How to Treat Coughs and Bronchitis Using Natural Remedies
A dry cough will often be relieved by a steam inhalation, which you can have as often as necessary. If a cough does not clear up within two to three weeks, see your physician. A deeper cough, such s the type that develops after a cold into bacterial lung infection (most common in children and the elderly), may require antibiotics.
For steam inhalations, lean over a bowl of boiling water with a towel over your head. You can make this more pleasant by adding eucalyptus or other oils (under the AROMATHEARPY section), but the steam itself has a better effect on the cough. - 2). NUTRITION:
Acute or chronic bronchitis and a simple irritant cough will all respond to dietary changes.
Eat plenty of celery, parsley, and fresh dandelion leaves to increase your urinary output and get rid of body fluids. Onions and leeks, fish, legumes, brown rice, and bananas are all packed with B vitamins, so eat plenty of those. Also make sure to eat liver, carrots, sweet potatoes, and spinach for their vitamin A, in addition to oily fishes for anti-inflammatory properties.
Cut out all salt in order to prevent fluid retention. Reduce your intake of all dairy products to help lessen mucus formation. - 3). HERBAL REMEDIES:
Herbal cough remedies can ease bronchial spasms, expel phlegm, lubricate a dray cough, or suppress and irritating one.
For chesty coughs or bronchitis, use herbs like thyme, elecampane, mullein, cowslip, white horehound, or Iceland moss in teas sweetened with honey. A general syrups can be made by layering slices of onion or turnip with sugar, leaving overnight, and then drink the liquid in one teaspoon doses.
Cough suppressants like wild cherry can ease nervous, irritant coughs, but should be avoided when trying to get rid of phlegm. - 4). EXERCISE:
This becomes more difficult, particularly for those suffering from chronic bronchitis, but it is vital to keep the lungs working, because the less they do, the more they will become inelastic and useless. Walking, deep-breathing exercises, and swimming are all a great starting point, but amazing improvements can also be seen as a result of taking up a wind instrument, such as a recorder, whistle, flute - even just singing will help. - 5). AROMATHERAPY:
The following oils can help ease coughs and bronchitis:
Tea Tree
Steam inhalations using these oils soothe the throat and airways, and assist in expelling excess mucus. Massage of the throat and chest eases the tension there, especially if you are coughing a lot. Gargling ensure that no infection sets in the throat.
Use the sandalwood, benzoic, eucalyptus, or frankincense in steam inhalations. Massage the throat and chest with any of these and use tea tree for gargles. - 6). PREVENTING COUGHS AND BRONCHITIS:
Don't smoke, don't smoke, don't smoke. Avoid other smokers, too. Keep the lungs in good condition through regular exercise. Keep your bedrooms cool and well aired, and wear a protective mask for all dusty home improvement jobs when air-pollution levels are bad and there is a lot of dust floating around.