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Allergies & Asthma : Health & Medical
Reduce Asthma Flare-Ups - 3 Effective Ways To Manage Asthma
Since there is no known cure for asthma, the best way to enjoy a high quality of life is to reduce flare-ups. Here are 3 very effective things that you can do to get relief and stabilize your asthma.
Stop Picking Your Nose For Allergy Relief
The mucous membranes of the nose are some of the most sensitive in the human body. To obtain nasal allergy relief, several things may be done. First of all, don't pick your nose!
Home Allergy Treatment
Find WebMD's comprehensive coverage of home allergy treatment including medical reference, news, pictures, videos, and more.
Types of Eczema Explained!
Most people think of atopic dermatitis as the only type of eczema that people can suffer with. This is the standard stereotypical Eczema we all know of. While it is in fact the most common, there are
Dust Mites and What Now: Encasing Your Way to Control
You're waking up sneezing with itchy eyes and dust mites and their protein are to blame. What now? A look into the important step of encasing your mattress, the options available, and the ben
Breathing Easier With Asthma
Asthma is a debilitating disease that can be deadly if not treated. Thanks to modern scientific understanding of the condition as well as modern medicines, sufferers can lead normal lives.
Are Asthma Medical Research Studies For You?
Asthma medical research can be good for you and good for science. However, there are several things you need to know and consider before jumping in.
Natural Remedies Or Synthetic Medicines For Sinus Relief?
There are many natural remedies in the market today which cater for sinus relief. Skyrocketing sales are being experienced by natural alternative manufacturers. So whether you are having problems with acute sinusitis or other chronic sinus infections, it may be worth trying medications other than co
Asthma: Measuring Peak Flow
As someone with asthma, you know how important it is to monitor your condition. You need to know how well your lungs are "working"-is their ability to move air in and out staying the same, or is it getting better or worse? When you monitor your asthma, you can control it. When you control
The Fish Allergy at a Glance
The fish allergy is one that is considered to be relatively common among those whose immunity reacts in an abnormal way to items that are typically considered to be normal among most. Naturally, you should avoid consuming fish at all costs to avoid experiencing the symptoms of a fish allergy.
Dogs May Protect Kids From Allergies
Infants who live in a house with multiple dogs may be less likely to develop allergies later in life, according to a new study.
Angular Cheilitis Treatment – Cure Angular Cheilitis Before It Gets Worse
The repercussions of angular cheilitis can be quite bad, especially if you're the one suffering from it. The disease is serious enough that it even has more than one name. It's known
Allergies and Children: The ADHD Riddle
As we have discussed previously in this four-part series on allergies, allergies are nothing more than the body's over amped response to something normally benign that it now, for whatever reason, sees as a foreign invader. Allergens can be either airborne or ingested and can cause an assortmen
3 Natural Remedies For Nasal Congestion Caused by Allergies
One natural treatment that you can try on your own is a nasal massage. You can accomplish this by taking the tip of your finger and place it on the end of your nose, and then firmly slide your finger up the bridge of the nose all the way to your hair. This should be repeated anywhere from 5 to 10 ti
MeditRight Helps Pick Medications for Colds and Allergies
MeditRight is a free mobile application to assist people in choosing an appropriate over-the-counter cold and allergy medicine.
How to Cure Asthma Naturally
Many people suffer from asthma and are taking medication for their symptoms. Are you one of them? There are natural cures for asthma sufferers that you need to know about.
How to Find a Cure For Hives That Works For You
Hives show up as blotches of itchy red welts, with very defined edges and flat surfaces. The bumps immediately gather together to develop large flat portions of raised lesions. They are typically very itchy and may result in lack of sleep and even depression. So how can we find a cure for hives that
How Does Asthma Affect the Body?
ExerciseThere is a type of asthma that a lot of sufferers experience called exercise-induced asthma, or EID for short. In this condition, exercise performance is negatively affected. While exercising, a lot of air is being breathed at a fast pace and it often times comes through the...
Get Rid of Your Asthma Problems With Natural Asthma Control
I don't know anyone that has asthma that can tell you it's a fun disease to live with. It's a scary thing having an asthma attack, and its something every asthmatic would want to avoid.