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Rheumatoid Arthritis : Health & Medical
Acceptable ESR in Giant-Cell Arteritis?
Is it important to normalize the ESR completely without ongoing symptoms?
Ankylosing Spondylitis
Find WebMD's comprehensive coverage of ankylosing spondylitis including medical reference, news, pictures, videos, and more.
3 Natural Rheumatoid Arthritis Pain Relief
Here are 3 ways you can achieve natural rheumatoid arthritis pain relief. Reduce the amount of pain pills you take by following these strategies.
Rheumatoid Arthritis and Antioxidants
Antioxidants are truly the secret to your good health. The most important thing is to find a way to get your daily supply of them without spending a fortune.
5 Myths About Rheumatoid Arthritis
Even though Rheumatoid Arthritis is a well known disease, but some public opinions about this disease are wrong, not only they are not evidence based, they also lead to false believes and hence ignorance. It is therefore necessary to put a spot light on the "myths" and correct the misconce
Arthritis - Basic Facts and OTC Treatments
The article discusses some basic facts about arthritis. The types of people who suffer from arthritis and the different forms of the disease is briefly discussed. The different types of treatment methods, focusing specifically on OTC's is the focus of the article.
Arthritis Medication Side Effects - What You Should Know
Arthritis medication side effects are a possibility. Be aware of arthritis medication side effects and call your doctor if a persistent or potentially serious problem develops.
Can Lupus Autoimmune Disease Be Cured?
This autoimmune disease is one where the autoimmune system in the body fails to an extent. How this happens is that the body becomes unable to identify the difference between the healthy tissues in the body and a virus or bacteria. Therefore, instead of producing antibodies to attack these bacteria,
FDA OKs New Gout Drug Uloric
The FDA has approved Uloric, the first new gout drug in more than 40 years, according to Uloric's maker, Takeda Pharmaceuticals
Gins, Raisins and Arthritis - Combo That Works!
If you suffer from arthritis, this is very serious. The pain which arthritis lets the victim experience is undoubtedly severe. So choosing the right medication can be very vital to one's wellness.
Coping With Fatigue, Weakness, and Rheumatoid Arthritis
WebMD explains the fatigue and weakness that come with rheumatoid arthritis and offers strategies for minimizing how much RA interferes with your life.
Vitamin B: Arthritis Cure?
A look at the importance of supplementing with vitamin B if you suffer from arthritis. Vitamin B helps to reduce homocysteine levels and it improves general health.
Current and Future Role of Methotrexate in RA Therapy
What is the future role of Methotrexate in rheumatoid arthritis?
Diet and Rheumatoid Arthritis Development
What is the relationship between diet and the risk for developing rheumatoid arthritis?
Psoriasis, Psoriatic Arthritis and Risk of Gout in the US
This study examines the risk of gout among men and women with psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis.
Pregnancy & Rheumatoid Arthritis
Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a painful disease that affects the immune system and most often causes damage to the joints in the body. RA is three times more prevalent in women than men and appears to have a correlation to pregnancy.
The Facts About Septic Arthritis
Septic arthritis can affect people of all ages including infants. Prompt antibiotic treatment is usually necessary to limit the damage that septic arthritis inflects upon the victims.
An Overview of Tendinitis From Symptoms to Treatment
Tendons are cords of tissue that attach muscles to bones. Tendinitis is a condition that involves inflammation of a tendon.
What Is the Best Arthritis Pain Reliever?
In most cases, someone using an arthritis pain reliever in the form of recognized drugs only gets short-term pain relief. Nevertheless, experts have developed certain dietary supplements using the advances treatment of the illness, to provide long-lasting pain relief. Medical experts normally give a