Is It Safe to Give Puppies Baby Formula?
- According to the U.S. National Research Council, puppies lack the ability to properly digest the lactose in cow's milk or goat's milk because the puppies do not have the enzyme lactase.
- "Dog Owner's Veterinary Handbook" states that both cow's milk and goat's milk contain about half the calories of dog's milk. Puppies need the calories in order to grow and stay healthy.
- A puppy given infant formula may get diarrhea. Since the puppy is not getting enough calories with baby formula, losing more calories through diarrhea may be lethal.
- For each cup of whole-milk liquid baby formula, add three egg yolks (no whites), one tablespoon of corn oil and one drop of liquid baby vitamins.
- Puppies less than eight weeks old cannot only be fed modified baby formula. They need to switch over to dog's milk, which is available in pet stores and at veterinarians' offices.