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Alzheimer's Disease : Health & Medical

Signs & Symptoms of Early Alzheimer's

More than 2 million Americans suffer from Alzheimer's disease, a fatal brain disease which causes a slow deterioration of the brain functions. It's the most common cause of dementia. Today, symptoms of Alzheimers are found in 5 percent of the population between ages of 65 and 74. As we age, that pe

How to Prevent and Stop Memory Loss

There are ways to help prevent and stop memory loss. Memory loss is part of growing older, but it doesn't always have to be. Below are some tips on how to prevent, and stop memory loss naturally.

8 Movies About Dementia You Shouldn't Miss

The 2008 Oscar nominations included two Best Actress nods for performances in movies that deal with Alzheimer's disease and dementia. Here are eight movies you shouldn't miss that handle this difficult subject with grace, dignity, and realism.

Hospitalization in Advanced Dementia: Yes or No?

Wondering whether you should send your loved one with late stage Alzheimer's to the hospital for evaluation and care? Learn what research has shown about hospitalization in advanced dementia.

Japanese Treatments for Alzheimers

Alzheimer's disease is frightening and debilitating no matter where you live. There are some places, however, that seem to have effective treatment and living conditions that support the condition. Japan's care and treatment for the elderly may lead to the United States adopting some of their tacti

Does Anxiety Cause Memory Loss?

Anxiety is a common mental disease that can cause memory loss from the nature of the disease and the medication taken to treat it.

How Do Doctors Determine Alzheimer's Disease?

Alzheimer's disease causes a loss of social and intellectual abilities when healthy brain tissue begins to degenerate. Patients will have memory loss which gets worse over time. They will also experience a decline in their mental abilities. Nearly half of all people over the age of 85 have Alzheime