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stomach,intestine & Digestive disease : Health & Medical
A Diet Plan to Combat Acid Reflux
Acid reflux is a condition that affects thousands of Americans. For some people the condition is rare and doesn't interfere too frequently in their day to day activities, but for other people it is almost constant. Some of the symptoms can include heartburn, bitter fluid in the mouth, chest dis
Zenker's Diverticulum
What surgical techniques are most effective for the treatment of Zenker's diverticulum?
Debunking Myths About Diverticular Disease
Dr. David Johnson reviews new data that put to rest several long-held beliefs about diverticulosis and diverticulitis.
The Truth About Gas
Many people don’t know much about intestinal gas, even though we all have it. It’s time to take the air out of some of the myths behind flatulence and belching.
How Does Isotonix Work?
Isotonix is a group of vitamins and nutritional supplements in powdered form manufactured by Market America. They are meant to be mixed with a specified amount of water and taken on an empty stomach. The solution is said to have a superior ability to be absorbed by the body compared to pills or caps
Home Remedies for Gas
Gas can cause embarrassment, but is actually a natural bodily function that accompanies a healthy diet. In fact, Roger L. Gebhard, M.D., says that the average person passes gas about 14 to 20 times a day. If your diet contains high amounts of fibers, your body naturally churns out gas products with
Associations of Coffee Consumption With Liver Injury Markers
What does coffee have to do with liver function? Find out about the relationship between that morning cup of joe and biomarkers of liver injury.
Analyzing the Human Microbiome: A 'How To' Guide for Physicians
How will a deeper understanding of the human microbiome help clinicians to better comprehend their patients' gastrointestinal diseases?
Management of Gastric Polyps
Do all gastric polyps detected at endoscopy have to be surgically removed? This new study gives us an overview of management approaches.
Eosinophilic Esophagitis
What do clinicians look for when attempting to diagnose eosinophilic esophagitis, and what are the most effective ways to test for the disease?
Irritable Bowel Syndrome Medical Reference
Find all medical reference articles on Irritable Bowel Syndrome at WebMD.
Natural Healing For Acid Reflux
When natural healing for acid reflux is available then what is the point of using drugs and different kinds of medicines for the cure of acid reflux? It is better to take homely remedies for acid reflux than to taking appointments from doctor, going for examination on regular basis etc. In this arti
Aspirin Use Improves Established Colorectal Cancer Survival
Is aspirin use after a diagnosis of colorectal cancer associated with better patient survival rates? This new study explores the data.
Benefits of Buckthorn
Buckthorn bark is most commonly used for the colon and digestive tract.rainy garden image by sumos from Fotolia.comBuckthorn is also known as buckthorn bark, glossy buckthorn, dog wood and arrow wood. It is the dried bark from the trunk or branches of a plant called Rhamnus frangula....
Could It Be... E?
Elevated liver enzymes and a hepatitis A-like prodrome -- is it time to consider hepatitis E? Dr David Johnson reviews what we know.
The Gut Microbiome in Health and in Disease
As researchers begin to learn more about the gut microbiome, how are they better understanding its connection to the development of certain diseases?
Diagnosis and Treatment of Hereditary Hemochromatosis
Iron overload is being recognized to play a carcinogenic role in hepatocellular carcinoma and other cancers. Find out more about the connection.
IBD: Remission Rates Achievable by Current Therapies
This new article outlines the very latest treatments for inflammatory bowel disease.
Alcoholic Hepatitis: Challenges and Future Directions
Besides corticosteroids, are there other drug therapies for the management of alcoholic hepatitis? This new article takes a look at emerging new treatment strategies.