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stomach,intestine & Digestive disease : Health & Medical
Acid Reflux in Babies and Children
Is your child complaining of a burning sensation in their chest? Do you find that they cough a lot or vomit regularly and you don't know the source of it? Well, your child may have GERD.
Screening: Colonoscopy vs. CT Colonography
Does offering a choice of test increase participation in colon cancer screenings?
Risk Stratification of Barrett Esophagus Patients
Could a histological review by expert pathologists help to minimize the risk of esophageal cancers in patients with Barrett esophagus?
Homemade Heartburn Relief
Heartburn, often referred to as acid reflux or GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease), is a condition whereby stomach acids are released into the esophagus and sometimes into the throat. Symptoms can include burning, coughing, a sore throat, difficulty swallowing, feeling of something "stuck" in the
Acid Reflux Disease - Bubbling Stomach Acid
Acid reflux disease is a result of stomach acid that simply doesn't stay where it is supposed the stomach.Instead of staying in the stomach the wayward gastric acid decides to back flow up the esophagus and back into the mouth.Yuck!Leaving a wickedly bitter taste, this stomach acid on a
Questions to Ask Your Pharmacist About Heartburn Relief
WebMD offers 8 questions to ask your pharmacist when you need heartburn relief.
Mortality and Cancer in Pediatric-onset IBD
Could patients with pediatric-onset inflammatory bowel disease be at an increased risk for cancer? This new study explores the connection.
What Acid Reflux Disease Entails
Acid Reflux disease is medically referred to as Gastoroesophogeal reflux disorder. It is a disorder that is common to adults especially those above the age of 40. This disorder is characterized by a burning sensation felt on esophagus.
Stomach & Digestive Disorders
Stomach conditions and digestive problems can put a damper on your day, and may even necessitate a permanent lifestyle change, as is the case with celiac disease. Many conditions can be managed or improved with dietary changes. There are also a variety of over-the-counter and prescription medication
Remicade Puts Crohn's Disease Into Remission
May Change Treatment for This Inflammatory Bowel Problem
How to Improve Digestion Naturally
Digestion problems increase as we age and our digestive systems become less efficient. Symptoms of digestive difficulties include gas, bloating, heartburn, stomach pain, etc. There are many natural strategies that will improve digestion naturally and help avoid prescription and/or over the counter
Could This Be the Real Reason for Constant Heartburn?
Over 40% of Americans experience heartburn and acid reflux conditions. Many people are still under the belief that heartburn and acid reflux are caused by too much acidity in the stomach.
What Are Problems That Have Been Associated With Chewing Gum?
Chewing gum can be fun, but it also could lead to jaw pain.Jacqueline Veissid/Lifesize/Getty ImagesChewing gum has been around for more than 100 years. In addition to the taste, many people enjoy the action of chewing, claiming that it releases tension. Still others insist that gum...
Does Acid Reflux Have Anything to Do With Gastritis?
Acid reflux (also known as gastroesophageal reflux, or GERD), and the condition known as gastritis---which is inflammation of your stomach lining---are two very different conditions. Although both do involve the stomach to some extent, and both can be treated with acid suppressing therapy, one condi
Fecal Transplantation for C. Difficile-associated Disease
What exactly is fecal transplantation and how does it potentially help patients with recurring C. difficile infections?
The Changing Clinical Profile of Celiac Disease
How has understanding the clinicopathological aspects of celiac disease helped to shape patient care over the last couple of decades?
Barrett's Esophagus: Risk of Dysplasia or Adenocarcinoma
How common is it for patients with nondysplastic Barrett's esophagus to develop adenocarcinoma? This study looks at the rates.
Know Your Chest Pain
Coronary artery disease (CAD) is the leading cause of death in this country.Knowing details of your chest pain and your prior medical history can aid your physician in diagnosing you quickly if you do have CAD.
Acid Reflux and Esophagus Healing
According to the Mayo Clinic, acid reflux, also known as gastroesophageal reflux, is a medical condition characterized by the flow of acid from the stomach back into the esophagus. Over a period of time, this could lead to damage to the lining of the esophagus. There are ways to control it and facil
Indigestion Heartburn - 5 Things to Help Your Indigestion and Acid Reflux
Heartburn and indigestion is something we all get from time to time.Usuallyindigestion happens after eating a big meal, and it affects about 5 millionAmerican men.However, some of them will suffer problems that are morefrequent.Luckily, there are many ways to prevent it and further improve thehealth