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Pets Birds : Pets & Animal
Picking a Lovebird - Selecting Your Perfect Bird
There are so many Lovebirds you can select from. There are actually nine species you can consider selecting as a pet Lovebird. Eight of this species are natives of the African continent.
Diets of Grassland Hawks
The proliferation of grassland hawks depends on the availability of their prey. The diet of the birds differs among different species. The grasslands of North America lie in the center of the country and are home to many varieties of reptiles, birds, insects and mammals, some of which are eaten by g
Breeding Finches - An Art You Can Learn To Master
Breeding finches is an art that anyone can learn to master over time. Breeding finches will require the proper environment to be successful. You should know that breeding season begins in early spring. Some species prefer a cage-placed breeding box, while others enjoy the wider spaces of an indoor o
The Behavior of an Eclectus Parrot
Eclectus parrots are so named for the eclectic range of colorations the birds display, depending on their sex and species. These birds hail from the Cape York area of Australia, and have become popular pets due to their intelligent and outgoing behavior.
How to Make a Nesting Box for a Female Cockatiel
A cockatiel pair that is getting ready to nest will look for a suitable place to lay and care for their eggs. If you have caged cockatiels, you will be responsible for making this provision. But there is no need to run out and purchase a fancy nesting box. Cockatiels are not picky and will nest in a
Chicken Comb Diseases
The comb cools down the chicken.cock image by ivan kmit from Fotolia.comThe comb is the red (sometimes purple), fleshy part on top of a chicken's head. Both male and female chickens have combs, but those of the male chickens are usually larger. Combs are important because they cool down...
Different Personality Traits in Female & Male Cockatiels
Male cockatiels have different personality traits from females.light blue cockatiel image by Ken Marshall from Fotolia.comEndemic to Australia, cockatiels are one of the most popular Avian pets in the world. As with other animals, male and female cockatiels behave differently and exhibit...
How to Make PVC Bird Toys
Parrots are highly intelligent creatures who require toys in their cages to help keep them stimulated. Much like children, they require toys that have different shapes, colors, and textures for them to explore and play with. Oftentimes bird owners find that it is less expensive to make bird toys the
When Is the Best Time to Travel to See Birds?
Learn exactly when to travel for birding in order to have the best possible birding experience.
The Habitat of the Frigate Bird
Frigate birds are a species of pelican. They have long wings that can stretch to 7 1/2 feet. Five species of frigate birds exist worldwide, including the magnificent frigate bird and the great frigate bird. These two species have similar habitat needs, but their ranges differ. In some regions they l
How to Keep Spiders Out of the Chicken Coop
Chicken coops are often a perfect home for spiders; the coops are dark, filled with tiny, untouched spaces and replete with other insects for the spiders to feast on. You can minimize the spider population in your chicken coop by employing a few simple repellent methods that avoid the use of insecti
How to Sharpen Forstner Bits
Forstner bits are cutting tools. They perform like drill bits but with far more accuracy and precision. They have knife-like edges that revolve around a center axis that stabilizes the perimeter. They are used in fine furniture, clock making or anywhere intricate work is needed. The bits' edges can
How to choose your first pet snake!
A short article explaining what you need to do to choose a healthy first pet snake.
How to Build a Chicken Coop! Avoid Spending Thousands With a Retailer!
Do you want to find out exactly how to build a chicken coop? Do you want to find out this information in an effort to save money? Great!
Can Parrots Live with Other Pets?
You want a pet parrot, but you already have a dog, cat, or other pet in your home. Would a new bird be able to get along with your existing pet? Find information that will help you make the best decision in this informative article!
Victorian Bird House - Imitating the Design of Victorian Type Homes
Victorian bird houses bring new style. The model of the bird house is more beautiful and gorgeous than any other models of houses for birds. It is because the plan of this is quite quaint and imposing.
Common Reasons Behind Cockatiel Screaming
If you are a cockatiel owner that is having to take out stock in ear plugs because your bird is screaming so much this can be extremely frustrating. Determining why your cockatiel is screaming is the first step in correcting the problem.
How to Make Bird Feeders for Chidren's Crafts
Helping children make their own bird feeders is a great way to get them excited about birds. They can hang their bird feeders, watch the different kinds of birds come to eat, and maybe even learn their different calls.
African Grey Parrot, Smartest Pet Bird
Grey parrots have made great pets for thousands of years. Their fascinating ability to reason and their above-average speech capabilities make them the "Cadillac of pet birds." These parrots are easily trained in weeks, with the right care and attention.
Backyard Bird Suet Recipes
A bird feeder is a welcome addition to any backyard, especially for bird-watchers. Suet is a treat that many birds enjoy. It is best for use during the winter months because warm temperatures can cause it to go rancid. You can purchase cakes of suet at a variety of stores, but it's easy to make your