How to Buy Tim Tams in the US
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The best place to get bona-fide Tim Tams (in the right packaging and all) is in Australia. But not all of us can afford to hop a flight every day - even in search of the perfect snack! If you're lucky enough to have a kind friend in Australia or New Zealand, ask them to ship you some Tim Tams. It'll take a month or so to receive them, but opening the box'll be just like Christmas! - 2
Hop online and do a search for "buy Tim Tams." Lonely Aussie ex-pats live all over the world and need their biscuits. Ebay has 'em, as do several other internet-based Australian food stores. You'll pay a bit more for them, but what price happiness, right? - 3
Fake Tim Tams!
If you just can't be bothered, have no internet access or have a moral problem with spending over $5 (not including shipping) for a packet of cookies, Pepperidge Farm has a solution for you. Those cheeky buggers are offering Tim Tams to Americans now - in different packaging. I've tasted them and they're exactly right! So get on down to Target, where I found mine. *crunch crunch* I'm not sharing!