Unfair Hunting
From a semantic standpoint, unfair is such a relative term. If you depend on wild game for food, its a necessity to take the life of a being outside your own species. Those who hunt for the sport of it should do so in an ethical manner. Only kill when you plan some good use for your prey. Eating is tops, but some folks are trophy-oriented. Thats ducky. No need to beat yourself-up because you like to support your neighborhood taxidermist.
In most states, theres somewhat of a need to thin the herds. No one wants to go back to the days of huts and caves. Civilization expands. The places that were once homes to deer, water fowl and the like are now single family dwellings. Farmlands have flipped from managed open space to multi-storied industrial complexes and apartment buildings. What was once a forest is now a shopping mall. It happens.
Ninety-nine Percent
An enormous majority of hunters have grown into citizens that have honorable and ethical standards when the season rolls around. As they load their spaniels into crates, heading to the blind, they have a code that is advocated by a group called Hunt Fair Chase. Reasonable things to follow when you head into the wild green yonder:
Dont give hunters a bad name by screwing up in the wilderness. People are always looking for some excuse to slam those who do bad things whether theyre hunters or ballerinas. Keep your nose clean.
Adopt a personal code. This should be your template to good behavior. You still want to enjoy the hunt. Just dont dishonor everyone else who are following the rules. Like your mother used to say, Dont mess things up for the rest of us.
Its sadistic to let the prey suffer. Take your best shot to ensure that the loss of life is quick. Once on the scene, take-out the animal if it continues to struggle. Thats the most humane thing you can do.
There are hunting laws for a reason. Follow them.
Traveling to another part of the state for the hunt? Think of the local-yokels. How would you like it if strangers piled-up in your neck-of-the-woods and showed no respect?
Lets hit on the ethical side of the matter. As a hunter you should never take an animal under these circumstances:
oKilling an animal from a plane or helicopter is really unfair. Who do you think you are, a former Governor from Alaska?
oYou chase the beast in a motorized vehicle and herd it for the kill.
oYou are not a commando in Afghanistan, O.K.? Leave the walkie-talkies at home. The only electronics you should bring into the field should be a GPS unit or an electronic dog collar. No iPods, please.
oIf the prey is trapped in a confined, artificially fenced area, thats not sport. Thats killing for the sake of killing. You should be ashamed of yourself. There are places where this behavior is practiced. This is your call, but some think this is cheating.
oDont ever drug the beast unless your intention is to capture and release the critter in a new location. And if you do that, you really need to take a professional with you. Like a vet.
oIs the animal helpless in anyway a deer in the water, trapped in the brush or snow? Give it up.
Youre a sportsman, not some rabid monster, frothing at the mouth, willing to destroy everything in your path for a few kicks. Act like an adult. A responsible grown-up. Think of what your minister would say if he or she saw you in the woods doing bad things to Gods creatures.
You dont want to be next weeks sermon.
In most states, theres somewhat of a need to thin the herds. No one wants to go back to the days of huts and caves. Civilization expands. The places that were once homes to deer, water fowl and the like are now single family dwellings. Farmlands have flipped from managed open space to multi-storied industrial complexes and apartment buildings. What was once a forest is now a shopping mall. It happens.
Ninety-nine Percent
An enormous majority of hunters have grown into citizens that have honorable and ethical standards when the season rolls around. As they load their spaniels into crates, heading to the blind, they have a code that is advocated by a group called Hunt Fair Chase. Reasonable things to follow when you head into the wild green yonder:
Dont give hunters a bad name by screwing up in the wilderness. People are always looking for some excuse to slam those who do bad things whether theyre hunters or ballerinas. Keep your nose clean.
Adopt a personal code. This should be your template to good behavior. You still want to enjoy the hunt. Just dont dishonor everyone else who are following the rules. Like your mother used to say, Dont mess things up for the rest of us.
Its sadistic to let the prey suffer. Take your best shot to ensure that the loss of life is quick. Once on the scene, take-out the animal if it continues to struggle. Thats the most humane thing you can do.
There are hunting laws for a reason. Follow them.
Traveling to another part of the state for the hunt? Think of the local-yokels. How would you like it if strangers piled-up in your neck-of-the-woods and showed no respect?
Lets hit on the ethical side of the matter. As a hunter you should never take an animal under these circumstances:
oKilling an animal from a plane or helicopter is really unfair. Who do you think you are, a former Governor from Alaska?
oYou chase the beast in a motorized vehicle and herd it for the kill.
oYou are not a commando in Afghanistan, O.K.? Leave the walkie-talkies at home. The only electronics you should bring into the field should be a GPS unit or an electronic dog collar. No iPods, please.
oIf the prey is trapped in a confined, artificially fenced area, thats not sport. Thats killing for the sake of killing. You should be ashamed of yourself. There are places where this behavior is practiced. This is your call, but some think this is cheating.
oDont ever drug the beast unless your intention is to capture and release the critter in a new location. And if you do that, you really need to take a professional with you. Like a vet.
oIs the animal helpless in anyway a deer in the water, trapped in the brush or snow? Give it up.
Youre a sportsman, not some rabid monster, frothing at the mouth, willing to destroy everything in your path for a few kicks. Act like an adult. A responsible grown-up. Think of what your minister would say if he or she saw you in the woods doing bad things to Gods creatures.
You dont want to be next weeks sermon.