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Health & Medical Insurance : Insurance
HCFA Forms
HCFA stands for Health Care Financing Administration. The HCFA 1500 is the form used to process government health care claims. It is not something normally seen by the patient, but is rather the behind-the-scenes paperwork that gets sent off to insurance companies. These forms have all the informati
Can I Cover My Stepson on My Health Insurance?
Under health insurance plans you, your spouse, and your children can be covered. This includes your stepchildren and adoptive children. In 2010, The Obama administration signed a bill into law that extends the length of time children can remain on your health insurance. The law also relieved many o
AAPC Officer Duties
The AAPC officer ensures compliance with federal regulations in a hospital image by les sanders from Fotolia.comFounded in 1988, the American Association of Professional Coders is a trade association that provides education and accreditation to physician-based medical...
Health Insurance Shopping Tips
It wouldn't be too hard to become overwhelmed by the choices available to anyone looking to purchase health insurance. However, your shopping experience will be a more rewarding one if you remember a few shopping ...
Find Health Insurance Of Your Choice Instantly
Health Insurance has become the necessity for every person. Still it is considered a very daunting task to find health insurance which is best in terms of prices and benefits. Today, you can easily find ...
Knowing Whether Your Business Should Provide Health Care Insurance
As an employer, your hardest task would be to provide your employees with a decent and affordable health care insurance. Sadly, a recent study concluded that, even in California, fewer than half of all businesses ...
Reverb Pedals to Give Best Sound Effect
In the world of electric guitarists, they are arguably the most important effect to have in the gear pool. While the selection of modern effects pedals is seemingly endless, a guitarist can always rely on ...
Medical Billing Services - A Few Essential Things About the Process
Most of the healthcare centers and professionals are outsourcing the job of medical billing to experts. Hiring an expert for the billing work means faster approvals from insurance companies and lesser chances of errors. Medical ...
Outpatient Programs for Medicare Physicals
Medicare's preventive services help seniors stay active and healthy.seniors walking image by astoria from Fotolia.comWhen you reach age 65 you can enroll in Medicare. The disabled can enroll at any age. When you first join Medicare, it is a good idea to schedule an appointment with a...
How to Determine the Financial Health of a Publicly Traded Company
The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission requires publicly traded companies to file annual financial statements using the EDGAR electronic database. EDGAR allows public investors and prospective investors to search financial documents. Publicly traded companies must file their initial registratio
How Does MinnesotaCare Work?
The uninsured are more likely to die when hospitalized for serious conditions such as stroke and heart attack, according to Consumer Reports. MinnesotaCare is a low-cost insurance program that allows eligible Minnesotans to access quality health care services.
How to Apply for Maternity Health Insurance
According to the Maternal and Child Health Bureau, seeing a doctor from the beginning of a women's pregnancy tops the list of ways to have a healthy baby and pregnancy. Babies born to women who did not have adequate prenatal cares verses those women who did are three times more likely to have a low
How to Compare Health Insurance in Ireland
Public hospitals in Ireland provide both public and private health care. Patients receiving public care pay a maintenance fee of of €75 or $104 per day, up to €750 or $1039 per year, when receiving treatment in a public hospital. All other costs and treatments are free. Public patients may
HIPAA Certificate Requirements
HIPPA Certificates Assist in Gaining New Insurance Coveragehealth accessories image by forca from Fotolia.comThe HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) provides a certificate, known as certificate of creditable coverage, documenting previous health coverage a person...
Florida Medicaid Income Requirements
Medicaid provides medical insurance to individuals and families who meet specific income and asset requirements. People who could be eligible for Medicaid benefits in Florida include low-income families with children, children, pregnant women, non-citizens with medical emergencies and elderly or dis
How to Pay for Surgery Health Insurance Doesn't Cover
Surgery is an expensive proposition, and the health insurance company's goal is to find ways to avoid footing the bill at all costs. Where you are denied coverage due to medically unnecessary surgery or operations outside the scope of your coverage, steps need be taken to find ways to pay for the o
Tips For Saving on Prescriptions
Prescription drugs can be expensive, but there are ways that you can minimize the cost and save money. Find out how to ave money on prescriptions, including what to do if you don't have prescription drug coverage.
How Long Will My Health Insurance Cover Me If I Was Fired?
Upon firing, it's up to your employer to determine how long you may continue employer-sponsored health insurance coverage. Ask your company's human resources representative this question. Many factors determine the answer, including work and severance agreements, how often your employer pays the pre
Types of Health Care Plans
Which health care plan is right for you and your family is determined primarily by cost and coverage.Hospital image by Raulmah?3n from Fotolia.comWhen it is time to decide what type of health care plan is best for you and your family, your choices could be overwhelming. When considering a...
How to Replace a Lost Blue Cross Card
Whether you have been a victim of theft or you have simply misplaced your Blue Cross card, you will need to find it to prove your medical coverage for services. It is also imperative that you act quickly, because the card may be found by someone who would attempt to use it for their own medical care