The Face in All Seasons
1 I'm no river flowing toward the sea: I must find my way asking strangers in strange places sensing soul, using insight.
2 The blank space between words is the burnt skin of time I couldn't paint: they stole the colours and brush of the eyes.
3 There is no mirror to reflect the soul except the acts one performs and motives that guide utterances or gifts given to remember the last dance which test fear and sincerity in aloneness it pricks one admits or brushes aside love shines the face in all seasons in each land places the self binds with its own light mirrors soul.
4 I don't know how to follow the ridges back to the trail and the dead river but stand for a moment to rub the sand from my feet before worrying about the lost vitality and fear of the approaching night and rising smoke dissolving in the sky or conspiring with elements hardly in balance but contorting the psyche.
I don't know what is there for me to hope when the rains rejuvenate and flood both the repulsive stench and the loss of pathways linger longer than the flavour of the first drops under the tree the puddle feeds no sparrows but algae that couldn't dry now trap tiny souls that fail to swell with heaven's breath.
5 Concealing mourning in twilight gaze he explores the shaping nightmares: colours of the rainbow guard the beasts at the day's entrance.
6 They all walk with wounded feet seeking remedies remain disturbed bargaining small pleasures in smallness taint sun and moon and leap backward calling others turds surrender to creatures created in impulse unhealed, dance alone making moments more scary.
7 Looking for Taj in grains through sand-storm find history trapped between the toes bleeding fingers draw new domes of betrayal in windy matrices.
8 Nobody bothers beheading women and children with chainsaw in the name of God Algerians torch their own watan while in Zaire barbarians mull sex of God and angels and soldiers loot whatever they can to prolong war like the Talibanswho must spread their values and shun truce for power in the name of God turn the clock backward imposing ordeals of all sorts next door political fanatics in the name of social justice close eyes to sadhus killing housewives teachers raping girls in classroom and hoodlums burning women in slums.
9 Their rites of burning incense, camphor, aloes, musks match nuptial baptism by sprinkling burnt nail parings three eyelashes, seven head hairs, seven pubic hairs on her viands while he gets the fare of crushed lion- penises, cock's testicles and goat sperm to deflower maid with or without mantra or sacrifice ataltar can't ensure Shiva's virility uniting all the elements through earth nor liberate the first night in bed elaborate genital enthusiasm overflowing love tender interlude? 10 The traps hidden in the candle flame arethe cageswe make and unmake to chart the future and yet fear the emergency light at night dream the concerns of slinky colleagues and how to police their freedom against owls, monkeys and bandicoots that howl at each move to the lee and yet pretend our poses intact through several byways reach victory stand breath by breath conspire against ourselves only to hear the echoes that rise or die down in silence the twangs of memory reveal the pit dug over the year or theearth fermented with imaginary gains.
11 With sweat dripping down his legs he stands under the gulmohur waits for the sun to be less cruel at noon even his shadow seethes in hot wind he thinks how he'll cross the whole bridge with dust blowing over him every time a truck or car passes by ridiculing his being and the drying river oozing more sand than promises of water to drink when clouds burst in a month washing away his shanty and all save memories.
12 Telling lies as truth at my door they plant innocent graves and taint their tongues with messiah's blood: they all aspire to godhood without cross who can redeem their acts: I'm no god or godfather to sacrifice sun, spring, moon, morning breeze or rain nor any gods oflove visit my house but it grieves to see so many martyrs awaiting resurrection the short way.
13 The city shouts at anonymous strangers seeking sojourn against puzzling hedgehog and expectant past sticking future with choked geniuses unable to flush their own muck but embarrassed by lunar dust fallen from nowhere stories prop to trigger riots all around known and unknown faces bleed alike and they bury histories or blame informers hired to spread myths for non-payment cause shame to their own kins and their own land turn epiphytic.
14 The morning in Banaras along the Ganges is no longer fresh: smell of urine dried and fresh excrement merge with smoke, sweat and stench of the rotting river with eyes closed or open it's only the sight of sexless genitals or half-burnt bodies that incite no nirvana now infested with viruses unknown to the city dharma is eaten by vultures in the streets and the river awaits new birth dream broker promise in convulsion of lust.
15 A crow picking sperms from his mouth to feed anger of an unwed mother gang rapedin the temple dumb deity couldn't father the broken lives.
16 Drinking evening star blue green patterns before eyes no meditation no god visits to forgive the sinning soul in quietude.
17 Seven times he moves round the vermilion god under the peepal sprinkling water to escape the malefic Saturn.
18 Preaching Hinduism they've lost God for politics pull down churches shed crocodile tears killing the priest they kill truth: pseudo seculars.
19 Naked children crowd as I pass through the alleys between smelly slums: dogs bark to alert them to the presence of a stranger.
20 Wild flowers everywhere: out of the cracks in the cement and plastic-covered tin roofs-- drains demarcate their spread no matter uprooted again and again they've nowhere else to grow in a city sinking under its own weight.
21 The bamboo garden we picnicked and made love in is now a concrete managing environment and pollution control.
22 More wintry shades with sudden end of the sun: the roof leaks again unmasking the match clouds play with the dying each day: piles of frozen heads.
23 Their loose tattle or loitering on the street changes nothing not even the hand they wave to penetrate the body surging like a wave they image in the air and end up wriggling worms hiding through the thick hedges digging the dark undergrowth.
24 He couldn't change his caste so he changed the religion yet they didn't change nor could his small world: the jackals, foxes and crows couldn't comfort the unease of enlightenment with sky as a coverlet for gods the cage still pursues in search of a bird and he fights his battle alone in hope of the sun.
25 It hurts to see my country die slowly and steadily after 50 years of self-rule many look back to the late '40s even now it smoulders may burst into flame it hardly matters the new rulers are blind to common man asking a fair share and honest rule everywhere obscenities stare I worry my country is dying with too little democracy too much Hindu and Muslim too much rich and poor.
26 The site readied for anothertest on the sea a Hiroshima in the name of peace politics of dominance poisoning the poor.
27 A slice of my sex forcibly cut I can't void thefear nor explain what it means to be homeless in my own home.
28 The otter watches a duck walking on the frozen river icicles drop bit by bit from a lone tree.
29 The lone fish unmoving at the bottom meditates depth of the pond height of the sun or length of my shadow I can't stand the heat and look for the boudoir.
30 The painted paper-god and Christ on the cross stand on the dawn-coloured wall of my bedroom watching sex, prayers and restlessness each night.
31 Stretched between son and daughter the mother has no time to sleep with husband: crying alone inpain after midnight peeking out at stars.
32 He takes out the letter and writes a poem on its back recalling the last words wind whispered through the few stars still shining in the sky.
33 The sun of knowledge shining through the beer bottle under the neem tree: carousing, singing in praise of gods and ghosts that never drank.
34 The heat inside will reduce with the flow of blood and cactus may bloom in desert of flesh again the heart may feel the wave.
35 Taken out of me the bone of my bones I grow into her and be each night discard the covers seeking each other return to the ancient nest.
36 I wake up with longings of night memories of love melting dropping between secret images becoming still-born poems at midnight redefine her feminine hold in lonely sun.
37 The truth of our togetherness is more real when we lie filling our body with each other silencing sensation.
38 Waving arms of trees conspire with overcast day to drench again the two of us look for shade under leaking umbrella.
39 The smile you weave splits the sun I lose my direction in clouds that cover the banks darkening the white of the lake moon kissed.
40 Sifting days from the past 50 years we two reveal secrets to each other unshared over a drink.
41 The nude reads his skin peeling eyes and curses the crumbled canvas the wrinkling hands couldn't set: she suffers naked burial for simple art crudities.
42 They descend from the ship anchored on her navel to paint sexact on thighs and flowers and vines on breasts before sailing backward tattooed a lingam devouring the sea.
43 Looking at her face for the glint of her nosepin or risk of renku they couldn't finish but form in their eyes together.
44 She thinks a tight bra Makes her look younger: my touch pains the breasts I seek to caress each night she puts me off saying I've ruined her figure authored wrinkles and marks on the thighs and belly with my lust made her suffer back and knee ache et cetera, et cetera and avoids those long kisses that turn her on during the periods challenging my testosterone level for a flush of relief tonight she unhooks whispering the season's end.
45 She complains I've dropped her from my album fragmented memories I wonder how to fill the space between corners with fresh images.
46 Before the foamy water could sting her vulva a jellyfish passed through the crotch making her shy-- the sea whispered a new song.
47 Her eyes wash the kitchenware and the fridge painted last year there's no water but stains impatient as ever even whispers annoy she wipes vermilion over-dusted in alcove incense unuttered prayers the goddess smilesher blessings a hand splits the sun's layers.
48 Raja Rao rightly said " Women, all women, speak poetry whether they are talking of houses or aluminum vessels..
" My wife said this morning Sudha gave birth to a girl-child as she ate tamarind too much the other day when I said she's still a raving beauty she smiled: " There's life in the old bag yet.
" 49 Wrapped in colours they wave the full moon sipping tea in kitty part whisper fresh rumours to share in bed or confound fellow seekers in mushroom field next morning curse the sun for rising early end of mossy dreams dripping new puffballs.
50 To mark or conceal his identity he leaves the fleshly signature on night and blames the sun after years mulching between bites and laughter he boasts he's his own person-- no maso or horny-- but he's no different in restroom if she doesn't mind it between ? peasoup, pee and staple of breasts.
51 Grapes, gin, lime-cordial and poetry of semen stars: it's a changed cocktail before lunch to kill love or touch the heart to change the snake into bird.
52 Unable to clean the cobweb of years he eats the passover meal but forgets to wash the feet: now drinks good friday prayers.
53 Swallowing capsules he trusts in absent healing seeks intercessions to cure allergic asthma and the cyst not contracting.
54 It is not the form or disposition alone but the expression of thought and the movement of body that make her dear to a man of art whose love nature multiplies each time he seeks her congress with worries of an age and ejaculates pleasure.
55 Sharing darkness in more real than action on the screen we stay unfocussed in a corner: whisper the lose lingam on stone ring in the old temple and pink and grey laughter, shafts of sunlight, rain and muddy rubbles, squeezing, curling arms scanning inside, sensing voiceless changes again plan for the day after two hours the same old thoughts and never-ending acts keep flowing like the stream through stones learn the tongues water speaks in clutteredly.
56 I miss the sensuality of night in icy bed the noisy breathing holds no hope: there's no drug to hoodwink time that's ever young or climatic now the needle stabs each time I try to sew the earth and sky or the waves crashing on the belly that was truth the seeds have dried inside no rains can revive the lost world or create anew I can't hook fish with changed position can't push invaders riding the chill to seek meaning in chaos hurt depth of fluid bones that could become magic warmth of sun.
57 I don't know the constitution that happens but the makeup matters: they see her novelty or measure her from the bra over the top I see the rain take off her underwear outside the trousers that challenge liberty and pride: she curls around to hide what she wears inside and reveals much more, her flame and fragmented being the day's fabric in frail linen, dying night and an absence: I see the colour change to cover to make distances from the moral remains and shadows of lowing cows in dried pasture mate with throbbing dreams that look for space in the eyes.
58 I kept watching for some stranger to come and execute one last miracle my hair grayed but no one came I couldn't push time locked in my room.
59 A fear always lurks shapes into nightmares through sleeplessness image loss of love haunting since birth shadows chase featureless but squeamish now hard to make out watery squiggles swimming across the shore.
60 I don't like to get lost in the crowd or remain a non-entity feeling low in my own eyes even if my host is too high to shake hands with I know he won't remember my name or face after reception he'll go west and I'll turn homeward with numb feet in shame perhaps cursing myself for smallness or shrunk before fawning connections and banal shows.
61 Life doesn't end with joys of a day or two: it's long long time of living ups and downs and forgetting the happy and unhappy in a short span and aging with memories that become self in action, our karma moulding the life to come.
62 In the stillness of morning hangs fog like smoke veils her waiting in street I watch my window wavering shadow announcing death.
63 Where will I reach running with gluey feet on gashed earth a relentless sun licks leftover or a dying day.
64 Not that the world I see is different from the world I dreamt or I forget that I'm part of my mother who scolded in love it's often late to realize truth through grains of wheat and petals of blood here the crooked trees and stones dictate the length of fire not extinguished for ages now awaiting justice of the earth and its scammed owners.
65 I wasted my life weaving it into hopes that could never become love or faith: now coping with signs of degeneration there's no magic wand to bring back the lost years -- howsoever unhappy-- the dreams of living were true: even now I seek freedom of a wider world eloped with reality I couldn't change with wishes: the destiny shackles and anonymity shrouds.
66 I couldn't find a charismatic guru so made the idol one looked at the red face any time I needed help and guidance in the silence of my restless mind searched for love and life's purpose my ersatz faith couldn't give: the professional spirituals enraged the soul as I ran into the cave to come out of darkness tricksters encircled the exit steps I could feel the shadows spreading their wings my heart trembled at the shock of the ringing bell now I fear opening my eyes to the sun no iron hands could hold to burn the years' garbage.
67 How long can I grow without roots or make wayfor what is approaching in digital noises I can't be inheritor of arrant cowards smelling the arse on their fingers nor can I be the priest checking the burnt tongues to test criminals stiff with cold I'm tired of animal struggle for survival and last rites in candle light digging cursed treasure for night songs others croon I can't decipher names in smoke nor forget the faces emerging from the matrix of tremors that are islands to shackle feet in silence close the cycle of the waters that feed the sea I feel the lumps hinder and pain now its time to break off and bury the ash in the earth and plant afresh foliage for rains or sun to nurse a destiny I could take pride in 68 My years upon me keep me from finding myself in joys of love-making under a groove of trees or walking down to the stream for a swim together: the valley in greybrown is now a burden I must throw off before the woes of collapse.
69 I want to burn the fallen leaves but fear the flame will hurt the trees I can't stand the stench rains bring the backyard is too big to clean I can't rescue my habitat nor trim the trees for better light this all reflects the shambles made for disco of convenience why regret burial by taunting helplessness now? 70 The earth won't wait for my dust nor the sky hold rains till I descend and someone places a stone to remind how I couldn't live my wild ambition and destiny couldn't leap to being I was not.
71 I wish I had the freedom to breathe a moment more or less but I live my ignorance each moment challenging myself its no spiritual claptrap but a blind can't lead the blinds: my poems without body can't breathe the spirit I want to feel.
72 I seek images for my wordless experiences in loneliness commune for meaning in the world lessen lonesomeness for a moment and again suffer the same angst and frustration of failure in haiku silence.
73 The poet doesn't know when words become poetry or what he intends to say he just says what he says knitting together thoughts ideas, feelings and memories into a form which looks good at the first glance creating more meanings in readers' consciousness that each one sees different sense denying complete absorption yet thrilling the spirit so much that they read it again and again and be one with the poet.
74 Frazzled at the day's end when I smell her flesh she curses my knots and the two decades of living the same routine in kitchen and bed and nowhere to go in shameless convenience I release my tensions: she kicks my image in the little pool of blood and buries sex.
75 What is this world with PCs, internet, e-com robots and cloning the moon and mars remain lifeless as here without roads, power and house they dream I T satellites, aerospace and silence cries for water honest bread and peace the hungry billions seek no hi-tech slavery the global cheats promote liberal economy stealthily purvey rights and environment with politics of control doom the future.
2 The blank space between words is the burnt skin of time I couldn't paint: they stole the colours and brush of the eyes.
3 There is no mirror to reflect the soul except the acts one performs and motives that guide utterances or gifts given to remember the last dance which test fear and sincerity in aloneness it pricks one admits or brushes aside love shines the face in all seasons in each land places the self binds with its own light mirrors soul.
4 I don't know how to follow the ridges back to the trail and the dead river but stand for a moment to rub the sand from my feet before worrying about the lost vitality and fear of the approaching night and rising smoke dissolving in the sky or conspiring with elements hardly in balance but contorting the psyche.
I don't know what is there for me to hope when the rains rejuvenate and flood both the repulsive stench and the loss of pathways linger longer than the flavour of the first drops under the tree the puddle feeds no sparrows but algae that couldn't dry now trap tiny souls that fail to swell with heaven's breath.
5 Concealing mourning in twilight gaze he explores the shaping nightmares: colours of the rainbow guard the beasts at the day's entrance.
6 They all walk with wounded feet seeking remedies remain disturbed bargaining small pleasures in smallness taint sun and moon and leap backward calling others turds surrender to creatures created in impulse unhealed, dance alone making moments more scary.
7 Looking for Taj in grains through sand-storm find history trapped between the toes bleeding fingers draw new domes of betrayal in windy matrices.
8 Nobody bothers beheading women and children with chainsaw in the name of God Algerians torch their own watan while in Zaire barbarians mull sex of God and angels and soldiers loot whatever they can to prolong war like the Talibanswho must spread their values and shun truce for power in the name of God turn the clock backward imposing ordeals of all sorts next door political fanatics in the name of social justice close eyes to sadhus killing housewives teachers raping girls in classroom and hoodlums burning women in slums.
9 Their rites of burning incense, camphor, aloes, musks match nuptial baptism by sprinkling burnt nail parings three eyelashes, seven head hairs, seven pubic hairs on her viands while he gets the fare of crushed lion- penises, cock's testicles and goat sperm to deflower maid with or without mantra or sacrifice ataltar can't ensure Shiva's virility uniting all the elements through earth nor liberate the first night in bed elaborate genital enthusiasm overflowing love tender interlude? 10 The traps hidden in the candle flame arethe cageswe make and unmake to chart the future and yet fear the emergency light at night dream the concerns of slinky colleagues and how to police their freedom against owls, monkeys and bandicoots that howl at each move to the lee and yet pretend our poses intact through several byways reach victory stand breath by breath conspire against ourselves only to hear the echoes that rise or die down in silence the twangs of memory reveal the pit dug over the year or theearth fermented with imaginary gains.
11 With sweat dripping down his legs he stands under the gulmohur waits for the sun to be less cruel at noon even his shadow seethes in hot wind he thinks how he'll cross the whole bridge with dust blowing over him every time a truck or car passes by ridiculing his being and the drying river oozing more sand than promises of water to drink when clouds burst in a month washing away his shanty and all save memories.
12 Telling lies as truth at my door they plant innocent graves and taint their tongues with messiah's blood: they all aspire to godhood without cross who can redeem their acts: I'm no god or godfather to sacrifice sun, spring, moon, morning breeze or rain nor any gods oflove visit my house but it grieves to see so many martyrs awaiting resurrection the short way.
13 The city shouts at anonymous strangers seeking sojourn against puzzling hedgehog and expectant past sticking future with choked geniuses unable to flush their own muck but embarrassed by lunar dust fallen from nowhere stories prop to trigger riots all around known and unknown faces bleed alike and they bury histories or blame informers hired to spread myths for non-payment cause shame to their own kins and their own land turn epiphytic.
14 The morning in Banaras along the Ganges is no longer fresh: smell of urine dried and fresh excrement merge with smoke, sweat and stench of the rotting river with eyes closed or open it's only the sight of sexless genitals or half-burnt bodies that incite no nirvana now infested with viruses unknown to the city dharma is eaten by vultures in the streets and the river awaits new birth dream broker promise in convulsion of lust.
15 A crow picking sperms from his mouth to feed anger of an unwed mother gang rapedin the temple dumb deity couldn't father the broken lives.
16 Drinking evening star blue green patterns before eyes no meditation no god visits to forgive the sinning soul in quietude.
17 Seven times he moves round the vermilion god under the peepal sprinkling water to escape the malefic Saturn.
18 Preaching Hinduism they've lost God for politics pull down churches shed crocodile tears killing the priest they kill truth: pseudo seculars.
19 Naked children crowd as I pass through the alleys between smelly slums: dogs bark to alert them to the presence of a stranger.
20 Wild flowers everywhere: out of the cracks in the cement and plastic-covered tin roofs-- drains demarcate their spread no matter uprooted again and again they've nowhere else to grow in a city sinking under its own weight.
21 The bamboo garden we picnicked and made love in is now a concrete managing environment and pollution control.
22 More wintry shades with sudden end of the sun: the roof leaks again unmasking the match clouds play with the dying each day: piles of frozen heads.
23 Their loose tattle or loitering on the street changes nothing not even the hand they wave to penetrate the body surging like a wave they image in the air and end up wriggling worms hiding through the thick hedges digging the dark undergrowth.
24 He couldn't change his caste so he changed the religion yet they didn't change nor could his small world: the jackals, foxes and crows couldn't comfort the unease of enlightenment with sky as a coverlet for gods the cage still pursues in search of a bird and he fights his battle alone in hope of the sun.
25 It hurts to see my country die slowly and steadily after 50 years of self-rule many look back to the late '40s even now it smoulders may burst into flame it hardly matters the new rulers are blind to common man asking a fair share and honest rule everywhere obscenities stare I worry my country is dying with too little democracy too much Hindu and Muslim too much rich and poor.
26 The site readied for anothertest on the sea a Hiroshima in the name of peace politics of dominance poisoning the poor.
27 A slice of my sex forcibly cut I can't void thefear nor explain what it means to be homeless in my own home.
28 The otter watches a duck walking on the frozen river icicles drop bit by bit from a lone tree.
29 The lone fish unmoving at the bottom meditates depth of the pond height of the sun or length of my shadow I can't stand the heat and look for the boudoir.
30 The painted paper-god and Christ on the cross stand on the dawn-coloured wall of my bedroom watching sex, prayers and restlessness each night.
31 Stretched between son and daughter the mother has no time to sleep with husband: crying alone inpain after midnight peeking out at stars.
32 He takes out the letter and writes a poem on its back recalling the last words wind whispered through the few stars still shining in the sky.
33 The sun of knowledge shining through the beer bottle under the neem tree: carousing, singing in praise of gods and ghosts that never drank.
34 The heat inside will reduce with the flow of blood and cactus may bloom in desert of flesh again the heart may feel the wave.
35 Taken out of me the bone of my bones I grow into her and be each night discard the covers seeking each other return to the ancient nest.
36 I wake up with longings of night memories of love melting dropping between secret images becoming still-born poems at midnight redefine her feminine hold in lonely sun.
37 The truth of our togetherness is more real when we lie filling our body with each other silencing sensation.
38 Waving arms of trees conspire with overcast day to drench again the two of us look for shade under leaking umbrella.
39 The smile you weave splits the sun I lose my direction in clouds that cover the banks darkening the white of the lake moon kissed.
40 Sifting days from the past 50 years we two reveal secrets to each other unshared over a drink.
41 The nude reads his skin peeling eyes and curses the crumbled canvas the wrinkling hands couldn't set: she suffers naked burial for simple art crudities.
42 They descend from the ship anchored on her navel to paint sexact on thighs and flowers and vines on breasts before sailing backward tattooed a lingam devouring the sea.
43 Looking at her face for the glint of her nosepin or risk of renku they couldn't finish but form in their eyes together.
44 She thinks a tight bra Makes her look younger: my touch pains the breasts I seek to caress each night she puts me off saying I've ruined her figure authored wrinkles and marks on the thighs and belly with my lust made her suffer back and knee ache et cetera, et cetera and avoids those long kisses that turn her on during the periods challenging my testosterone level for a flush of relief tonight she unhooks whispering the season's end.
45 She complains I've dropped her from my album fragmented memories I wonder how to fill the space between corners with fresh images.
46 Before the foamy water could sting her vulva a jellyfish passed through the crotch making her shy-- the sea whispered a new song.
47 Her eyes wash the kitchenware and the fridge painted last year there's no water but stains impatient as ever even whispers annoy she wipes vermilion over-dusted in alcove incense unuttered prayers the goddess smilesher blessings a hand splits the sun's layers.
48 Raja Rao rightly said " Women, all women, speak poetry whether they are talking of houses or aluminum vessels..
" My wife said this morning Sudha gave birth to a girl-child as she ate tamarind too much the other day when I said she's still a raving beauty she smiled: " There's life in the old bag yet.
" 49 Wrapped in colours they wave the full moon sipping tea in kitty part whisper fresh rumours to share in bed or confound fellow seekers in mushroom field next morning curse the sun for rising early end of mossy dreams dripping new puffballs.
50 To mark or conceal his identity he leaves the fleshly signature on night and blames the sun after years mulching between bites and laughter he boasts he's his own person-- no maso or horny-- but he's no different in restroom if she doesn't mind it between ? peasoup, pee and staple of breasts.
51 Grapes, gin, lime-cordial and poetry of semen stars: it's a changed cocktail before lunch to kill love or touch the heart to change the snake into bird.
52 Unable to clean the cobweb of years he eats the passover meal but forgets to wash the feet: now drinks good friday prayers.
53 Swallowing capsules he trusts in absent healing seeks intercessions to cure allergic asthma and the cyst not contracting.
54 It is not the form or disposition alone but the expression of thought and the movement of body that make her dear to a man of art whose love nature multiplies each time he seeks her congress with worries of an age and ejaculates pleasure.
55 Sharing darkness in more real than action on the screen we stay unfocussed in a corner: whisper the lose lingam on stone ring in the old temple and pink and grey laughter, shafts of sunlight, rain and muddy rubbles, squeezing, curling arms scanning inside, sensing voiceless changes again plan for the day after two hours the same old thoughts and never-ending acts keep flowing like the stream through stones learn the tongues water speaks in clutteredly.
56 I miss the sensuality of night in icy bed the noisy breathing holds no hope: there's no drug to hoodwink time that's ever young or climatic now the needle stabs each time I try to sew the earth and sky or the waves crashing on the belly that was truth the seeds have dried inside no rains can revive the lost world or create anew I can't hook fish with changed position can't push invaders riding the chill to seek meaning in chaos hurt depth of fluid bones that could become magic warmth of sun.
57 I don't know the constitution that happens but the makeup matters: they see her novelty or measure her from the bra over the top I see the rain take off her underwear outside the trousers that challenge liberty and pride: she curls around to hide what she wears inside and reveals much more, her flame and fragmented being the day's fabric in frail linen, dying night and an absence: I see the colour change to cover to make distances from the moral remains and shadows of lowing cows in dried pasture mate with throbbing dreams that look for space in the eyes.
58 I kept watching for some stranger to come and execute one last miracle my hair grayed but no one came I couldn't push time locked in my room.
59 A fear always lurks shapes into nightmares through sleeplessness image loss of love haunting since birth shadows chase featureless but squeamish now hard to make out watery squiggles swimming across the shore.
60 I don't like to get lost in the crowd or remain a non-entity feeling low in my own eyes even if my host is too high to shake hands with I know he won't remember my name or face after reception he'll go west and I'll turn homeward with numb feet in shame perhaps cursing myself for smallness or shrunk before fawning connections and banal shows.
61 Life doesn't end with joys of a day or two: it's long long time of living ups and downs and forgetting the happy and unhappy in a short span and aging with memories that become self in action, our karma moulding the life to come.
62 In the stillness of morning hangs fog like smoke veils her waiting in street I watch my window wavering shadow announcing death.
63 Where will I reach running with gluey feet on gashed earth a relentless sun licks leftover or a dying day.
64 Not that the world I see is different from the world I dreamt or I forget that I'm part of my mother who scolded in love it's often late to realize truth through grains of wheat and petals of blood here the crooked trees and stones dictate the length of fire not extinguished for ages now awaiting justice of the earth and its scammed owners.
65 I wasted my life weaving it into hopes that could never become love or faith: now coping with signs of degeneration there's no magic wand to bring back the lost years -- howsoever unhappy-- the dreams of living were true: even now I seek freedom of a wider world eloped with reality I couldn't change with wishes: the destiny shackles and anonymity shrouds.
66 I couldn't find a charismatic guru so made the idol one looked at the red face any time I needed help and guidance in the silence of my restless mind searched for love and life's purpose my ersatz faith couldn't give: the professional spirituals enraged the soul as I ran into the cave to come out of darkness tricksters encircled the exit steps I could feel the shadows spreading their wings my heart trembled at the shock of the ringing bell now I fear opening my eyes to the sun no iron hands could hold to burn the years' garbage.
67 How long can I grow without roots or make wayfor what is approaching in digital noises I can't be inheritor of arrant cowards smelling the arse on their fingers nor can I be the priest checking the burnt tongues to test criminals stiff with cold I'm tired of animal struggle for survival and last rites in candle light digging cursed treasure for night songs others croon I can't decipher names in smoke nor forget the faces emerging from the matrix of tremors that are islands to shackle feet in silence close the cycle of the waters that feed the sea I feel the lumps hinder and pain now its time to break off and bury the ash in the earth and plant afresh foliage for rains or sun to nurse a destiny I could take pride in 68 My years upon me keep me from finding myself in joys of love-making under a groove of trees or walking down to the stream for a swim together: the valley in greybrown is now a burden I must throw off before the woes of collapse.
69 I want to burn the fallen leaves but fear the flame will hurt the trees I can't stand the stench rains bring the backyard is too big to clean I can't rescue my habitat nor trim the trees for better light this all reflects the shambles made for disco of convenience why regret burial by taunting helplessness now? 70 The earth won't wait for my dust nor the sky hold rains till I descend and someone places a stone to remind how I couldn't live my wild ambition and destiny couldn't leap to being I was not.
71 I wish I had the freedom to breathe a moment more or less but I live my ignorance each moment challenging myself its no spiritual claptrap but a blind can't lead the blinds: my poems without body can't breathe the spirit I want to feel.
72 I seek images for my wordless experiences in loneliness commune for meaning in the world lessen lonesomeness for a moment and again suffer the same angst and frustration of failure in haiku silence.
73 The poet doesn't know when words become poetry or what he intends to say he just says what he says knitting together thoughts ideas, feelings and memories into a form which looks good at the first glance creating more meanings in readers' consciousness that each one sees different sense denying complete absorption yet thrilling the spirit so much that they read it again and again and be one with the poet.
74 Frazzled at the day's end when I smell her flesh she curses my knots and the two decades of living the same routine in kitchen and bed and nowhere to go in shameless convenience I release my tensions: she kicks my image in the little pool of blood and buries sex.
75 What is this world with PCs, internet, e-com robots and cloning the moon and mars remain lifeless as here without roads, power and house they dream I T satellites, aerospace and silence cries for water honest bread and peace the hungry billions seek no hi-tech slavery the global cheats promote liberal economy stealthily purvey rights and environment with politics of control doom the future.