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Marriage & Divorce : Family & Relationships
How to Overcome Marriage Problems - What Couples Should Know
Know how overcome marriage problems using proven techniques and save your relationship from divorce. Discover the best method to resolve issues in your marriage and create a long-lasting relationship"
Getting The Right Help In Fixing Marriage Problems
If I were to tell you how many couples are divorcing after not getting the proper help in fixing their marriage problems you would probably faint. Make sure you are getting the right help in solving your marriage problems and a good place to start is here.
Why Won't My Spouse Just Be Transparent About The Reason He Might Be Pursuing A Divorce?
"Three days ago, my husband came home and, over dinner, very calmly told me that he wants a divorce. I literally dropped my fork. I was so not expecting that. I know that there are sometimes when we struggle to get along and I know that sometimes the intimacy isn't there in the way it was
Finding Your True Love - How to Fall in Love
Do you really understand how you can make a man fall in love? Do you want to find a fantastic boyfriend who will treat you right?
Surviving Infidelity, How To Rebuild Trust in Your Spouse Again
Infidelity can actually destroy a marriage by destroying mutual trust and faith which is the very basis of every marriage. Surviving infidelity can be very difficult for a couple but if you both have
Tamil Wedding Rituals
Tamil wedding symbolises a ritual that exhibits the simplicity of the Tamil community, upholding the diverse customs and practices that precede the basic wedding rituals. South India boasts of its elementariness and simplicity, the humility of the people, which are in turn extended to their cultural
The Quickest Ways to Rekindle the Romance in Your Marriage
Without a doubt, it can be quite hard to balance a job, a social life and your children while trying to keep your marriage intact all at the same time. With so many people leading such a busy lifestyle nowadays, it really isn't any wonder why so many relationships fall into a ton of strain in t
Marriage AND relationship stress
When we live together in the relationship, we develop expectations from the partner with whom we live. Expecting she or he has identical chemistry so contented environment prevails. Matching chemistry
How to Get Your Wife Back From Another Man - Is She Really Gone For Good?
Your marriage hasn't been the greatest lately, and now your wife has left you for another man. When you're wondering 'How to win my wife back from another man', you
How Should A Wife Act Around Her Husband After He Left Her?
I heard from a wife who said 'my husband left me. There was no real warning. I knew that we were having some problems with our marriage but never in my wildest dreams did I think that he would take it
How to Love a Woman - Romancing the Woman of Your Life
Loving a woman is easy. It's how they want to be loved that makes things a little tricky. Women differ from men when it comes to love and sometimes, we can't help but wonder what went wrong, what did we miss or how do we love them exactly? Following what your heart dictates is the safest b
Why You Shouldn't Wait Until Marriage for Sex and Shouldn't Marry the First Man You Sleep With
Why abstinence is not always best. Article includes personal tales of why sometimes it is not better to wait and why marrying the first man you have sex with could be the worst thing you do.
Make a Guy Fall in Love - Be His Dream Come True
So you've fallen for a guy, and now you are wondering how to make him fall in love with you. Are there certain steps that you can take that will help him feel what you are feeling?
I Want To Make My Husband Jealous So He'll Want Me Back. How Do I Do This?
I recently heard from a wife, who said in part: 'my husband left me six weeks ago. He is living with his old college roommate. Although he has made no attempts to move forward with a divorce, he&#
Children and Divorce
You are your child's caregiver and protector. When divorce rears it's ugly head, you've got to be sure your children are buffered as much as possible. Here are some key ideas to consider to be sure that occurs.
Engagement Proposal Ideas to Make Her Say Yes
If you're planning on getting engaged, you'll need an engagement proposal. Proposing to your girlfriend can be a bit stressful, to say the least. Most men wrack their brains trying to come up with ideas for their engagement proposal.
INSTRUCTIONS 1. The immediate family with their relatives; Your families outside of the immediate family aren't supposed to be decision makers in the family. Keep them on the outer court of the marriage; whether it ...
How to Get a No Fault Divorce in Florida
Florida is one of the easiest states to get married in and one of the easiest to get divorced in. If you and your spouse agree to call it quits, and you agree about how to divide your belongings and your debts--and there are no minor or dependent children--the divorce process in Florida can be inexp
Divorce Help - Is Mediation The Same As Counseling?
Need divorce help? Then you might want to hire a divorce mediator. But the common question about mediation is this: "Is mediation the same as marriage counseling?" In this article, we'll talk about this and other myths about divorce mediation.