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Dog Breeds : Pets & Animal
What Are the Dog Allergies Symptoms?
You should know the steps & different precautions while getting your dog treated with a vet. Know more about your pet's suffering.
Raw Diet For Dogs
The raw diet is becoming increasingly popular among canine pet owners. For those of you who don't know, this diet is just as it sounds - feeding your dog the diet of raw meat, the diet dogs were meant to have.
How To Keep Your Shar Pei Healthy
You should look out for several Shar Pei health problems that are unique to the breed. It is important to watch for eye conditions that can affect your Shar Pei. You can avoid Shar Pei health problems by getting your puppy from a reputable source.
How To Choose The Healthiest Dog Food For Your Dog
Many people believe that commercial dog food is the healthiest food for their dog simply because the packaging says so. However, when looking for the healthiest dog food, you can't just pick a bag at random and assume that it contains all the nutrients your dog needs.
How to stop dogs barking
Daz Lightning, a German shepherd dog, happily produced an ear-splitting bark in 2009, measured by Guinness World Records as reaching 108 decibels—louder than a power mower just 1m from your ear. However, the Royal Society for the Protection of Cruelty to Animals advises that, though dogs may b
How to Remove Eyelid Tumors From Dogs
Most eyelid tumors occur in middle-aged or older dogs and originate from the glands inside the eyelid. The majority of these tumors are benign, and the only way to remove them is through surgical excision. This procedure usually cures the disease. Enlargement of the tumor can disrupt eyelid blinking
Tips For a Fabulous Doggy Birthday Party
Gone are the days when dogs were simply animals, now many people consider their dogs to be an integral part of the family. As a family member, many dogs are now celebrating birthdays, and in style too. In order to have a fantastic party there are some issues that require consideration, and a little
Give Your Dog a Bath the Right Way
What are the proper ways to bathe your dog?How often should your dog get a bath?What shampoo is safe for your dog?If you are looking for answers to questions like these, read on.
My Dog Has Pancreatitis - Now What?
If your dog is diagnosed with pancreatitis, there are certain steps you need to take to prevent it from happening again. This article summarizes the disease and reveals what exactly those steps are.
Dog Hair Follicle Infection
Dogs can develop a hair follicle infection known as folliculitis. Folliculitis may cause lesions to appear on the feet, face and certain pressure points on the dog's body. Folliculitis is most commonly caused by bacterial infections. If your dog has symptoms of a hair follicle infection, consult you
Are Dogs Allergic to Herbs?
Herbs can effectively treat many illnesses in dogs, but some are considered toxic. Find a holistic veterinarian and inform her if you are giving herbs to your dog. Some herbs can interfere with one another or with other medications.
Dog Treadmills: A Great Idea or Just a Passing Fad?
If you are considering buying a treadmill for your dog, read this article to find out if a dog treadmill is a good investment or just another passing fad. We will look at four key reasons why you might want to buy a treadmill for your dog.
Bichon Characteristics
The Bichon Frise is a small and sturdy dog breed that is often compared to a cotton ball because of its curled white coat. It is categorized under the Non-Sporting Group by the American Kennel Club (AKC), and dates back to the 13th century as a descendent of the Water...
Battlefield Dogs
Not much is written about the heroics of early war dogs. Even today's modern canine soldier is practically invisible.
The Benefits and Cautions of Having a Dachshund
Dachshunds are a lovable breed.They are loyal and very protective.They also have back issues which are very common and learning about those issues will help in the care of your dachshund.
Essential Grooming Tips For Your Dogs
A clean and healthy dog is more attractive and nice to cuddle. All pet owners wish to attain the maximum health condition of their pets and it will only be possible if grooming is adequate. Grooming a dog needs extra effort for you to complete it daily or few times in week. It includes brushing, bat
Is it Possible to Cure Your Dog's Whining?
You just got a new puppy whom you adore, but it's driving you crazy whining. Those living around you have begun to voice concern, and your patience is wearing thin.
Dog Training Kennel - How it Can Help Your Training
Using a crate or kennel during dog training, especially house training, can make things a lot easier. The kennel needs to be a place where the dog feels safe so never use it as a punishment. Also, to start with never force the dog to go inside. Instead, leave the kennel door open and leave some trea
Clicker Dog Training Tips - The Paw Command
Clicker dog training is a wonderful way to teach your dog different commands using positive reinforcement. The clicker is a simple device that makes a distinct click, and it can be used to "mark" desired behaviors by following the sound of the clicker with treats, praise or other rewards w