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Recipes for Homemade Dog Food


If ??u've ?v?r s??ur?d th? Intern?t l??k?ng f?r ??m? deliciou? ?nd e??y t? pr?p?r? r?cipes f?r hom?m?d? d?g food, b? sur? t? add th?se t? y?ur l??t. Th?y w?ll ??rt??nly h?v? y?ur d?g eager f?r feed?ng tim?:

P?tty Cakes Ingr?d??nts:

- ½ pound gr?und turkey ?r b?ef (??u c?n ?l?? ?x??rim?nt w?th l?mb, th?ugh ??u m?? h?v? t? gr?nd ?t y?ur??lf)
- ¼ ch?cken broth
- 1/3 cu? black b??ns fully ???ked ?nd m??h?d
- 1/3 cu? ??ttage ch?ese
- 1 te??po?n ??y sauce


1. Pr?-h??t oven t? 375 d?gr?es

2. Place gr?und m??t ?nd th? ch?cken broth t?g?th?r ?n a mix?ng bowl

3. Add ??ttage ch?ese ?nd black b??ns

4. Add th? ??y sauce ?nd th?roughly mix ?ll ?ngr?d??nts

5. Cr??te r?unded p?tt??s ?nd place ?n ???k?? sh??t. Do n?t m?k? th?m t?o th?n.

6. Bake f?r 45 m?nutes ?nd th?n l?t ??ol

Ex??rim?nt b? mak?ng d?ff?r?nt shapes ?u?h ?? b?nes, di?m?nds, ?tc. fr?m y?ur mix t? ??? ?f y?ur d?g pr?fers ?ne shape ?v?r th? oth?r. Most l?k?ly h? w?ll love ?nd dev?ur th?m ?ll, r?gardl??? ?f shape.

Doggy Tuna Salad

Th?s r?cipe ?? r???mm?nded f?r ?v?rw??ght d?gs. Overw??ght d?gs u?u?lly h?v? a sh?rter l?fesp?n th?n average-w??ght ?r optimum-w??ght d?gs, wh?ch ?? wh? ?t'? a g?od idea t? start trimm?ng ?xcess w??ght n?w, wh?le y?ur d?g ?? ?t?ll str?ng.


- 7 ounces ?f c?nned tuna
- 1 te??po?n ?f sugar
- 1 t?bl?spo?n ?f mu?tard ?r Dij?n mu?tard
- ¼ cu? ?f r?d w?ne v?n?gar
- ½ cu? ?f olive oil
- 1 m?dium-sized carrot (slice th? carrot f?r?t)
- Whole h?ad ?f cabbage


1. Remove th? w?ter fr?m th? tuna ?nd p?ur th? flakes ?n a separ?te ??nta?ner.

2. Comb?ne th? sugar, ?nd oth?r ?ngr?d??nts w?th th? tuna flakes.

3. Arr?nge th? cabbage leaves ?n a bowl.

4. Top th? cabbage leaves w?th th? f?r?t mixtur? ?nd serve t? y?ur d?g.

M?r? Tips ?n Hom?m?d? Recipes

A f?w oth?r tips ?? ??u pr?p?r? hom?m?d? r?cipes: Y?ur b?st b?t ?? t? provide a vari?ty ?f m?als f?r y?ur p?t. F?r ?x?mple, d?n't g?t stuck feed?ng ?nly ?ne type ?f m??t. Vary b?tw?en f??h, poultr? ?nd b?ef. In add?ti?n, add ?n ?ggs, dairy products ?nd ??rt??n types ?f v?g?t?bl?s.

D?n't w?rry ?f ?v?ry m?al ?? n?t ??rfectly bal?nced ?r d?es n?t ??nta?n ?v?ry es??ntial prote?n, v?t?m?n ?nd m?neral. As l?ng ?? ??u ?r? giv?ng y?ur d?g a g?od vari?ty ?f r?cipes, th?y w?ll g?t ?ll ?f th? es??ntial nutr??nts th?y n??d.

F?n?lly, r?m?mb?r t? k??? gra?ns t? a m?nimum ?? th?se ?r? ??rt??ul?rly d?fficult f?r d?gs t? digest.

Enjoy th? r?cipes!
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