What Are Problems That Have Been Associated With Chewing Gum?
- Chewing gum can be fun, but it also could lead to jaw pain.Jacqueline Veissid/Lifesize/Getty Images
Chewing gum has been around for more than 100 years. In addition to the taste, many people enjoy the action of chewing, claiming that it releases tension. Still others insist that gum chewing is a rude habit that should be broken. Recent studies at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center have shown that gum chewing might have several drawbacks to your health and well-being. - Most sugar-free gum is sweetened with sorbitol.bulle de gomme, confiserie, image by vincent georgeault from Fotolia.com
A large percentage the gum available as of 2010 is sugar-free. One of the common sugar substitutes found in gum is sorbitol. According to The National Digestive Diseases Information Clearinghouse, sorbitol has been known to aggravate the symptoms of irritable bowl syndrome (IBS) in those who suffer from it. Even people who do not have IBS occasionally have similar reactions after chewing gum with sorbitol, such as gas, stomach cramps, bloating and diarrhea. - TMJ, temporomandibular joint dysfunction, is a condition caused by trauma to surrounding muscles in the jaw. According to Dr. Douglas Sinn, a University of Texas Southwestern oral surgeon, gum chewing can lead to muscle spasms, fatigue and pain by tiring your jaws, which could in turn lead to TMJ.
- Swallowing small amounts of air happens every day when we eat and drink, but swallowing too much air can lead to uncomfortable gas and bloating. One of the most common ways people swallow excessive air is from chewing gum.
Swallowing Air