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Alternative Medicine : Health & Medical

An Alzheimer's "Diabetes III" Breakthrough

Alzheimer's is called diabetes III by some researchers because of the influence of insulin and un-metabolized glucose. Alzheimer's is believed by many to be incurable. Recent breakthroughs in understanding its physiology strongly suggests that it is a dietary problem. Proper management of

Is Colon Cleaning a Luxury You Can't Afford?

There are indications around that a global recession might by on its way. The recent subprime mortgage scandal which doesn't seem to want to go away, the never ending rises in fuel costs, and basic utilities such as water, electricity and even basic food stuffs are causing people to take a long

Online Counseling: A Perfect Solution To All Your Problems

Online counseling has recently gained much acclamation for being effective, economical as well as convenient. Online therapist offers help for a host of problems like anxiety, depression, home violence, loneliness, drug and alcohol, to name a few.

The Reason For Reduced Testosterone Levels

This method is contrariwise to some forms of androgenic hormone or testosterone replacement therapy that may could produce unwanted unintended side effects like man boobs, acne breakouts, deepening of the voice, and even a lot more. Often the causes for reduced testosterone are usually complicated a

What Is a Drug Formulary?

If you are choosing a drug plan (if you've just enrolled in Medicare, for example), you need to evaluate the formularies and the related cost structures offered by different companies. Doing so will help you make an informed decision about which prescription drug plan will best meet your needs.

Natural Health Solution - How to Find What Suits You

There are many and varied natural health solutions to every aspect of health care. What can be difficult to work out is, what is the best one for you at this particular time? To make this decision, you need to know what you feel most comfortable with as well as your basic needs.

UTI Natural Treatment - Treat Your Urinary Tract Infection Naturally

Most people prefer to use natural treatments whenever possible as there is a perception that they are better for the body than the equivalent conventional treatment. In the case of urinary tract infections, this is most certainly the case as the usual medical treatment is antibiotics and these can c

Fashion of Motorized Wheelchair

Motorized Wheelchairs are the most important things for a physically disabled person. It provides them liberty of movement without the help of any other person that means they are free to move and the

How Home Remedies Actually Work?

Going to the doctor isn't anybody's idea of fun. There are typically long waits involved both in the waiting room and then again in the exam room. Nobody really wants to take care of the ...

Tips When Making Your Own Aromatherapy Products

Why are you still paying so much money for those aromatherapy products you see in the stores? Everywhere you go there is another new scented candle, some body lotions and even soaps that all claim to be an aromatherapy product. But how much of that advertising is just hype?

Treat Blood Pressure The Natural Way

Ayurveda has progressed and spread immensely since its origin in the Indian subcontinent. Today, Ayurveda is used for curing many diseases which have plagued the lives of the people. This form of treatment is used in many countries. Ayurveda is also a thriving branch of medicine which is chosen by s

Home Remedies For Fever That You Ought to Know

Fever, a very common condition among everyone is caused when the body temperature gets elevated than the normal temperature. Our body temperature is regulated by the hypothalamus present at the base of the brain. It regulates the body temperature and keeps it according to the need.