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Adolescent Health : Health & Medical
Driving in the Snow and Ice: 10 Tips for Young Drivers
Make sure your teenager is well-equipped to handle bad weather behind the wheel. Here are ten tips for teaching your young driver how to handle whatever might come up: Before You Drive 1. Instruct your ...
5 Power Foods For Kids Who Bike
Kids who bike need as much power food as possible. These five power foods are perfect for kids who bike.
Tonka Trucks - Steel is the New Plastic
Tonka vehicles have existed for decades and Tonka continues manufacturing their vehicles in the same fashion as when they first opened their doors. At a time when plastics dominate the toy sector, in what way could a company hope to remain competitive with more expensive toy trucks made of steel?
A Newborn Babies Diet
From the time your baby is born till she reaches the age of 3 months, she is considered to be a newborn. During this time your baby will do a lot of sleeping during the day. Of course they will cry when they are hungry, when they have a dirty nappy or when they have wind. Your newborn is growing and
Encourage Your Kids To Join Sports
Spending a day in the park one lazy weekend afternoon, I saw a bunch of kids running around chasing a butterfly. They seemed so oblivious and carefree and so happy. I envy the joy and the happiness these kids have. Adults seemed to wrap up in so many things that most of us forget how to laugh and so
Tips for Middle School Madness
Middle school can be a challenging time for students and parents. Here are some tips to help keep communication strong, and to be an advocate for your child as they grow towards the teen years.
The Best, Classic, Most Hilarious Videos You Will Ever Come Across
So if you are feeling down and weary, getting online and watching funny videos would help you relax and keep your mind off stress. You can also spend some quality time with yourself while watching these videos.
Technology Motivates Our Kids to Organize
Suggestions for selecting the most effective organizational app for your child. It is essential for parents to follow the guidelines.
Playground Equipment - Tips to Select the Best Equipment
Playground equipment either indoor or outdoor will definitely help children to stay in the fit, and also it will be helpful to growing. However, choosing the best indoor or out door play ground equipment is really a challenging task for parents and school management. In most of the time, they need t
Indoor Sports
A word of warning, first, just because a certain sport may or may not be safe for indoor play, you still want to have plenty of space! Even if you're using a foam basketball, there's still a possibility of knocking valuable things right over. Ideally, indoor sports should be restricted to
Creativity on a Budget
Ahh, what did kids do before Xbox and Wii? What did kids do before computer games and television? Well, they probably had a much stronger imagination. And imagination is important to a child's cognitive development. Studies show that children who have imaginary friends are more likely to be mor
Designer Childrens Clothes at Affordable Prices
One category that drives a lot of parents crazy is clothes. The kids want the expensive, designer childrens clothes, and the parents don't have the money for them, or just don't think that they are worth it.
How to Organise a Christmas Play at Your School
Organising a Christmas play can be stressful. Find out how to organise a Christmas play at your school, for as stress-free a process as possible.
It's Holiday Time For Kids
Your kids are always busy hatching plans for their holidays. They can't just wait for the schools to end the term and for the holidays to begin. Holidays are the time for enjoyment and it is
Every Child Should Learn Respect
We all want our children to stand up for themselves, to make sure they are of a strong character and to voice their opinion, but there is a fine line between having an opinion and becoming very opinionated. That is where the key to becoming a good parent lies.
The Various Ways Being Exposed to Music and Learning
This article will discuss the benefits that children receive from taking music lessons. Music instruction typically used to be taught at all public schools but because of lack of funding and budget cuts, many school districts have had to eliminate musical instrument education from its curriculum.
A Protective Tool for Childcare- Nanny Camera
With the cost of living rising every day, many families are becoming twofold income family unit where the parents go for job. In such a house if they have a kid who cannot take care of themselves then
Hair Care For Children
Salon visits can be scary experiences for small children: They are boring, full of strangers and strange smelling products, you are being ordered to sit still for ages, whilst some idiot is doing terrible things to your hair which you didn't want to happen in the first place. Life is sooo unfai
A Bully at School Changes Everything
Every year there are reports of students threatening to end their lives and when a little investigation is done, all realize that it's due to bullying at school. The level increases in junior high and high school because teens want to outperform their peers at a social level.
Divorce and Christmas - The Imperfect Mix?
It's hard to enjoy the holidays when your Mom and Dad have split up during the past year. There are so many awkward variables to consider, aren't there? Most times, you'll have to spend some time with both of your parents' new partner.