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Family Life & Health : Health & Medical
How to Prevent Bedbugs When Moving
Though they sound like fictional monsters in urban legends, bed bugs are very real. These tiny, nocturnal bugs feed on human blood at night and tend to live in areas where people and animal sleep. Though bed bugs do not spread disease, their bites can cause itching, skin irritation, and allergic rea
Chest Pain: Is the Location of Pain Diagnostically Helpful?
When presented with patients complaining of chest pain, primary care providers are trained to elicit the exact pain location. But is this a reliable diagnostic tool?
Living Alone With Cancer in Older Age
This study compared the experiences and future preferences for care between two groups of older people with cancer in their last year of life; those who live alone, and those who live with caregivers.
Halloween Games That Keep Kids Moving
These active Halloween games are suitable for all ages and for large or small groups. These fun activities encourage physical activity and fun with a Halloween theme.
Effect of Facemasks on Empathy and Relational Continuity
Wearing a facemask during consultations has become commonplace in many clinical situations in Asia, but it may negatively impact patient trust and physician-patient communication.
Empathy and Perspective Taking in Understanding Burnout
Does the way in which primary care physicians relate to their patients have an impact on their risk of burnout?
Empathy and Perspective Taking in Understanding Burnout
Does the way in which primary care physicians relate to their patients have an impact on their risk of burnout?
Soda Bottle Baseball Bat
Use recyclables and household items to make your own kids fitness equipment. These low- to no-cost active toys are simple to create and fun to play with.