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Trees & Houseplants : Home & Garden
Flowers That Keep Wasps & Hornets Out
Wasps and hornets can ruin a garden's relaxing ambiance.wasp image by Henryk Olszewski from Fotolia.comPests such as bees, mosquitoes, hornets and wasps can turn a homeowner's garden into an endless maintenance project. Instead of chasing down insects with sprays or worrying about...
How to Grow Mung Bean Plants
Mung bean sprouts are high in protein content, between 21 to 28 percent, and contain other vitamins. Growing mung bean plants is a way to replenish the seeds for later sprouting in jars. Depending on the plant species, the overall height ranges from 1 to 5 feet. The plants enjoy full sun, well-drai
Lots of Weeds on a Newly Established Lawn
A new or renovated lawn requires special care different from that needed for an established lawn. Areas with young grass often develop serious weed problems, according to Ohio State University Extension. Proper weed control ensures healthy turf development.
Can You Root Azaleas in Water?
While some plants may be rooted by placing a stem in a glass of water, azalea isn't one of them. Although azalea can be propagated by a variety of methods, azalea, like most woody plants, needs soil in order to develop roots.
Symptoms From Frost on the Growth of Your Sweet Corn
Sweet corn is a warm-vegetable crop widely planted in home gardens. The vegetable thrives in 60 to 80 degrees F temperatures and is used both in its fresh and cooked form. Sweet corn problems not only include pathogenic infections and pest infestations, but injury from adverse weather conditions suc
How to Trim Back a Large Lavender Plant
Lavender plants make a beautiful, fragrant addition to almost any home garden. Lavender makes great fragrant oils and can be used in sachets and crafts, and it's even a part of some recipes. Lavender's scent is very relaxing, and many people apply lavender oil to their pulse points for its calming
The Size of a Mature Elderberry Plant
The elderberry, considered a large shrub or small tree, produces large clusters of red to black-colored fruit. This hardy plant grows easily in moist, well-drained soil, although its shallow roots require frequent watering. The final height of an elderberry depends on several factors.
How Long Can Roses Stay in a Pot Before Planting?
The scent of roses blooming in the garden provides one of the great delights for home gardeners. These perennials grow as shrubs, ground covers and vines and produce stunning blooms that have long served as a symbol of love.
How to Propagate Crinum Lily
The crinum lily -- known scientifically as Crinum asiaticum and also called the swamp lily and the spider lily -- is a perennial plant that features long evergreen leaves arranged in a spiral rosette, with showy, fragrant flowers. Depending on the cultivar, the blooms can be white, pink or even cand
What Plants Can Be Planted Near a Blueberry Bush?
Blueberry bush covered with fruitJupiterimages/liquidlibrary/Getty ImagesBlueberries do more than produce fruit, they offer three seasons of interest in the landscape, according to Iowa State University. Blueberries produce urn-shaped flowers in white or pink in the spring, edible berries...
Uses of Cherry Tree Sap
Cherries are commonly planted in gardens for fruit and flowers, but they have many other uses.Koichi Kamoshida/Getty Images News/Getty ImagesCherries produce delicious and nutritious fruits that are used in all areas of cooking. Carpenters use the wood from the trees to build furniture,...
When to Take Lilac Cuttings?
Garden lilac (Syringa vulgaris) is not easy to propagate from cuttings and you are likely to have the most success if you take cuttings soon after flowering when the tree's growth hormones are at their highest. If you just want one or two new plants, you may have more success digging up shoots from
How to Get Rid of Leafminers
Leaf miners are small bugs that invade gardens. These insects are the larvae of flies, beetles, or moths, and they feed on common plants inside gardens. This damages the plants and can eventually kill them if enough of the plant is consumed. One of the biggest struggles for any gardener is to find a
How to Grow Rhododendron From Cuttings
Rhododendrons are broad leaf evergreens and propagate by cuttings. Greenhouse growers have an advantage of using mist units to keep the cuttings continually moist. They also use polyethylene plastic that retains humidity. The cuttings enjoy consistent temperatures, allowing them to develop. Home gar
How to Keep Asiatic Lilies Blooming
Asiatic lilies are naturally prolific, long season bloomers. The key to getting the best performance out of them is a regimen of good cultural practices. Asiatic lilies require bright sunlight, well-draining soil, ample water and regular feedings of granular bulb fertilizer. Deadheading spent blooms
The Best Color for Bird Feeders
When you're ready to choose a new -- or your very first -- bird feeder, you may want to consider which birds you want to attract. Knowing which birds you want to attract may help you to determine what type, size and color feeder best suits your needs.
Pachysandra Maintenance
Pachysandra, also known as Japanese spurge, is the ultimate low-maintenance ground cover. It thrives in USDA plant hardiness zones 4 to 7. Pachysandra prefers part shade, but will tolerate sun. It spreads by underground rhizomes.
Proper Care of Knock Out Rose Shrubs
The Knock Out family of roses takes the stress and hard work out of rose growing. Featuring the pink, double, blushing and rainbow varieties, Knock Out roses are heat tolerant and are grown in most areas of the United States. Widely popular and available for purchase from garden and home centers, Kn
How to Prune a Sweetbay Magnolia
There are many different types of pruning -- some methods promote the health of the tree while others promote shape and aesthetic details of the tree. Because the sweetbay magnolia is a summer-flowering tree, you should prune in the winter or very early spring for best flowering results. Magnolias a
What Are the Growing Conditions for Olive Trees?
Gray-green is a prominent color on olive branches and developing fruits.Robert Houser/Creatas/Getty ImagesNative to the Mediterranean basin, olive trees (Olea europaea) grow slowly and eventually mature to 25 to 30 feet tall and equally wide. Attractive and picturesque as they age, the...