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Music : Society & Culture & Entertainment
Learn Jazz Faster by Bring Purpose to the Practice Room
When many young (and not-so-young) musicians first gain some facility on their instruments, they often want to play all the time. The sheer joy of making their own music and sounding good on their ax ...
The Yamaha CLP 320 Clavinova Reviewed
Most pianists know the Yamaha Clavinova range has been the best performing digital piano series in over 2 decades, despite this fact many players turn their nosed up at its line introductory model, the Yamaha ...
Ibanez TS808 Vintage Tube Screamer - Legend Overdrive Pedal
Here is the story of the most famous and most heard of pedals for guitar overdrive: The Tube Screamer. Appeared in 1979, the TS-808 is a small green pedal that became inevitable on pedalboards of the greatest guitarists of all time. Far from being the first and only pedal from Ibanez, but it remaine
Learn to Read Sheet Music
Lots of people think that reading music too difficult; the truth is, it is a language which is known by many. Unlike other languages, music is very basic, uncomplicated and uses only a few "letters", or in the case of music, symbols. Knowing how to read and write this language is very fulf
How to Design a Poster Online
Designing posters is a fun project that involves creativity and artistic skill. Depending on the purpose of your poster there are endless ways to differentiate your poster and make it stand out. From small details such as font type and color palette to what images and text you use, making posters in
The Importance Of Scales - Improving Your Guitar Playing
If you are wishing to improve your guitar playing then the study and practising of scales should be a core component of your learning program. Scales are important because they are not only a fundamental part of music but they generate and improve finger dexterity and strength.
Justin Bieber
Justin Bieber is a Canadian pop singer. Scooter Braun saw his performance on You Tube and later become his manger. For Justin Bieber the main gig was Scooter Braun as he arranged meeting with a well k
How to Download Music to Mp3 Player
With the invention of computer and advancements in the Internet technology, the way we use to listen to music has also changed drastically. All such days have passed when people were required to take up ...
AboutCountry Top 20 Singles
A list of the Top 20 Country singles based on voting on the AboutCountry website.
Women of Country 2005
Your AboutCountry Staff each chooses a specific country female and reviews an album by her.
Learn Scales on the Guitar to Get Your Fingers Moving
If you want to be a guitarist who can play solos, you will need to understand scales. The work of practicing scales is boring but after a few weeks of practice you will start to experience watching your fingers move over the fretboard as though they have a mind of their own.
Electric Guitar Lesson - 5 Hot Tips
An electric guitar lesson can be one of the most eye opening things in the world. Even experienced guitar players can find the whole thing frustrating, so a timely guitar lesson for your trusty old electric can be the thing that makes all the difference. I've compiled a few tips here, so I hope
How To Strum Electric Guitar
In most cases, students learn how to strum electric guitar using an acoustic model first. It's fair to say that acoustic guitars are generally less expensive than electric models and so they represent an easier and more affordable point of entry into the world of playing guitar. In essence, the
Eric Church Biography
Born on May 3, 1977 in Granite Falls, North Carolina, Kenneth Eric Church bought his first guitar as a teenager. He taught himself to play and began writing songs. By the time he was a junior in high school he had a regular gig in a local bar. Then things began to really get interesting. See what ha
How to Promote a Band
Songeist is a wonderful music community where artists can exchange ideas and tips on how to sell music online and how to promote a band. How do you get people to listen to your new music? New bands- l