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Adolescent Health : Health & Medical
School Bus Safety - What To Teach Your Kids
School busses are by far the safest way to transport children to and from school every day. There are the fewest injuries associated with this method of transport; however, when accidents do occur, the injuries are frequently serious. For this reason, it is important to teach children school bus saf
What You Could Do With Your Child's Artwork
This article discusses places to store artwork made by your kids. You cannot keep everything so you may need to store some or hang some on the wall.
Putting a Stop to Bullying
Bullies are a big problem for lots of kids. Knowing they'll have to deal with a bully at a school can cause a variety of problems that can lead to serious consequences. Everyone's been messed with at one time or another. Being teased is a part of growing up. Its not usually a big deal when
Facebook Has a Negative Impact on the Concentration of Students
School has tested how Facebook, as the most popular social network, has negative influence on grades, monitoring of teaching and the concentration of students. Research is conducted in high school.
Great Sweet 16 Party Ideas
Entertainment and enjoyment can be considered as one of the basic necessities of the entire human race. Among the several means of enjoyment and entertainment, the one which is most popular at each of the ...
Materialize Your Images With a Jigsaw Puzzle
A jigsaw puzzle is a popular game among kids. It is not only a source of pleasure but also educational. It expands and increases the learning skills of the kids participating.
Teenage Sex
It has been many years since I was a teenager. However, the mind is a strange thing and time, in the mind does not work within what we perceive as normal reality. Therefore, I can still remember clearly my thoughts and feelings as a young person discovering the joys of the opposite sex. Lots of diff
Cool Toys For Car Kids - Lego Racers, Remote Control Cars, Etc
If you walk into any classroom in the country, you're going to have every little boy and girl pegged within a few minutes when it comes to what they're into. That girl reading National Geographic loves animals, the boy over there doodling in his notebook and ignoring the teacher is the art
Welcome To The Enchanting World of Barbie Fairytopia
One of Mattel's recent endeavors is the introduction of Barbie Fairytopia. To be able to launch the new line of doll, an animated movie was created for the Barbie Fairytopia in 2005. The movie was entitled "Barbie Fairytopia, Discover a Magical New Land." The story features Elina, a f
Kids, Violent Entertainment and Violent Behavior
For those who wonder at the incidence of violence among school-age children, consider the following idea:kids learn by example and by repetition. The abundant violence depicted in television programming, movies, music, and video games provides values and behaviors for kids to repeat and practice. Mo
Adventure, Friendship, Independence
It is a fact that children assume many things when they return from summer camps. Their tour makes them sensible and responsible and they learn to respect and take care of their elders. Parents feel proud when they discover these qualities in their young ones after returning from summer camp. Camps
Teaching Children to Be Well Groomed
It's much easier to start with good grooming habits and stick to a routine with your children whislt they are young. It will be much harder to ask your teenager to brush his hair and teeth and tidy his room before he leaves the house if you are starting at 14 or 15. Teach them the habits early
Are Kids Toys Important?
If you asked any child if his or her toys are important, the answer would be a resounding YES. We certainly thought so too when we were young enough to play with toys. When it's our turn to buy them for the little ones, some of us begin to question the relevance of toys in a child's life.
Thinking of Buying a Micro Scooter?
Over the last couple of years outside every school playground or in every park you can see 3-5 year olds zipping around on 3-wheeled Mini Micro scooters. In a range of funky colours these smooth ride scooters seem to be attached to these kids and if, as I am, you are mother to a couple of young chil
How to Help Your Children Exercise
So many children today are into video games, watching TV, and being lazy. This is not good for their health, so it's important we do what we can to help our children see how important exercise is and how fun and easy it can be.
What to Do When Your Child Spends Too Much Time in Front of a Screen
Ensuing to the rapid technological advancement, children spend most of their time on gadgets and other technological inventions. Instead of playing games involving physical activities, they usually stay at the corner and take pleasure with their latest gaming consoles. For this, they are depriving t
The Inhibitive Cost of School Uniforms - Is the Badge on the Pocket Breaking the Bank?
Parents today are spending a small fortune on decking their children in expensive uniforms.Are such items really necessary, or could schools utilise more economy in the design?
Thomas Train Track - On the Right Path
With Thomas Train Track, there are endless variations that can be conceived. The only limitations are the number of track pieces and the imagination of the engineer.
Charity - Great Way To Help For Child Development
Education is an important component of our life that helps us to develop our personality. It is important for every child to get the basic education. However, it's generally missed out by lots of children especially in a developing country like India because of many reasons and prominent amongs
The Benefits of Children's Play Kitchens
There are many benefits of children's play kitchens. Most parents may look at this type of toy as simply a means of pretending, and playing actively. However, this type of toy is much more than just something children can play with in order to pass time. There are actually several different val