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Performing Arts : Society & Culture & Entertainment
Asia Dance
Like many travelers, you may only visit the same place but in different countries. Make a change; go to the theater instead of the beach. Here's a brief look at Asian performing arts.
Theater - More Popular Than Ever?
How has the tradition of Theater grown over the millennia to the condition of theaters today? Is the performance of plays and musicals confined only to the buildings we have now? The theater, I feel is going to increase in popularity.
The Brazilian Art Called Capoeira
Capoeira is a form of art which combines the elements of martial arts, sports and music. It has been used as an element to import Brazilian culture all over the world with its growing popularity.
Holiday Gift Guide for Talk Show Fans
If you're one of the thousands (maybe millions?) who do their shopping at the last minute, take along this Talk Shows list of our top picks for gifts for Talk Show Fans. A must print-and-carry (or link and buy!) reference for all your gift-getting needs.
How to Make Theater Stage Sets
If you are involved in any sort of amateur theater company, you will probably at some point need to build a set for one of your shows. Although many theater sets look like permanent walls and levels, these are just facades that are used to simulate the real thing. There are two main components to
Card Magic Revealed - Learn Easy Magic Card Tricks
Everyone loves magic tricks. Card magic is a great way to entertain crowds and for the magician it is a great feeling to watch the faces as they light up with amazement and surprise at your skills.
Dreams Do Come True!
They were selling used dance wear, shoes and dresses. They would also have a show with some of the really good local dancers, the excitement, the razzle, and dazzle of the showcase dancers.Oh how I wished I could dance.That evening I bought my first pair of dance shoes - used.I was told this was a g
History of the Ballet Costume
Ballet began in Italy and France during the Renaissance.Costumes were created specifically for this form of dance in the 15th century. Most dancers wore special costumes and masks for the ballet, and the average costume was luxurious.
Lopez Tonight with George Lopez
'Lopez Tonight,' comedian George Lopez's new talk show on TBS, spends its late-night hour welcoming celebrity guests, live music and comedy acts to a spontaneous outdoor-like party-on-TV.
How Do Stage Props Work?
Theater PropertiesTheater properties, or props, date back to the Greek plays in which actors wore large exaggerated masks on their faces to represent their characters. They evolved in the Renaissance with the advent of traveling theater troupes. While most of the actors taking part in...
How to Make A Price is Right Shirt
If you are looking to make an impression on the Price is Right, then you need to show up to the taping with your homemade shirt.
The Importance of Gestures in a Play
Hamlet said it best, in his advice to the players, "Do not saw the air too much with your hand, thus; but use all gently." Shakespeare knew the importance of gestures, and, through Hamlet, urges the actors to "suit the action to the word, the word to the action." Imagine a play with all actors' arms
Everything you need to know to score free talk show tickets!
Looking for free talk show tickets? An expert from ‘The View’ shares 10 tips on how to ensure you get those tickets and have a good time at the talk show.
Find Your Favorite Daytime Talk Show Hosts on Social Media
Social media websites, like Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn, are quickly become must-have communication channels for everyone. And for talk show hosts, it's a way to easily and creatively connect with fans.
How to Learn Metal Art
Metal art can be very expressive, whether it's large sculpture, fire art, jewelry, wall art or even structural work. Even a basic knowledge of metalworking will allow you to begin creating. Here's how to get started as a metal artist.
Basic Movements in Bachata for Beginners
Bachata is a slow and romantic Latin dance that originated in the Dominican Republic in the 1950s. The music is traditionally guitar ballads with lyrics that speak of love and despair. Bachata is now popular around the world and can be heard on the radio or in dance clubs everywhere. Bachata is danc
Promotion, Fundraising, and Administration (The Business)
Performing arts from the local and regional perspective, from little theatres to regional venues, and encompassing all aspects of staging, production, administration, promotion, and more.