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Autism : Health & Medical

Autism Communication - Why Do Parents Need to Encourage Small Talk?

Small talk is one of the most difficult social skills that a child with Autism can learn. It is one of the most difficult skills for many children can learn. The ability to make interesting, non-confrontation conversation with anyone is really a skill to be admired.

Autism Medication - Why Do You Need Medication For Head Banging?

When you talk about head banging and the child with Autism, really terrible pictures come to people's minds. It is important to recognize this and make a conscious decision to talk about it. It is one of the critical pieces to helping your child.

ABA Therapy Can Make a Difference For Children With ASD

While not medically dangerous, autism can make it hard for parents to communicate with children.For these parents, hope lies in a well researched treatment called ABA Therapy or Applied Behavior Analysis therapy.

What Are Social Stories?

Social stories are one of the techniques that are used with children with Autism. Although this is done in a structured way for children with Autism it is a technique that has been used for centuries.

Can I Recognize Signs of Autism in Infants?

Early signs of autism can be detected in children under the age of 24 months, however this early it is an inexact science. Children develop at different rates. Of course, all children should still basically fall in and around the developmental milestones set up by specialists in child development. A

Autism Signs in Children - What to Look For and When

Every parent should be familiar with the Autism signs in children so that they are able to take preventative or diagnostic action as soon as these signs appear. Early diagnosis will have a dramatic effect on how the condition deteriorates because there are many things that can be done to slow or rev

Child Autism - Your Understanding of It Makes A Difference

Understanding what child autism is and is not will go a long way towards helping you cope with it. Children with autism need your understanding of how they see the world, and you can help them best by realizing that.

Autism Treatment - How is Autism Typically Treated?

Typical treatments for Autism include the FDA approved medication called Risperdal. It also includes non medical treatments such as speech therapy, occupational therapy and, in younger children, applied behavioral analysis (ABA).

The Secrets to Teaching Children With Autism

Autism is a developmental disorder that can affect anyone. Although genetic factors are claimed to be the most powerful ones behind it, there are several other things that can actually bring about the development of autism. Despite the disability involved when one has autism, teaching autistic child

Autism and Diet - What Are Your Options?

When, as parents, you hear your child has autism, the first response is usually one of shock even though you may have had concerns that led to the diagnosis. After the shock wears off, you'll probably be looking for things that can help your child. Unfortunately, information regarding a cure or

Early Symptoms of Autism

Autism is a brain development disorder that impairs social interaction and communication and causes restricted and repetitive behavior, all starting before a child is three years old. Parents usually notice early symptoms of autism in the first two years of their child's life.

Mitochondrial Disease and Autism

Mitochondrial disease is a rare illness which may be related to autism. What is the relationship? Might vaccinations contribute to autism when there is an underlying mitochondrial disorder?

Autism and Its Treatment Categories

Autism, which is a spectrum disorder, is believed to affect approximately one out of every 150 people. As autism awareness has grown, so have the known treatments. As few as 50 years ago, children with severe autism were considered "defective", and parents would be pressured to have their

Errorless Teaching - Prompting Toward Independence

Errorless teaching procedures used to minimize the chance of mistakes are commonly used with students with special needs and in typical, everyday life. Learn how to institute an errorless teaching program and (most importantly) fade its use over time.