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Allergies & Asthma : Health & Medical
Risk Factors That Cause Asthma
Asthma is a potentially life-threatening condition that can be managed with prescription medications, as well as avoiding certain triggers and risk factors. Common risk factors that cause asthma include environmental and household chemicals, lung development at birth, and factors that you can contr
Dog Allergies in Infants
Allergies can cause your infant discomfort, such as congestion, wheezing and persistent coughing. Your dog could be one possible source of your baby's allergy. Fortunately, this doesn't mean you have to find a new home for Fido. There are ways to keep this allergen at bay and treat your baby's sympt
Buying Allergy Air Purifiers on the Web - 5 Steps to Get the Best Purifier
If you have allergies, your physician has undoubtedly recommended an allergy air purifier as one of the ways you can effectively manage your symptoms. And since shopping on the web is such a convenience, it makes sense to buy your purifier this way. You can shop when and where you like and have it d
Food Allergies: Protect Your Child at Home and Away
Whether at home or away, dealing with your child’s food allergies can be challenging. Take steps to safeguard your child from cross-contamination, food allergy triggers, and other food allergy dangers.
Natural Allergy Relief - 5 Allergy Relief Methods
If you're looking for natural allergy relief than hopefully by reading this article and trying some of the methods you will be able to get relief from allergies. Different allergens have an effect on different people, so by trying out different methods you should be able to find some that work
Should You Worry About a Sun Rash?
Solar urticaria is an uncommon form of chronic hives caused by exposure to the sun. Hives can form on areas of skin directly exposed to sunlight. Find out more about solar urticaria, how it's diagnosed and the treatments available.
Dog Allergies Treatment - 3 Ways To Get Rid Of Them ASAP
Is your dog sneezing, itching, or in pain? Do you think it's allergies but you're not sure? It is important to get the right diagnosis and my goal is to help you find out why your do
Find WebMD's comprehensive coverage of decongestants including medical reference, news, pictures, videos, and more.
Safe Food Handling For Gluten Allergies
When considering safe food handling for gluten allergies there are a number of areas to be considered. Food preparation and storage at home is the easiest to deal with and will depend on whether you are catering for one or two family members or the whole family. If the whole family is gluten free th
Importance Of Buying Anti-Allergy Baby Bedding
Some people have very sensitive skin. They bruise or cut easily and can develop rashes from skin irritants that we wouldn't think about coming in contact with during everyday life. Everything
What If Your Asthma Treatments Could Be Tailored?
ersonalized medicine in asthma could help you and your doctor tailor asthma treatment to your care.
Tips to Survive the Allergy Season
When it comes to surviving an allergy season, there are several things that you need to take into your careful consideration. Sometimes, allergies are seasonal. For example, many people have allergies to mowing summer grass - this brings water into their eyes. Likewise, some people have similar alle
What Are Dust Mites and Why Should You Care
If you have ever wondered "what are dust mites," then this is for you. Dust mites are tiny, spider-like creatures with eight legs and a pincer-like mouth used for grinding up and digesting dander; dead skin and hair cells from humans and animals.
Bed Bug Bite & Dust Mite Allergy Elimination
American homes are literally infested with Bed Bugs and Dust Mites. Bed Bug Out and GOOD NIGHT are two really effective products to rid your bedrooms of these health hazards.
What is Sinus Irrigation Used For and How Does it Work?
Many people have heard of sinus irrigation but there are still people who do not know what nasal irrigation is used for and also how it works. The nasal irrigation process is a very simple one that originated in India and is used all over the world in this day and age.
Allergic Reaction-Prevention
To prevent problems with severe allergic reactions: If you or your child have had a severe allergic reaction, talk to your doctor about getting a prescription for an allergy kit. Learn when and how to use it, and have it near you at all times.
Virus Infection and Allergy in Asthma Development
Asthma's underlying pathogenic mechanisms are explored -- in relation to viral infections in this review.
Nasal Allergy Medications
Find WebMD's comprehensive coverage of nasal allergy medications including medical reference, news, pictures, videos, and more.
Signs of a Dust Mite Allergy
Dust mites are found in just about every home. They are invisible to the naked eye and tend to hide out in couches, mattresses, and pillows. Any place they can find their choice of food, dead skin cells, you can find dust mites. If you have an allergy to dust mites you will find that you develop a r