purgative.
The yellowish latex residue of the Aloe plant is known to help maintain healthy bowels and can be utilized as a laxative when ingested orally.
The ancient Egyptians also apparently implemented it during the embalming process as well as a skincare product.
It has been said Cleopatra applied Aloe as a face care cream to help sustain her famous visage.
The Chinese have been using it for over a thousand years to remedy everything from sinuses to skin diseases.
Aloe initially came to the attention of the Europeans during the height of the Roman era.
Dioscorides, the Roman expert of pharmacology, was one of the first to study it extensively and record its varied beneficial properties as a laxative and a soothing balm for bruises.
It quickly because important as a healing lotion and purgative during the middle ages partly due to an obscure reference in the Bible.
Upon discovery of the New World, Aloe found its way to South America through Spanish missionaries who grew it their gardens.
Throughout the industrial revolution and with the arrival of new synthesized medicines the significance of Aloe Vera as a medicinal plant was somewhat reduced.
Scientists started to downplay its medical value despite the fact that many people continued to make use of it as an all natural treatment at home.
By the twentieth century Aloe once again grew to become popular as individuals began to give preference to more traditional approaches to healthcare and wanted natural solutions for medical conditions and general well-being..
This encouraged the medical community to re-examine the plant and substantial investigation led to Aloe being cited as useful in a number of ways ranging from helping with hair loss to healing periodontal disease.
Despite the fact that the medical community is divided over the medical and therapeutic value of the plant, the business sector has been swift to market the many claimed advantages of Aloe Vera in the form of gels and juices, creams and lotions and these products are offered globally in health stores and on the Internet.
Many people produce their own do-it-yourself gels and drinks directly from the plant in their own kitchens.
As a plant, Aloe Vera remains very popular and can be found in most garden centers.
Many people keep an Aloe plant in their kitchen to help soothe burns, cuts and scrapes.
For minor burns the inner gel of the Aloe leaf is effective as a wonderful calming balm.
Apart from containing salicylic acid, that acts as a soothing agent, the Aloe gel boasts qualities that help protect and heal damaged skin.
This advantage of the Aloe gel alone is probably enough to have the plant around the home.
As well as soothing and repairing skin research has demonstrated Aloe is effective in boosting the body's defense mechanism and also acts as an aid to digestion.
Clearing up fungal infections of the foot and preventing hair loss are two more benefits attributed to the plant.
While many of the benefits have yet to be verified clinically, it is clear we have just begun to scratch the surface on everything this plant is capable of.
Aloe Vera the Gift That Keeps On Giving For the healthy living types Aloe gel can be used as a dietary supplement as the gel is rich in vitamins, minerals and enzymes that boost the immune system and may also repair damaged cells.
High quantities of mucilaginous polysaccharides (a long chain sugar compound with restorative properties) are found within the plant and long-term users of Aloe point to this as a major factor in well being.
We stop producing these sugars after adolescence and rely on outside sources to aid in damaged cell repair.
We are exploring new ways to make use of the plant every day and Aloe Vera has become the de-facto additive in many natural skincare products and herbal treatments.
Aloe Vera gel and Aloe Vera juice is prepared, packed and sold at most natural food retailers and the business of Aloe has grown as people continue to look for natural ways to take care of themselves.
While purchasing the gel and juice from a store is a good choice, many knowledgeable Aloe users recommend you grow the plant yourself in order to know precisely what you will be putting into your body.
It was initially assigned its name Aloe Vera by noted Swedish scientist Carl Von Linne (Linneus) in 1720.
It is a member of the lily family and most specialists believe it originated from Africa before being distributed globally.
It is a succulent semi tropical plant with thick fleshy lance shape leaves which have serrate edges.
It thrives best in arid desert type conditions but it grows nicely in any climate provided the ambient temperature stays above freezing.
As it is a hardy plant with appealing flowers and healing qualities, Aloe Vera is a highly fashionable ornamental plant, earning a spot in a great many people's kitchen windows and backyards.
It is also cultivated on a large scale in order to supply the burgeoning beauty and natural health sectors which use the plant's natural and organic therapeutic characteristics in an array of creams, gels, health drinks, balms, lotions and sprays.
Nobody knows precisely when the different healing attributes of the Aloe Vera plant were discovered.
Historic Sumerian texts report Aloe Vera as a form of purgative.
The yellowish latex residue of the Aloe plant is known to help maintain healthy bowels and can be utilized as a laxative when ingested orally.
The ancient Egyptians also apparently implemented it during the embalming process as well as a skincare product.
It has been said Cleopatra applied Aloe as a face care cream to help sustain her famous visage.
The Chinese have been using it for over a thousand years to remedy everything from sinuses to skin diseases.
Aloe initially came to the attention of the Europeans during the height of the Roman era.
Dioscorides, the Roman expert of pharmacology, was one of the first to study it extensively and record its varied beneficial properties as a laxative and a soothing balm for bruises.
It quickly because important as a healing lotion and purgative during the middle ages partly due to an obscure reference in the Bible.
Upon discovery of the New World, Aloe found its way to South America through Spanish missionaries who grew it their gardens.
Throughout the industrial revolution and with the arrival of new synthesized medicines the significance of Aloe Vera as a medicinal plant was somewhat reduced.
Scientists started to downplay its medical value despite the fact that many people continued to make use of it as an all natural treatment at home.
By the twentieth century Aloe once again grew to become popular as individuals began to give preference to more traditional approaches to healthcare and wanted natural solutions for medical conditions and general well-being..
This encouraged the medical community to re-examine the plant and substantial investigation led to Aloe being cited as useful in a number of ways ranging from helping with hair loss to healing periodontal disease.
Despite the fact that the medical community is divided over the medical and therapeutic value of the plant, the business sector has been swift to market the many claimed advantages of Aloe Vera in the form of gels and juices, creams and lotions and these products are offered globally in health stores and on the Internet.
Many people produce their own do-it-yourself gels and drinks directly from the plant in their own kitchens.
As a plant, Aloe Vera remains very popular and can be found in most garden centers.
Many people keep an Aloe plant in their kitchen to help soothe burns, cuts and scrapes.
For minor burns the inner gel of the Aloe leaf is effective as a wonderful calming balm.
Apart from containing salicylic acid, that acts as a soothing agent, the Aloe gel boasts qualities that help protect and heal damaged skin.
This advantage of the Aloe gel alone is probably enough to have the plant around the home.
As well as soothing and repairing skin research has demonstrated Aloe is effective in boosting the body's defense mechanism and also acts as an aid to digestion.
Clearing up fungal infections of the foot and preventing hair loss are two more benefits attributed to the plant.
While many of the benefits have yet to be verified clinically, it is clear we have just begun to scratch the surface on everything this plant is capable of.
Aloe Vera the Gift That Keeps On Giving For the healthy living types Aloe gel can be used as a dietary supplement as the gel is rich in vitamins, minerals and enzymes that boost the immune system and may also repair damaged cells.
High quantities of mucilaginous polysaccharides (a long chain sugar compound with restorative properties) are found within the plant and long-term users of Aloe point to this as a major factor in well being.
We stop producing these sugars after adolescence and rely on outside sources to aid in damaged cell repair.
We are exploring new ways to make use of the plant every day and Aloe Vera has become the de-facto additive in many natural skincare products and herbal treatments.
Aloe Vera gel and Aloe Vera juice is prepared, packed and sold at most natural food retailers and the business of Aloe has grown as people continue to look for natural ways to take care of themselves.
While purchasing the gel and juice from a store is a good choice, many knowledgeable Aloe users recommend you grow the plant yourself in order to know precisely what you will be putting into your body.