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Dog Breeds : Pets & Animal
Why is a Dog Bed Important For Your Pet Dog?
Your pet dog once used to sleep directly on the ground or on your bed or even on the carpet but now dog beds are really the thing to use for your pet. Your dog needs comfort as much as you do; please remember he is a pet dog and not a stray one so he is not used to a hard life like the ordinary stra
How to Potty Train Bichon Puppies
Bichon Frise puppies are adorable little balls of white fur and it's easy to see why so many pet owners fall in love with them. As adults, they are mild-mannered, gentle and obedient, as long as they receive the proper training, which includes potty training. Bichon puppies usually catch on quickly,
Getting Over the Hump: Why Does My Dog Hump and What Can I Do?
"Humping" in dogs is widely misunderstood. Often attributed to Dominance, or "Alpha" status, it's frowned upon in a way that certainly doesn't help our dogs. This article dispels the myths surrounding mounting using behavioural science. It will help you learn to better
Holistically Healthy
The term "holistic" has become a major buzzword in the world of canine health. The word is often linked with "organic." While eating organic and other types of wholesome food may be a part of raising a holistic dog, the term holistic has very specific application. It comprises an
Train Your Dog Not To Run Through Open Doors
Dogs that escape and run through opens doors are at a very high risk of dying. Yes, it's true and I have known people that lost their dog because of this one bad habit. Don't let it happen to your dog instead train you dog to do a sit stay at the door and not cross the doors threshold unti
Common German Shepherd Eye Problems
There are three common eye problems that affect German shepherds.german shepherd image by Vaida from Fotolia.comThe German shepherd is a versatile breed that, according to the German Shepherd Dog Club of America, excels in competitions such as agility, herding and tracking, and counts...
Jack Russell Terrier - An In Depth Look
Jack Russell Terriers are an energetic, feisty dog breed. Find out about their temperament, health, grooming and exercise needs. The Jack Russell Terrier may just be the dog for you!
Cancer Diet Nutrition For Dogs
Giving your dog the right kind of cancer diet nutrition can improve their chances of surviving the cancer and the treatments. I know there are a lot of dog lovers out there that would do anything that they could for their beloved friend, and giving them the right food is something fairly simple.
Does Your Dog Beg? Beware of the Uncle Freddy Factor
Woke up this morning and the weatherman said that it's going to be about 94 degrees today. That's when I realized I wasn't in Massachusetts anymore. You see, I am in Clayton, North Carolina attending a wedding. The house I am in staying in has three dogs, and all week I've seen t
Natural Dog Flea Treatment And Prevention
Some dog flea treatment products contain harmful chemicals.Learn about natural products and methods that can rid your dog of fleas while being safe to use.
Excitable Urination in Dogs
Excitable urination can be a frustrating problem for dog owners, particularly with young puppies. Even a dog that is otherwise housebroken may urinate during times of high stress or excitement, and this can be a difficult problem to overcome. Part of the cure is knowing why your dog urinates in cert
Tips to Choose and Use Dog Training Collars and Leashes!
If you are a pet owner and most likely interested in dogs then read this article because I am going to share some useful techniques that can help you to train your dog effectively. Being a dog owner, it is quite important for the owner to raise his pet with great care and proper training.
Puppy Potty Training - 4 Things You Must Do If Your Want to Potty Train Your Puppy Fast
Potty training is an important part of your puppy care agenda. This maintains sanitation and hygiene in your house by preventing your puppy from eliminating anywhere he likes.
Your Guide to Feeding an Adult Dog
Sometimes trying to find the right foods for an adult dog can be confusing. Make sure that you know your dog's proper nutritional needs so that you can make the best choice when searching for the right foods.
How to Train a Coonhound Puppy
Coonhounds are a diverse group of breeds specifically bred to hunt and tree raccoons. They are highly intelligent dogs, with prominent muzzles and long, drooping ears that funnel scents toward the nose for accurate tracking. Most coonhounds are natural hunters and take to hunting raccoons with ease,
How to Train Your Chesapeake Bay Retriever Using Confidence and Respect!
Training a Chesapeake Bay Retriever can be very rewarding.This breed is very friendly and quite intelligent, making it an ideal dog to train. They do love to swim and retrieve.
Housebreaking Tips For Puppies - House Train Your Puppy in Simple Steps
Housebreaking or house training is probably the single most important thing you will ever teach your puppy. Usually the earlier you can start housebreaking the puppy the better, as it is important to establish a routine early on.
How Does a Dog's Diet Affect Health?
Is a Dog's Diet Important?A dog's diet is very important. High quality food will keep your dog's internal organs functioning well, his coat shiny and thick and his behavior alert and friendly. In fact, a poor diet is a big contributor to bad behaviors such as hyperactivity or a short...
The Active Dog
Dogs can be great companions for someone at any age. One of the biggest worries people who want a dog but haven't gotten one yet come against is "but I'm so busy all of the time, how can I possibly have a dog?" Well, if you want something bad enough, there are always ways to get