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Arts & Crafts Business : Society & Culture & Entertainment

Name Tag Craft Ideas

Many events that children attend require the use of name tags. It is hard for teachers and other adults to remember the names of all children within just a few days. Name tags help children learn each other's names and help adults communicate with children. Just because the name badges are necessary

How to Get Cardinal Rubies

Cardinal Rubies are red epic-quality gems found in "World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King." Obtained from prospecting, the gems can be cut into several patterns, such as the Bold Cardinal Ruby (a strength gem) and the Brilliant Cardinal Ruby (an intellect gem). Though there are other ways to obt

How to Change a Credit Card in Runescape

According to the Runescape website, the Guinness Book of World Records has Runescape listed as the most popular free massively multiplayer online role-playing game in the world. While the game is free, a premium membership is available for a nominal fee. This fee is normally paid via credit card and

How to Design a Tattoo Piece for a Back

The back can be a great place on the body to have a tattoo, as it can be easily covered up for certain situations like job interviews. It is also a very large area, so your design is not restricted to fit onto somewhere smaller, like the arm for example. Designing your own tattoo can ensure you have

Uses of Genetic Fingerprinting

Genetic fingerprinting, also known as DNA fingerprinting, is a far-reaching science. Though commonly associated with forensic and genetic science, genetic fingerprinting has many practical applications, and its use continues to expand. Genetic fingerprinting is used to solve crimes, preserve wildl

How to Use a Swiss Beading Block

A Swiss beading block is a polished solid steel block that has round holes in the surface to reshape the ends or tips of beading tools. Two standard block sizes are available for purchase. Each block has 10 holes of various diameters. The small block has round shaping holes from 0.4 mm to 1.0 mm. Th

How to Make a Denim Shorts Purse

Many people have an old pair of denim shorts or jeans just lying around the house. It may be hard to figure out what to do with these old clothes, but they don't need to be thrown away. Making an old pair of denim shorts or jeans into a handbag or purse is a fun, simple and useful craft. Any amateur

How to Get a Full Incense in "Pokemon SoulSilver"

The Full Incense is a hold item introduced in the fourth generation Pokemon games. When held by a Pokemon, it causes that Pokemon to always attack last when using an attack with the same speed priority as the opponent's attack. For example, if a Pokemon holding a Full Incense uses "Mach Punch," and

Steps in Making Ointments

Ointments To Suit YourselfThere are many formulas for making ointments at home. It is even possible to toss together a fast ointment blended from your favorite unscented hand cream and the herbal or extract of your choice. By researching the many herbal sites and books, and by doing...

How to Make Dance Ribbons on a Stick for Dancing

Ribbon sticks are essentially handles with long strips of ribbon attached to the end. When the handle is swung, the ribbon trails through the air, following the loops and twirls of the handle. Ribbon sticks are used in both rhythmic gymnastics and in the traditional Chinese ribbon dance. While both

How to Crochet a Jacket

Once your crochet skills and confidence take you beyond beanies, afghans, scarves and other simpler projects, tackle a jacket. This project uses a larger crochet hook, meaning the jacket grows quickly. This garment is suitable for winter wear when it is done. To crochet this project, you should be c

Memorial Gift Ideas for Grieving Wives

Bouquets with special cards and sayings are another form of memorial day image by ma510na from Fotolia.comIt is hard to watch a family member or friend grieve over the loss of her husband. Sometimes you might not know what to say or do and worry about spending too much or...

DIY: Refining Beeswax

Beeswax, a common material used in candles, makeup, shoe polish and many other common household items, does not initially look like the clean, smooth wax that goes into the production of these items. Since the wax is created from bees' honeycomb, crude wax often has dirt, insect wings and sometimes

Aluminum Polishing Chemicals

Aluminum is an abundant and lightweight silvery white metal. Although it forms approximately 8.3 percent of the earth’s crust, it is notoriously difficult to extract as it is only found in combination with other materials such as bauxite. The metal's ability to be formed into strong, light and

How to Make a Ruffled Bubble Dress

Make a ruffled bubble dress for a child or make one for yourself to show off your inner child. The dress is made with a ruffle below the bust line and a puffed-up, double-layered bubble skirt. You can use a simple, thin-strapped tank top for the upper portion of the dress, and make the skirt from yo

What Makes Nerf Toy Gadgets So Enjoyable?

Perhaps it's the nostalgia that comes more than us when we see a Nerf gadget surface?Probably it is the shear enjoyment that we get flinging a soft ball or disc at a person who annoys us?Maybe it's just the concept of a easier time that all of us wish we could get back?Toy gadgets might ap

How to Make an Obi

An obi is a wide length of lined fabric that is used in traditional Japanese garb to hold a kimono closed. While obi for men are only 4 inches wide and fairly utilitarian, obi for women may be as much as 12 inches wide and 9 feet long. If you are planning to wear a kimono, an obi is an essential par

Upholstery Fabric Crafts

Selecting upholstery fabrics for crafts is a matter of making selections among dozens of beautiful choices. Often appropriate pieces of fabric can be found in remnant bins where pieces too small for upholstery projects are sold at a discount. Once the pieces are purchased, there are also dozens of c