Facts on Becoming Pregnant
- If you might become pregnant, you should avoid cigarettes, alcohol and illegal drugs and consult your doctor about the safety of any prescription or over-the-counter medications or supplements you are currently taking.
- In addition to eating a well-rounded diet, if you might become pregnant you should be taking a prenatal vitamin to keep your body healthy and provide your unborn baby with folic acid, an important vitamin that prevents certain birth defects.
- Let your doctor know that you may become pregnant so you can discuss any health conditions (such as diabetes, epilepsy and high blood pressure) you may have that could cause pregnancy complications.
- Age plays a major role in determining how quickly you become pregnant, because the quality and quantity of your eggs lessen as you get older, with many women over the age of 35 experiencing cycles in which an egg is never even released.
- DrSpock.com suggests that you seek fertility help if you are under 35 and don't become pregnant within a year of trying (6 months of trying if you are over 35 or 3 months of trying if you are over 40).
Things to Avoid
Medical Health
Fertility Issues
Seeking Help