"It"s the Economy" Says Obama - "No, It"s the Constitution" Says Philip Berg
Neither the Dem's nor the GOP is happy with the Obama plan to re-vitalize the economy by producing a new spending package that makes a king's ransom look like a pittance.
His concern for the economy is read as hopeful by his devotees and as obfuscation by Attorney Philip Berg.
Pennsylvania's Attorney Philip Berg has promised on his website 'Obama Crimes' to persist in his quest for the elusive birth certificate and the question of Obama's Indonesian citizenship.
Berg has kicked off two additional cases to answer the question and says "Also, we have pending two [2] other cases because we are determined, no matter how long it takes, to expose Obama's "Hoax" on the 305 million people in our country, that Obama is "not qualified" pursuant to our U.
Constitution to be President.
" Obama Crimes Jan 9, 2008.
Many cases are pending that are asking the same question as Philip Berg.
The question however simple now has a life of its own and it is now obvious it will not die easily.
It is whether Barack Obama is in fact constitutionally eligible to assume the office of President.
More than ten cases are pending throughout the country and new ones are planned until the matter is put to rest.
The latest challenge comes from Gregory S.
Hollister a retired U.
Air Force Colonel that like any military retiree could be called back to service at any time.
It seems the Colonel is questioning whether Obama has the constitutional right to act as his Commander in Chief if he hasn't the right to seek and assume the office of President.
Can Obama act as his commander if he is actually the citizen of a foreign country? The Hollister case filed in the United States District Court for the District of Columbia names Gregory S.
Hollister as the plaintiff and Barry Soetero a/k/a Barack Hussein Obama as the defendant.
Not many people know that the name that appears on Obama's school records in Indonesia is indeed Barry Soetero.
Although it is not mentioned in the charge that fact has also become one of the contentions of those who are questioning B.
In Indonesia dual citizenship is not allowed by law.
This simple fact would cancel and nullify Baracks US citizenship regardless of where he was born.
What's more is that there has been no public record in Indonesia or in the US of an official and legal name change from Barry Soetero to Barack Hussein Obama.
Just who is it that won the general election in these United States? Apparently your guess is as good as mine.
Some contenders think Obama is like a receiver who has got the ball and thinks he can run with it even though the whistle has been blown.
The whistle may be only in the background right now but the referee is about to catch another breath.
What also is known about the Supreme Court of the US is that they usually decide these cases after the fact and not before.
The inauguration will not make the question go away.
The number of people getting onboard the quest to require the omitted vetting of the President Elect is growing exponentially.
AOL conducted a poll recently that drew thousands of responses most who thought Obama should be required to put up the evidence the constitution requires.
Some of the AOL responders are lawyers and other professionals but most are just average Joes.
The kind of responses AOL is getting is like the young mother who said she had to produce a birth certificate for her son before he could play baseball in the local little league.
Her question was blatantly simple but reasonable.
If Junior needs a birth certificate to play ball shouldn't the President of the US need one to sit in the White House? Some internet blogs are handling the question reasonably and providing the materials for everyone to understand the question and keep them updated on all the new efforts.
Most bloggers are respectful and fair but of course there are those who get nasty as usual.
Often those raising this important question are labeled as racist, sore losers and names I can't mention here.
Although the naysayers are mostly ignored others try to make the point that it isn't about, winning or losing, black or white, it is always and only about the law.
In this case the highest law of the land, it is about the Constitution of the United States.
An article entitled "Dr.
Orly Taitz: Conversation with Fitzgerald, Commentary on Lightfoot v.
Bowen, GA Military Case?" on the conservative "Right Side of Life" website speaking of the newest case against Obama, "I believe the SCOTUS will not punt this case.
It's too important to upholding our Constitution.
It's hard for me to believe they would allow the Constitution to be destroyed on their watch.
Especially after 2000.
It's hard for me to believe they will ignore it just to put a Black man in office.
It's hard for me to believe they will punt this case because of fear of Blacks threatening to start race riots.
We cannot submit to blackmail or threats.
We can not allow this country to be held hostage by race.
I think it is clearly obvious too many people in DC know Barry is not eligible, and that is why Biden & Clinton have not resigned their Senate seats.
I think it is proof they believe the SCOTUS will handle this issue and deal with it.
I think Howard Dean wanting to get out supports my beliefs.
" This case has been set for conference by Chief Justice John Roberts on January 23, 2009.
Other cases pending are in Hawaii, Indiana, District of Columbia, Kentucky, New York and Texas.
Other individuals are seeking counsel to help them present their cases some which are military or ex-military people.
These cases promise to be only the tip of the iceberg because millions of Americans are slowly but surely becoming aware of the breach of the constitution that has been made.
Millions of Americans don't care what race or party Barack Obama is but only if he is satisfying the requirements of the Constitution.
In fact Philip Berg is a Democrat as is Obama and Ambassador Alan Keyes who has filed suit in California is an African American.
If O'Reilly, Beck and Hannity are angering the liberal class that voted for Barack Obama by noting that the liberally bent main stream media helped Obama to a win the race they would be positively verdant at the recent polls taken by AOL.
Other polls that are producing the same results are also now forthwith and most of the results can now be seen on the internet site called "How Obama Got Elected.
" It has been pointed out that Barack Obama has never created or helped to pass any significant legislation; he has never run a business or spent time serving in the military.
Yet he proposes to pull this country out of the worst economic downturn it has seen in recent years all the while "we the people" don't even know where he was actually born or if his name is Barry or Barack.
Is this undue fear or the hype of a few fringy folks on the internet? Is it really only about the economy? Let's come in for a landing America before this great Republic comes down in a crash and check who it is that we have as our pilot.
Most of us wouldn't even get on a plane whose pilot had no certain citizenship or if nobody in the airline company actually knew his real name.
I wouldn't! No, Barack or Barry; it is not about the economy, it is still about the constitution and we are still waiting for the answer.
We may not mind if actors becomes governors or even if comedians become US Senators but we would like to know if our Presidents are actually US citizens.
Help us with this Barack or should I say Barry?
His concern for the economy is read as hopeful by his devotees and as obfuscation by Attorney Philip Berg.
Pennsylvania's Attorney Philip Berg has promised on his website 'Obama Crimes' to persist in his quest for the elusive birth certificate and the question of Obama's Indonesian citizenship.
Berg has kicked off two additional cases to answer the question and says "Also, we have pending two [2] other cases because we are determined, no matter how long it takes, to expose Obama's "Hoax" on the 305 million people in our country, that Obama is "not qualified" pursuant to our U.
Constitution to be President.
" Obama Crimes Jan 9, 2008.
Many cases are pending that are asking the same question as Philip Berg.
The question however simple now has a life of its own and it is now obvious it will not die easily.
It is whether Barack Obama is in fact constitutionally eligible to assume the office of President.
More than ten cases are pending throughout the country and new ones are planned until the matter is put to rest.
The latest challenge comes from Gregory S.
Hollister a retired U.
Air Force Colonel that like any military retiree could be called back to service at any time.
It seems the Colonel is questioning whether Obama has the constitutional right to act as his Commander in Chief if he hasn't the right to seek and assume the office of President.
Can Obama act as his commander if he is actually the citizen of a foreign country? The Hollister case filed in the United States District Court for the District of Columbia names Gregory S.
Hollister as the plaintiff and Barry Soetero a/k/a Barack Hussein Obama as the defendant.
Not many people know that the name that appears on Obama's school records in Indonesia is indeed Barry Soetero.
Although it is not mentioned in the charge that fact has also become one of the contentions of those who are questioning B.
In Indonesia dual citizenship is not allowed by law.
This simple fact would cancel and nullify Baracks US citizenship regardless of where he was born.
What's more is that there has been no public record in Indonesia or in the US of an official and legal name change from Barry Soetero to Barack Hussein Obama.
Just who is it that won the general election in these United States? Apparently your guess is as good as mine.
Some contenders think Obama is like a receiver who has got the ball and thinks he can run with it even though the whistle has been blown.
The whistle may be only in the background right now but the referee is about to catch another breath.
What also is known about the Supreme Court of the US is that they usually decide these cases after the fact and not before.
The inauguration will not make the question go away.
The number of people getting onboard the quest to require the omitted vetting of the President Elect is growing exponentially.
AOL conducted a poll recently that drew thousands of responses most who thought Obama should be required to put up the evidence the constitution requires.
Some of the AOL responders are lawyers and other professionals but most are just average Joes.
The kind of responses AOL is getting is like the young mother who said she had to produce a birth certificate for her son before he could play baseball in the local little league.
Her question was blatantly simple but reasonable.
If Junior needs a birth certificate to play ball shouldn't the President of the US need one to sit in the White House? Some internet blogs are handling the question reasonably and providing the materials for everyone to understand the question and keep them updated on all the new efforts.
Most bloggers are respectful and fair but of course there are those who get nasty as usual.
Often those raising this important question are labeled as racist, sore losers and names I can't mention here.
Although the naysayers are mostly ignored others try to make the point that it isn't about, winning or losing, black or white, it is always and only about the law.
In this case the highest law of the land, it is about the Constitution of the United States.
An article entitled "Dr.
Orly Taitz: Conversation with Fitzgerald, Commentary on Lightfoot v.
Bowen, GA Military Case?" on the conservative "Right Side of Life" website speaking of the newest case against Obama, "I believe the SCOTUS will not punt this case.
It's too important to upholding our Constitution.
It's hard for me to believe they would allow the Constitution to be destroyed on their watch.
Especially after 2000.
It's hard for me to believe they will ignore it just to put a Black man in office.
It's hard for me to believe they will punt this case because of fear of Blacks threatening to start race riots.
We cannot submit to blackmail or threats.
We can not allow this country to be held hostage by race.
I think it is clearly obvious too many people in DC know Barry is not eligible, and that is why Biden & Clinton have not resigned their Senate seats.
I think it is proof they believe the SCOTUS will handle this issue and deal with it.
I think Howard Dean wanting to get out supports my beliefs.
" This case has been set for conference by Chief Justice John Roberts on January 23, 2009.
Other cases pending are in Hawaii, Indiana, District of Columbia, Kentucky, New York and Texas.
Other individuals are seeking counsel to help them present their cases some which are military or ex-military people.
These cases promise to be only the tip of the iceberg because millions of Americans are slowly but surely becoming aware of the breach of the constitution that has been made.
Millions of Americans don't care what race or party Barack Obama is but only if he is satisfying the requirements of the Constitution.
In fact Philip Berg is a Democrat as is Obama and Ambassador Alan Keyes who has filed suit in California is an African American.
If O'Reilly, Beck and Hannity are angering the liberal class that voted for Barack Obama by noting that the liberally bent main stream media helped Obama to a win the race they would be positively verdant at the recent polls taken by AOL.
Other polls that are producing the same results are also now forthwith and most of the results can now be seen on the internet site called "How Obama Got Elected.
" It has been pointed out that Barack Obama has never created or helped to pass any significant legislation; he has never run a business or spent time serving in the military.
Yet he proposes to pull this country out of the worst economic downturn it has seen in recent years all the while "we the people" don't even know where he was actually born or if his name is Barry or Barack.
Is this undue fear or the hype of a few fringy folks on the internet? Is it really only about the economy? Let's come in for a landing America before this great Republic comes down in a crash and check who it is that we have as our pilot.
Most of us wouldn't even get on a plane whose pilot had no certain citizenship or if nobody in the airline company actually knew his real name.
I wouldn't! No, Barack or Barry; it is not about the economy, it is still about the constitution and we are still waiting for the answer.
We may not mind if actors becomes governors or even if comedians become US Senators but we would like to know if our Presidents are actually US citizens.
Help us with this Barack or should I say Barry?