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Technology : Technology

Choosing the right IT Consultant Company

If you need to hire an IT consultant company to help your business stay on track, it will be important that you take an adequate amount of time to choose the right one to provide this kind of assistan

High Tech Backyard Weather Stations Can Save You Big Money

People are always looking for technology innovations that will make their life easier, more comfortable, or provide a bit more predictability to their daily events. One innovation that holds promise for doing exactly that are backyard weather stations.

Photo Flash Maker Vs Photo Recovery

If you want to make your own and unique photo DVD, then this article will tell you how, and if you want to recover deleted photos on Mac, this page will cover the best method.

What Can a Tablet PC Do for You?

Well, a lot of things: it manages to keep you connected with the world, it improves your productivity and it is basically fun to own. The Apple iPad and the Asus EEE Pad are two of the best devices on the market, but which are their main specs and why would you buy one over the other?

Microsoft Live Meeting

Microsoft Live Meeting is the ideal web conferencing solution for hosting online events. It works to streamline communications with customers, partners, vendors and employees while saving time and money.

The Agreements We Make When We Assume (Part 3)

How many times a day do you assume to know something? How often do you allow curiosity to get the better of you? How frequently do you find yourself believing that what you assume is the truth?

Resolving Itunes Music Folder Corruption Error

iTunes is an application used in iPod that allows you to manage the media files such as songs, videos, and more. iTunes provides a music folder known as iTunes music folder that enables you to organize music into playlists within one or more libraries.

Star Trek Online-mmorpg' s European Games Market

Recently, in a slightly off-kilter genre MMORPG's European games market. Previously, it was booming and a new one after another to announce a number of manufacturers, has recently reduced the number of new. Meanwhile, after a long time as the new "Star Trek Online" appeared, jump-star

The Internet’s Design Flaws

While there is no doubt the Internet is extremely useful, it is far from perfect. In fact, some of its flaws can be incredibly frustrating and limiting, especially if you work in IT. Whether you ...

How To Download Movies For Zune The Quick And Easy Way

Be one of the thousands of people already downloading movies for Zune. Of course, you can always stand out by downloading at the best sites that only true-blue Zune enthusiasts know of. Ever looked at that wide screen of your Zune? It's perfect for watching movies wherever you go.