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Pets & Animal : Pets & Animal
What Are the Different Kinds of a Cobra?
There are eight sub-species of cobra.Morgan_halloween8_070307 image by TMorgan from Fotolia.comCobras are snakes that belong to the taxonomic classification Elapidae. The name cobra derives from the Portuguese phrase "cobra de capelo," which means "hood snake." A feature that all species...
Habitat of the Tiger Swallowtail Butterfly
The tiger swallowtail butterfly is one of the most recognizable butterflies in the United States. They are large butterflies with a wingspan range of 3 inches to 5.6 inches. Adult tiger swallowtails are bright yellow, or yellow-orange, with black stripes on the front wings. Yellow spots speckle the
Von Willebrand Disease in Dobermans
Von Willebrand Disease (vWD) is a common health issue in Dobermans. It is a bleeding disease just like hemophilia in humans that can put Dobermans life at risk from surgery or injury.
Facts About Cat Dander---5 Things To Know About It
Cat dander is one of the most potent allergens there is. And you can be exposed to it even if you don't live with a cat. But sharing your home with a cat means that you are exposed to more than your share of these dead skin flakes. Here are 5 things to know that will help you literally keep the
Bil-Jac Dog Food
You are always careful about the food and diet for your family because health matters a lot. While purchasing foods for your home, you seek for freshness as well as the ingredients in the food. So thi
Raised Dog Bed Pet Cot
Raised Dog Bed for dogs of all ages. It reduces joint sick and muscle to provide a consistent 'off-ground-' support the spine and hip joints. This bed also increase the dog off the ground, keeping the
Hedgehog Basic Care
Hedgehogs are very interesting, fascinating pets to own. These pets are not for everyone though. Before you get one, you need to learn how to take care of them and make sure they are right for you.
Reptiles Eyes for Craft Projects
An important detail on any animal craft, whether it is a reptile or a teddy bear is eyes. There are several eye options for a reptile, some easier to attach than others and some more authentic than others. The eyes used depends on the reptile craft made. If it is for a child or intended to be cute,
All About Puppy Vaccinations
There are many vaccinations for dogs that they need in their lives.Some of the vaccinations are going to be dependent on where you live.In the following article you will find vaccinations that puppies should receive and the schedule.
Pet Bird Species Options
Owning a pet bird is rewarding. Pet birds can be somewhat demanding if you are familiar with a "normal" pet, like the house cat. So, should you be in the market to be a bird ...
Chihuahua Training is Easy!
Tips about how to train Chihuahuas (or any breed) to be more calm and well-behaved, and a short review of acclaimed author Jan Fennell's book "The Dog Listener".
Housebreaking a Beagle Puppy
Beagles are a very intelligent breed, but sometimes housebreaking them can be a pain. Not to worry though because the more you know, the easier it gets.
Diet and Supplements for Pet Health
For many pet parents, reading the labels of pet food and treats to make sure they contain natural ingredients is second nature. Some pet parents are bypassing commercial and even organic pet food and opting to prepare the food themselves, as well as include supplements in their four-legged friends&a
Having A Cockatiel As A Pet Is A Very Rewarding Experience!
Considering having a cockatiel as a pet?Well, let me tell you what a great idea that is!Cockatiels are very friendly birds and really do not take a lot of work to keep them them happy and healthy.Thes
Common Hamster Behavior
Is it really essential to understand your pet's behavior? Have you done a research before buying the pet you have now? Well, before buying a pet you should first learn their behavior so that
How Electric Collar Is Helpful for Your Domestic Pet
Dog is an animal which is easily become your family member. Many of the individuals love their pet as they love their near and dear ones. Sometimes dogs are so hyper and jump on you ...
A Place For Your Pet: Tips on Choosing the Right Dog Bed
Choosing the right dog bed for your furry family member is just as important as it would be selecting one for yourself. After all, this is the place where your pet will lounge, sleep and just hang out
Choosing the Right Vitamin For Your Dog
In recent years, we have learned the importance of a quality, meat based diet for our dogs. We now know that good nutrition, along with exercise and lots of love will allow us to have ...
Dwarf Hamster Supplies - Cages, Toys and Food
Having a dwarf hamster in your house is great, as these kinds of hamsters are not only friendly and sociable but also easy to be taken care of. The Dwarf Hamster is small, cute and very playful. He or she will be easily adopted by your family, making your kids and the rest of your family very happy.
Summer Season – Time to Remove Fleas and Ticks on Dogs
It's summer season again and you are probably excited to do a lot of outdoor activities with your family, friends as well as dogs. Well, slow down for a bit and see to it if ...