Properly Socialize Your Shih Tzu With Big Dogs And Tiny Children
Though a Shih Tzu is quite smaller than most other dogs at the dog park, your dog would love you to take him or her out for some socializing with other canines. Indeed, this is most important when they are small puppies so that they can grow up without harboring irrational fears of other dogs, new people and strange situations. However, it is very important that you manage such new situations as often as possible while your Shih Tzu is still an impressionable young puppy, otherwise trying such adventures might have a disastrous outcome if attempted in adulthood.
Perhaps the single best reason to make certain your Shih Tzu is a well-socialized as a puppy is to prevent them from developing a habit of fear-biting. Such dogs are not trustworthy because they are so frightened, and being dogs, they lead with their teeth is such situations that are too tense for them to comprehend. Obviously, you will want your Shih Tzu to be a companion that you can take with you in any type of situation.
As a result, there are many things you can do to initiate the dog being in contact with other people. For example, make it a point to take your dog to new places, even it is just a bit new, each day for the first three months you have him or her. This may simply mean taking a new corner at the same park you have always visited, but it is highly important that new smells, new people and new environments are incorporated as much as possible, so that your dog comes to expect new things happening on a regular basis.
Of course, some dogs that encounter your Shih Tzu will not be as nearly mindful of your small dogs limbs and livelihood as you are. It is your duty and responsibility to be somewhat of a tour guide for your dogs first foray into the outside world.
This does not mean that you should pick up your Shih Tzu every time a larger dog approaches. As a matter of fact, this is just about one of the worst things you can do, this just reinforces the mind frame that it is okay to be intimidated and freaked out when a larger dog comes near.
It is a much better idea to manage the encounter by verifying with the other dogs owner to find out if the dog is friendly or not. If not, you can simply guide your Shih Tzu onto another course and walk on the other side of the sidewalk. If the other dog is friendly, allow them to meet and greet each other the way dogs do.
In fact when it comes time to meet other dogs, it is best to let them be as noisy as they want and settle things on their own. Dominance is not something that has to do with the size of a dog, as far as canines are concerned. Though Shih Tzus do not lean towards dominance, males of the breed may sometimes exert dominance over a subordinate dog of any size or breed. Regardless of where your Shih Tzu lands in the canine hierarchy, there will be loud noises, try to not be concerned; it is just dogs learning how to establish a pecking order.
Of course when meeting small children for the very first time, you will have to be more careful than you would with other dogs. Unlike other dogs, small children cannot judge when to stop tugging, pulling, hitting or whatever else they are doing. An unsupervised visit between a Shih Tzu and a small child should not be allowed. Shih Tzus and small children normally become fast friends, however you just need to supervise the situation and exert caution and care.
Perhaps the single best reason to make certain your Shih Tzu is a well-socialized as a puppy is to prevent them from developing a habit of fear-biting. Such dogs are not trustworthy because they are so frightened, and being dogs, they lead with their teeth is such situations that are too tense for them to comprehend. Obviously, you will want your Shih Tzu to be a companion that you can take with you in any type of situation.
As a result, there are many things you can do to initiate the dog being in contact with other people. For example, make it a point to take your dog to new places, even it is just a bit new, each day for the first three months you have him or her. This may simply mean taking a new corner at the same park you have always visited, but it is highly important that new smells, new people and new environments are incorporated as much as possible, so that your dog comes to expect new things happening on a regular basis.
Of course, some dogs that encounter your Shih Tzu will not be as nearly mindful of your small dogs limbs and livelihood as you are. It is your duty and responsibility to be somewhat of a tour guide for your dogs first foray into the outside world.
This does not mean that you should pick up your Shih Tzu every time a larger dog approaches. As a matter of fact, this is just about one of the worst things you can do, this just reinforces the mind frame that it is okay to be intimidated and freaked out when a larger dog comes near.
It is a much better idea to manage the encounter by verifying with the other dogs owner to find out if the dog is friendly or not. If not, you can simply guide your Shih Tzu onto another course and walk on the other side of the sidewalk. If the other dog is friendly, allow them to meet and greet each other the way dogs do.
In fact when it comes time to meet other dogs, it is best to let them be as noisy as they want and settle things on their own. Dominance is not something that has to do with the size of a dog, as far as canines are concerned. Though Shih Tzus do not lean towards dominance, males of the breed may sometimes exert dominance over a subordinate dog of any size or breed. Regardless of where your Shih Tzu lands in the canine hierarchy, there will be loud noises, try to not be concerned; it is just dogs learning how to establish a pecking order.
Of course when meeting small children for the very first time, you will have to be more careful than you would with other dogs. Unlike other dogs, small children cannot judge when to stop tugging, pulling, hitting or whatever else they are doing. An unsupervised visit between a Shih Tzu and a small child should not be allowed. Shih Tzus and small children normally become fast friends, however you just need to supervise the situation and exert caution and care.